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Candida or worm? Opinion please! (with photos)
Letsgo1010 Views: 11,641
Published: 10 y

Candida or worm? Opinion please! (with photos)

Candida or worm? I did a Master Cleanse for over 21 days last time, so I thought I would try again. I used EXTRA pepper as I like my lemonade spicy. But on the 4th day the cramps because more sever and I started passing the following photos. Granted, once this happened I ate a little beforehand, but nothing stringy. Juices and small bites of fruit.
What is your opinion of the photo? I plan on using Humaworm when it ships in, but I know this isn't a normal bowl movement.

The clump was mucus and the long string was holding onto quite a bit of food - in clusters. And I mean, it was staying there, I couldn't separate the food from this string like thing. I felt quite a bit of rumbles in my stomach even when I say trying to sleep.



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