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Re: Tapeworm Skin Without the Worm - help!
MS2786 Views: 12,618
Published: 22 y
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Re: Tapeworm Skin Without the Worm - help!

Thank you for the protocol - all that you have done for yourself sounds wonderful.
I especially want to do a long extended fast when it feels right. My Dad has always believed in fasting and it truly is what saved my life.

My Grandma is also a victim of doctors. She died when I was a child of an unknown cause. She was completely wasted when she died. She was skin and bone and had a pot belly. She had anorexia, headaches, and severe nervous problems. She had complete testing at Stanford University (except for parasites I'm sure) and they said nothing was wrong with her. I believe she had parasites too, but the doctors failed to see it. My story is a happy one in comparsion to hers.

Thanks again for the protocol and the juicing suggestions. I understand that veges can be as dangerous as undercooked meat if not washed properly. I have read to wash all veges in 1 tbs of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water. I plan on doing this when I don't cook my veges.



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