Re: 4 1/2 yr old w/ asthma & allergy
I know MH doesn't like Urine Therapy, but it is a very ancient practice that has been successfully used for thousands of years by yogis, native americans, indios of the Amazon forest etc. I wouldn't discard it so easily if I were you. And no, urine doesn't contain any toxic waste.
Eliminating dairy is really important, so as I read many members of your family have this problem of asthma, I would at least stop eating it at home, and let the children eat it outside occasionally.
I read that pure beeswax candles can help. Sure plenty plenty of fresh air and sunlight can do even better.
I know of a woman who moved to Toscany and there there was something, like some plant, that made her terribly allergic. She cured herself completely using ayurvedic remedies.
I think there is an asthma forum here in curezone.