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Re: Is this the True cause of AIDS....?
NINERIS Views: 5,741
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Re: Is this the True cause of AIDS....?

Likely, there are millions of people who agree with your assessment.

"AIDS" was not accidental, nor is it naturally occurring, as it was manufactures in America's bio-warfare labs.

Dear Readers: If you think you know that "AIDS" is about viruses and natural developments, then you have likely not read the books defining the manufacturing of "AIDS" viral components, and the TESTS conducted which tests specifically targeted young gay white-men via the hepatitis-b vaccine blood trials.

Pleaes READ the following alarming books: AIDS AND THE DOCTORS OF DEATH, and its sequel, QUEER BLOOD, by DR. ALAN CANTWELL JR, MD. Dr. Cantwell's personal research underscores the vast subterfuge within those hepeatitis-b vaccine blood trials.

Then you must read the conspiratorial aspects leading to manufacturing of viruses which would be refractory to the human immune system, as sought after by our very own military-industrical complex, and read the magnficent detailed works of Dr.LEOJNARD G. HOROWITZ, in his books: EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: NATURE ACCIDENT OR INTENTIONAL. Malthusianism is alive and well, er, ah, very very SICK!

Dr. HOROWITZ then published another book, DEATH IN THE AIR: GLOBALISM, Terrorism & TOXIC WARFARE. It's an atonishing accountof our new "national security state", and the "shadow government", and why we no longer have a tri-partite system to BALANCE POWERS in the United States, as we now have a trans-nationalist corporatism that holds all the power. If you doubt that is correct, look to the reasons why we experienced our Second PEARL HARBOR, as sought by the new-cons of PNAC PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY. And see what sort of NAZIFICATIONS we have experienced subsequent to the false-flag attacks of 9-11, and what has happeened to our Constitution with PATRIOT ACTS ONE & TWO.

And read the startling revelations in the book: MARY, FERRIE, AND THE MONKEY VIRUS, by TED HASLAM. Subsequently, he re-issued that book under another title, though the basic information is the same, but having even more which relates to those invovled in the John F. Kennedy assassination in Dallss, Texas. Shadows were already being cast over the nation, as devious plots were underway.

Why mince words: We are being held subject to a tyrannical force that is hell-bent on making us all subservient to complete authoritarianism.

Of course "AIDS" has always been POLITICAL! Just analyze the acronym itself -- ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME -- but 'acquired' means or implies that a person has some understanding of what it is that they are "acquiring", or otherwise the term ought to be CONTRACTED as a patient contracts cancer. Unless, of course, a patient was intentionally vaccinated with something for which they were receiving or "ACQUIRING". The term acquire implies a gain not a loss, whereas the expression contracted implies a loss, as in a loss of health. WHO WAS IT THAT DEVELOPED THE ACRONYM "AIDS"?

From the beginning, "AIDS" was POLITICAL.

Many expected better from some supposed thinkers, such as NOAM CHOMSKY, who never sought to analyze what (type of suspect) "AIDS" implied for the world. Financial hegemonies, too?




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