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Image Embedded Spontaneous Candida Die-Off: My heroic journey and Victory against Systemic Candidiasis

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Michael B Views: 151,385
Published: 14 y

Spontaneous Candida Die-Off: My heroic journey and Victory against Systemic Candidiasis

Spontaneous Candida Die-Off

I first began my quest to cure myself of systemic candidiasis near the end of 2008. I had chronic sinusitis, incessant mucus, inability to gain weight, bouts of intense dizziness, low energy, feeling hung over, occasional blackouts, whole body skin fungus and discoloration (Tinea versicolor), whole body pins and needles prickling pain whenever I went into the sun or had an emotional reaction, and ravenous sugar cravings. Life was basically hell and I committed my entire mind, body, and spirit to conquering my adversary. I discovered a miraculous combination that really changed the tide of battle against candida: eating only green leafy vegetables and taking an enzyme product called candex to digest the cell walls of candida. It was so effective that I simply could not believe the amount of candida colonies dying and coming out in my stool. It took tremendous will power to stick to this regimen, but I endured it thinking that it would only last a few weeks to a month. Well, I kept it going for over a year and a half. The candida simply kept dying and my iron will and determination to heal myself gave me strength. I wanted to write a book when I reached a complete cure but this stage simply never came. Make no mistake, however: The results were devastating to candida and I eliminated almost a thousand colonies from my intestinal lining. All my symptoms were cured and never came back with the exception of some remaining white fungus spots on my lower back.

Eventually I had recovered enough and returned to a normal diet, changing my focus to liver flushing (which has been a healing miracle in and of itself).  

In of beginning of September 2011 two pivotal shifts occured for me in my final battle against candida: I victoriously completed my 7th liver flush; releasing hundreds of stones of various colors, some as big as olives. I also achieved a most promising sign of improvement: bright, clear green bile! It was the first flush I ever did where the bile released was not murky brown sludge. I noticed vastly improved digestion for about 10 days following this flush.

About a week later, I did my first round of chelation with 50mg DMSA via cutler protocol. I regret waiting so long to chelate because what I discovered, to my greatest delight, was colonies of fungal candida dying and coming out in my stool. Keep in mind I have done very powerful antifungal regimens in the interim and even 15+ cloves raw garlic only occasionally yielded a little die off. So to see DMSA having THIS effect was truly exciting.

In the photo below, you can see the colonies killed from the DMSA beginning with the "S" on 9/11 until about 9/15 (the far upper left corner is leftover from 09). At this point my improved digestion waned away and the colonies stopped dying after the round of chelation. My bile flow was impaired and I began preparation for my 8th flush. On 9/24 I made an incredibly potent ginger miso soup in preparation for my liver flush #8 comprised of 1 entire onion, 7 cloves of garlic, and about 1/4 A POUND of ginger. I added brown rice to slow the digestion and chewed every single piece of ginger. To my greatest delight, this produced candida die-off! However, it too was short lived. Another week of no die-off. Then on 10/1/11 I made another, less potent ginger soup with quinoa. I released the long colony near the left center of the page.

 Once again my bile flow occluded and I decided to go really overboard with my ginger miso soup. On 10/6/11 I made a super-human pot of ginger soup with almost an entire pound of ginger in it and ate about 2/3 the pot in one sitting, chewing and swalloing all the ginger. It was like a candistatic ginger bomb. The next morning I released several colonies of candida, (all on the bottom left of the page), and... several bile green blobs of LIVER CANDIDA! The ginger was so powerful that it had automatically unclogged my biliary pathway AND killed candida in my biliary ducts!

Then something very powerful and miraculous happened because it was like my candida suddenly just THREW IN THE TOWEL!! He was like "F*** this S**t I'm OUTTA HERE..."


For the next 3 months, no matter what I ate, drank, did, or didn't do, I had candida colonies coming out with nearly every bowel movement!! The entire page of candida was released in just SIX DAYS:

And the next one, 7 days:

And I have another entire page yet to be uploaded,

AND I'm about 3/4 of my way into a FIFTH page

AND I had time to make the following MASTERPIECE to declare TRIUMPHANT VICTORY over my lifelong HEROIC BATTLE against the demonic alien parasite known as CANDIDA:



I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!







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