I have been doing parasite cleanses and just did a Liver Flush but I feel like I have stirred up a hornets nest. I feel little feet kicking all inside. I did Hulda Clark s and paragones then liver flush. When I lay down it feels like maybe around or in heart. Heart flutters and such. I even thought I felt one slither across my heart. Anyway I want them Gone! Gone! Gone. I went and bought olive leaf extract because I read they kill tape worm and other things anyway to get it started as I didn't have any idea how much to take I took 5 pills all at once. I felt sick and nauseated and hurt all over, muscle aches and pains. dropped down that to 2 three times per day anyway these little maybe big critters keep kicking all over and scaring me to death. Anyone else experience this. I feel like they are all over even in my muscles. The heart flutters really scare me afraid to lay down now. always happens then. Should I keep up the parasite cleanse with the heart flutters? I am perplexed. Want to buy a zapper but can't until the end of the month. If you had it this bad please let me know what happened and how you got rid of these. Oh skin feels creepy crawly to now. Unreal! Please help?