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Re: Bipolar and NB supplements
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Re: Bipolar and NB supplements

Hi INTi- I used to have bipolar disorder and am a recovering alcoholic. I quit recreational drugs and alcohol 12 years ago but the bipolar raged on after I got clean and sober.

Five years ago I quit all psyc meds and otc meds and started taking vitamins and minerals. I had been heavily medicated for over 14 years. Shortly after this I was diagnosed with gluten and cow dairy sensitivity. Once off all the drugs and offending foods the Depression and mania stopped by about 80-90%. the gluten was causing alot of depression. The drugs were causing most of my anxiety as well. Psyc meds are horribly toxic with chemicals like flouride etc.

I agree with Wilson that the bipolar is a chemical toxicity and malnourshment problem. At least it was in my case.

I was told by 7 different psychiatrists that I would be on meds for the rest of my life. The psyc meds I believe contributed to the AF in a big way. Five years ago I was house bound and couldn't even walk from my house to the car in the driveway. This was to be the beginning of my natural healing journey.

My advice to your friend is to stay completely off the booze and start a slow taper off of the drugs. This was not an easy road for me. The acute withdrawal lasted a few months and the protracted withdrawals lasted a full year. She can also add in a small NB program. Most alcoholics are very low in magnesium. She could start Wilson's free program but I would suggest she take the cal/mag at a 1:1 ratio.

Not an easy road but if she is very determined it can be done. Also many alcoholics are simple carb intolerant so following a low carb diet will help her as well.

Best always


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