Re: Andreas Moritz has died:(
Doesn't make sense. You know the wife personally and you assume the wife is posting on Twitter and FB? Then why in the world would a personal friend ban you? Got to be something more here than what's meets the eye.
The story on Twitter is strange. He post and I thoroughly believe it was him at 5am and then a message comes at 9:08 he is dead. All tweets stopped. It only figures that he must have been dead for awhile. I doubt very seriously his wife would see him dead and run to social media to post.
Many possibilities including a gun shot to his head. I would like to see what our other friend who said he knew positively he was dead.
I know cancer good and you get so sick you can't move or eat and definitely not in the mood to make note posts on FB and then post the info to Twitter.
He could of had a heart attack or something quickly for sure but it is funny our urgent You Tube was on Oct 20th and on Oct 21st Andreas is dead. We do not know what Andreas was involved in. I received a tip that he was out of the country at the time of his death. Can anyone verify that for me?