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Video Embedded MVI 4847, UFO'S , Opihikao , Hawaii , Exposing the covert spraying of Hawaii reported by, "Robert Mage"

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opihikaobob Views: 432
Published: 11 y

MVI 4847, UFO'S , Opihikao , Hawaii , Exposing the covert spraying of Hawaii reported by, "Robert Mage"



MVI 4847 , UFO'S , Opihikao , Hawaii , Exposing the covert spraying of Hawaii reported by, "Robert Mage"

Mvi 4847@ frame #198 or 8 sec , a sprayer comes into top right corner to the left a bit, proceeds across and down in 10 frames, spray event at frame # 199. several other blips in different areas , all faint for me.
1/6/2014 ,


MVI 4848, UFO'S , Opihikao , Hawaii , Exposing the covert spraying of Hawaii reported by, "Robert Mage"

Mvi 4848, @frame# 79, 2 tube ufo's are visible, near upper rt corner and lower left corner, also visible is the hazy spray they left, frame 80 or 3 secs has tube ufo bottom center, 
then at frame # 93 - 95 , a dark ufo drops in from upper right, in 3 frames morphs into tube ufo







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