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Can you feel them???
healthie Views: 10,097
Published: 20 y

Can you feel them???

Hi! I just started a parasite cleanse ( Hulda Clark 's version of the three basic herbs), and I am not sure if I have become overparanoid or if I can actually feel something twitching at different places in my stomach area. I did not feel this so much before I was suspicious of the parasites, which makes me think that maybe the intellect has gotten the better of me. Is it possible to actually feel the parasites? Strangely enough, I have been praying to see evidence of parasites in the toilet because if it is not parasites then I am out of ideas. Do you know by what day I could expect to see something come out? Today is Day 4 and unfortunately I just gave in to a Sugar craving so I probably negated most of the progress I made.

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