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annunuki reptilians disinformation!
Chaz Views: 8,559
Published: 20 y

annunuki reptilians disinformation!

Does this sound familiar? While mad dogs howl at the moon the fox raids the hen house!

Reptilians as Disinformation

I find it rather odd that this reptilian business is relatively new to the field of UFO research. I was a bit of a UFO buff in the early 70s, as a child. I never read a single mention of reptilian phenomenon. This is perplexing, considering the proliferation of reptilian stories being bandied about now.

As near as I can tell, belief in reptilian aliens snowballed with the release of David Icke’s “The Biggest Secret”. As it turns out, an associate of Mr. Icke’s has an interesting story to tell regarding the genesis of that publication.

The colleague, to hear him tell the tale, has been ostracized for asking questions regarding the source of some of the book’s most controversial material, Arizona Wilder. Ms. Wilder (not her real name), was put in touch with Mr. Icke as he was writing his seminal work. It really is a fascinating book that runs the gamut from Freemasonry to the New World Order to (gulp) reptilians.

Ms. Wilder, it seems, confirmed to Mr. Icke many of the ideas contained in his then unreleased, unfinished manuscript. It was as if she had already read it, the aid claims. And it was Ms. Wilder, he continues, that introduced the idea of reptilian aliens to Mr. Icke.

The implication is that some one leaked or stole Mr. Icke’s manuscript, and sent Ms. Wilder in as a plant. This theory, of course, assumes Mr. Icke was important enough in the minds of certain people to be targeted. I suppose that is not outside the realm of possibility.

The whole reptilian scenario reminds me uncomfortably about qualms I had with the work of the late, great Mr. William Cooper. Mr. Cooper revealed a lot of factual, damaging information regarding our secret government. However, he interspersed it with details about Nazi flying saucers, bases on the dark side of the moon, and alien-military interactions.
I cannot definitively say such things are not true, of course. But I believe mixing aliens in with known government actions tends to make the whole thing less believable in the minds of the average reader. In other words, disinformation designed to discredit other Conspiracy research.

We see this occurring with 9/11 research, which has become rife with theories regarding holograms and advanced weaponry, to the detriment of more sober examinations, such as the extremely thorough work of individuals such as Mr. Dick Eastman.
Imagine some people did view the release of Mr. Icke’s next book with some trepidation. What better way to taint his research than with false stories about shape-shifting reptilian aliens?

Perhaps that is why David Icke, Arizona Wilder and Cathy O’Brien are allowed to say in words and print that the President and Vice-President of the U.S. are child-molesting, shape-shifting reptilians. These stories take the focus away from real-world, known issues concerning our world leaders, and instead present stories which are viewed as ludicrous by the general public.
Of course, there is credible evidence of child sex involving world leaders that was revealed in what is known as The Franklin Cover-up. Throwing reptilians into the mix only instills doubt in the minds of many. That, I feel, may be a grave disservice to the world.

Consider the evidence presented in favor of reptilians: anecdotal, at best. Certainly, the ancient people and religions of the world told tales involving reptiles. Or, more specifically, snakes. But this is scarcely surprising when you consider how dangerous snakes must have been in ancient times: no doctors or hospitals, no anti-venin. Snakes were representative of all their darkest fears, it would seem.

I concede that there is an interesting body of work out there regarding the possibility of reptilian aliens. But as I have told my own children to allay their fears of the dark, the monster you need to fear most is human. Hearsay evidence doesn’t hold up in a court of law, and neither should mere supposition influence our belief systems to a large degree.
To better illustrate the concept of reptilians as disinformation, I highly suggest you read “The Greenbaum Lecture”, available online. This speech details several aspects of trauma-induced mind control, which we know is effective - it was used on American soldiers in the Korean War.

If human beings are indeed traumatized via electroshock and Demerol to instill behavioral patterns and belief systems, and are used as sex slaves, what better way to instill doubt as to the veracity of their tales than by introducing false memories regarding alien abductions? Claim you were abducted and raped by military personnel, and few would doubt it. But say it was “greys” or “reptilians”, and your credibility goes out the window. And that would benefit these human monsters to no end.

It seems we are rather damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. If the reptilian researchers are incorrect, an enormous amount of time and effort has been wasted chasing phantoms. And if they are correct, I rather doubt there is much we can do about it anyway.

As always, I keep an open mind, and continue to research these things. But I don’t believe we should allow our thought processes to become too clouded with “maybes” to the degree that we lose focus on the here-and-now, real world problems facing the world today. War, starvation, disease - people are dying by the tens of thousands; we don’t need to lay the blame at the clawed feet of some reptilian overlords, when the perpetrators are on the television daily



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