Done "lurking" sharing.
As a child/teenager I always had issues with excema so skin disorders are nothing new...or at least I thought. Last year
Psoriasis came into my life and as a personal trainer and fitness/figure competitor the thought of not being able to wear shorts much less a bikini for competition just blew my mind. Well a year later I'm here to say all of the comments, questions and blurbs from this site have been the only things leading me closer to being able to compete once again. Last year I kicked my own butt in the gym to be at the perfect weight with the perfect muscle tone, perfect body fat percentage, great smile, amazing hair...with
Psoriasis covering most of my legs, elbows and knees!!! It devastated my plans and goals, my mentality, my motivation, etc. So I found the most highly recommended and priced Dermatologist I could buy who put me on one steroid cream after another, then Olux and Luxique. I GOT WORSE!!! I'd ask him time and time again about triggers and how I was eating, why this was happening, every single time I saw him. I even broke down and cried in his office out of shear frustration & desperation only to hear "You really need to give Enbrel a shot." The more research I did the more unimpressed I was...$1200 dollars a month for something that is painful, MAYBE effective and might do my body more harm than good, that I'm a slave to for the rest of my life?! The more ticked off I'd get thinking "There has got to be a way I can beat this junk!!"...Then I found this site.
I have photographed proof that although I'm not 100% clear right now, thanks to all of you...I'm 100% better than I was when under the care of my Derm and I'm getting better everyday!!! How disturbing is that?! The professional I paid and trusted completely was leading me towards total failure at beating
Psoriasis while this site and your free words lead me to success. I'm just super glad I found this site and all of your thoughts, trial and error experiences, stories, successes and journeys. What a Godsend! I fired my Derm and I'll be able to compete again this summer and I owe it to you all!
So what has worked for ME? I don't do dairy anymore...and notice even when I cheat just a little I start getting itchy. NO scratching allowed!! I take Dead
Sea Salt (found it on ebay) baths about 3 times a week...(yes they sting like Hades but I'm a "bring it on" kinda girl, if you dilute it more then you might not have this issue). I take daily vitamins to help my liver function better. I've never read anything about anyone's success or even trial with Denorex psoriasis night cream BUT...I found some in Texas while visiting and thought "what the heck...why not". I order it online smells YUK! I guarantee whoever you sleep with will bitch and whine about it! I firmly believe it was very instrumental in the success I've had so far. I noticed a difference in the appearance of my "spots" almost immediately. It's tar based and has other stuff in it so read the ingredient list before complaining at me for recommending it cause I'm not...I'm just sharing. I also do deep breathing (in thru the nose, out thru the mouth)when I notice myself getting stressed out or worked up and before I go to bed at night. MOST IMPORTANTLY...think positively!! Be that tenacious little engine that thought he/she could and believe in your ability to heal yourself without the need for needles and steroids and crap that eventually might make you wish you had at least tried a healthier approach. You owe yourself that...AT LEAST TRY.
Wishing you all the luck I've had... and Thanking you all from the bottom of my soul!!