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3 good zappers to choose from! T2, Para, Jaguar
anunnaki Views: 2,870
Published: 21 y
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3 good zappers to choose from! T2, Para, Jaguar

Well the zapper which most enjoy and recommend for speed of healing and definately portability is the Terminator from Don Croft with the ORgone extras. This little piece of kit has dont some excellent work all over especially in Africa where it was given with solar panels to the locals for helping with HIV etc. I use one and would highly recommend this unit. Or get the copy from Africa called the Silverado De Luxe which is the only copy allowed by the Terminator Inventor.

If you want a unit with electrodes and wires which can be a pain sometimes then look up the Parazapper. I dont know much on this device but seems the people behind it do their homework with oscilloscope measurements etc. Check up on this yourself. The guy is on this forum now and again.

I found an excellent zapper for intestinal flukes and critters which are hard to reach. Its sold by Jaguar Enterprises but its definately not cheap. It is very high powered and works very fast also but more faster on the hard to reach intestinal parasites.

I personally would go for the T2 and if you had the money the Jaguar zapper as a combination using both.

Terminator or Silverado De Luxe 60-110$
Parazapper 62+$
parasite Zapper 750$




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