--10 Simple Steps to Healing--
Hi Ya'll,
Many folks may be Seeking step by step ways to find Healing?
Maybe I can mention a diet of 10 things of most importance, with the understanding that one would 1st ----------------STOP eating "ALL" junk foods!!!-------------------- This is anyone's problem, because almost no one follows this principle and thus are always backsliding into sickness again and again and searching for a quick fix!!
Junk foods include any Low Brix foods !
Only, a total change of life style will help solve most of a persons problems!!
Now to list some important ideas one may use to maybe help raise their pH to
more Alkaline and maybe help them become more Healthy!!
#1 Take some enema's to start cleaning out the toxins from our colon.
And at any time we start to have problems, take another enema!!!!
For if we add any food to a Toxic waste dump, it too shall become Toxic waste!!
#2 First thing in the morn, drink an 8oz glass of water to flush out the excess
acids from our digestive system.
#3 Take a good probiotic with acidophilus & bifidus with a high billion count,
with an 8oz glass of "ONLY" skim milk to start our digestive process properly
for the day.
#4 Eat our proteins in the middle of the day!
Do "NOT" eat any protein 4-6 hours before going to bed!!
#5 For an even meal have a good salad and or lite soup made with some of these
foods: cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, onions, carrots, celery, beets,
rutabages, sweet potatoe,no white potatoes, any of the cole family of
vegetables, good ripe apple, pear, peach, apricot, etc( if they are green or picked green it may cause us problems because of the NPN),these are some and I am sure others may
be ok also, this is a start.
#6 A simple cheap drink mix to cut Excess acidity of anything we may drink: Go to the grocery store and in
the canning section find a small bag of pickling lime (calcium hydroxide) and
also a gallon of distilled water.
To the gallon of distilled water add one tablespoon of the pickling lime powder and
this is our stock solution of Alkaline water.
Before using this dilute mix of lime water always shake it up.
Now to each glass of any liquid we drink each day, add one tablespoonfull of this lime water. We may have to acquire a taste for it, tho.
#7 It may be Better to take the Moreless Complete Alkalizing Drink mix,which we may fix if we are run out of energy and or feeling DEPRESSED in any way and or wanting Healing and long term Alkalizing:
Take one fresh Lemon and cut it in half and juice it into an glass and to this add some water to then mix in one tablespoon full of pure blackstrap molasses.
Then add enough Lime water to cut the Acids of the Lemon Juice, but not enough to cause the drink to taste chaulky.
We may also add a pinch of Epsom Salt to this and a few drops of Pure Peppermint Oil and or Vanilla etc to spice it to taste.
One also needs to take kelp along with this drink, and most folks prefer to take Kelp Powder in capsules on the side, some are able to mix it in with the drink?
If we take much Kelp we may need more Lemon Juice to react against the Alkalinity of the kelp, especially for those with Poor Digestion?
We may add some ice if we wish it to be cold.
We may take this as many times in the day as we feel a need for it to provide us with pure energy and bring us out of depression!!
It is Best to start out by sipping on the drink, rather than chug it down at one time.
#8 We may also use one tablespoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in 8oz of water as a drink with our meal, but it will not provide the
same results as the Lemon and blackstrap molasses, which may be taken any time of the day.
The ACV may not be good for someone with adrenal problems?
#9 Also at each meal we may take a small pinch of epsom salt disolved in water, this has many side benifits, to many to mention now. We regulate the pinch size to only a
small amount so as not to cause us to get the scoots from taking too much of it. Just enough so we do not get scoots from it, but enough so we do not have Constipation.
#10 Mentally stop hating others and get a positive outlook on life, smile and learn to be happy and help others be happy!!
This is a good start, and I will be happy to answer any other reasonable questions folks may have to help them better themself.
"WE" are What "WE" Eat !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice now.