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Re: Nature, Not Law
trapper/kcmo Views: 792
Published: 20 y
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Re: Nature, Not Law

born again. new creature. you bandie these terms around like they are understood. they are not.

all of my life i have had people tell me they were born again. what they meant by this is that they had been proselytized and had given some verbal indication that they realized they were a sinful creature and that jesus is the savior. at this point they were told they were now born again. and yet, this "new creature" continued to act like the old creature. this would perplex them and they would seek the council and teachings of those in the church in order to understand why they had not really changed. oh, but they have really changed, they are told, and even though they might sin, it is ok because now they belong to the lord and he will take care of it as long as they go to church and pay tithes and keep a good standing in the "church".

that is not salvation. that is slavery to men and women who see their lot in life as lording it over others with bible verses, none of them ever understanding what those verses mean. these new converts, barely conceived(not nearly ready to be born again), are stopped dead in their tracks of developement, a spiritual abortion, and never allowed to move much beyond that status by being told there is nothing they have to do because there is nothing they can do and that everything is done for them.

well, that is a lie. and those who harm these little ones are going to have to answer to god for these things. jesus said to suffer the children to come unto him, yet the church acts as a shield to ever getting much more than a glimpse of him again. i find it ironic that those who are most opposed to the aborting of flesh wear the bloody remains of the numerous spiritual abortions they have committed upon their crowns as some kind of macabre trophy. may god have mercy on them for their lusts and their hypocracy.


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