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form follows function
trapper/kcmo Views: 4,949
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 407,472

form follows function

just because people can weigh 600lbs, does that mean its ok? the kidneys can process thousands of times more protein than we need in a day. should we eat that much protein every day?

adam was around for a while before god pointed out anything for him to eat. i think breatharianism is quite possible, and may be the whole reason fasting has a spiritual component - it gets us closer to the original state in which we are created.

someone spoke of nourishment - it takes very little to completely nourish the hunman body on a daily basis. any more than that is a tax on the systems in the body and a perpetual drag on them so long as those overages are stored. so when we are taught all things in moderation, what is a moderate amount of food? now back to my first question.


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