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To #17329 - Why I Take So Much Chlorella
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Published: 19 y

To #17329 - Why I Take So Much Chlorella

Hi there,

I wanted to answer your question but have been off forum a few days so thought I would post here on fresh page in case you wouldn't see it back there with the orig. thread.

I have noticed that for me anyway, Chlorella seems to be about the only supplement where more is better. I have noticed that it really helps clear away the effects of a reaction to intolerances. I think it works well to get out the toxins. If I eat something by accident and notice a reaction, if I slam at it with Chlorella and lemon juice (take a couple grams Chlorella every couple hours, and a half a lemon 4 times a day) my down time is a lot shorter. My reactions last a couple hours to at most a day, and it used to take me a good week and a half to 2 weeks to clear out. Plus, I am still able to function fairly well during this time, and before, I could barely move. I read on Dr. mercola's site that he recommends 10-15g a day when in active detox mode (basically, like if you are taking a mobilizer like MSM, or after a sauna - anything that will pull out toxins). I knew I was up to my eyeballs in toxins from all the anti-candida supps I had been on previously, so I wanted to see if upping the dose would be beneficial to me and it was greatly beneficial. Plus, it is in itself a whole food, so I don't have a fear of overdosing or anything. I have not noticed anything like you have such as dry skin. In fact, my skin is looking good and feeling better on the Chlorella. Side effects? Yup. My nails are growing for the first time in years and my scalp has all this new growth all over the place, and hair is definitely fuller.


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