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Re: Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
kwanyin Views: 6,456
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Re: Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

What else would you expect the study to say???? The truth???? LOL. Not only was the study done at Kaiser, that hotbed bed of constant controversy and corruption---the study was Funded by Merck.

Kaiser Permanente in California is the setting for this study. Kaiser has been in a mutually beneficial relationship with big pharma for decades. Ck here to see all the money the pharmaceutical industry has bestowed on them:[id]=&company[id]=&period[]=&services[]=

Not only does Kaiser lack a moral compass they actively engaged in genocide:

CDC Genocidal Measles Vaccine Experiments on Minority Children Turn Deadly U.S. Medical System Conducts Ethnic Cleansing At Home and Abroad

In an experiment to find out of they could give high-potency Edmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine to babies as young as four months old [completing disregarding developmental neurology and lack of myelinization in the nervous system of babies] in order to overwhelm their natural maternal antibodies and replace them with vaccine-induced antibodies, medical "researchers" at the CDC and Johns Hopkins University injected thousands of babies in the Third World with the experimental vaccine that reportedly caused chronic immune suppression and the deaths of an unknown number of babies. Also, in the United States, with the help of Kaiser Permanente, more than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in inner city Los Angeles were "enrolled" in the experiment starting in June 1990. [ During the administration of president and ex-CIA director George Bush.] The study was halted in October 1991, after more than one year of genocidal activity, after repeated reports from vaccine trial sites in Africa that girl babies were dying in higher than expected numbers six months to three years after injection. [ A less-than-admirable population control effort.]

This "secret" experiment is a violate of the Informed Consent laws it is an ethics violation.
In Memory of Those Slain, In our Opinion, while "IN THE HANDS OF KAISER DOCTORS".
The people honored on this web page are done so with the agreement of the entire family involved. None of these people are considered by anyone to have died a natural death. Many of these victims of Kaiser Permanente lost their lives while they and their families fought for them against Kaiser Permanente to receive contractually promised medical care.

Corruption, Fraud and Coverups:

Merck’s HPV Vaccine Gardasil Shown Safe in Kaiser Study:


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