Psoriasis Recovery with Slippery Elm Bark and American Saffron
I am a 35 year old female that has had
Psoriasis for 15 years. I have tried everything on the market and learned that the root of our problem for most is something called "Leaky Gut Syndrome" This is where toxins from what we put in our bodies leak out into our system.
All dermatologists will tell you different but I have spent some good money with a chinese skin doctor.
He had me on a pretty specific diet and I was able to follow it for the most part. He gave me a topical ointment and vitamins. I did start to see results that were pretty amazing but wanted something a little less expensive.
I went into the National
Psoriasis Foundation web site and found another forum. There I learned what others were doing. One lady has had
Psoriasis for 40 years so I started doing what she was doing and bingo with in 2 weeks the results were there.
I have been drinking to herbs one called Slippery Elm Bark and Wild American Saffron. Both which costs only a couple of dollars.
I mix 1 teaspoon of the Slippery Elm(SE) with hot water in the morning them again around 3 pm.
The taste is nothing but it is very hard to get mixed up. It gets very clumpy so I start using a hand-held mixer (braun multipractic) This works best. The consistency is very gel like but it does go down.
In the evening I place the Wild American Saffron(AE) in a tea ball and let it seep for 20 min. The water turns yellow but the taste is like a mellow green tea.
This has been phenomenal for me.
They are even doing studies in Hawaii now with this. 2 times a week I add in Pau'darco. This is a blood cleansing. I am absolutely excited about my results.
I have added in another drink in the day to help with intestinal rejuvenation. This product has everything else we need such as milk thistle and glutamines.
I am also taking 1000iu of vita D. We need this if you want to avoid the UV beds. Please feel free to email me if you would like the web sites and more information.
Also check out
Edgar Cayce 's site he is very big on the two different teas.
Some people are having trouble finding the herbs locally and are substituting with pill forms. They are not the same you must do the powder forms of these two drinks.
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