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Question for Silverfox/Tom about mouthwash

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Question for Silverfox/Tom about mouthwash

Hi Tom,

I am a great fan of your posts and appreciate your diligence in trying to work out the best way to use Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

I have used Miracle-Mineral-Supplement up to 15 drops in the past (and then stopped altogether so I could try and get pregnant). I had pretty good vomitting and diarrhea at this level, and agree that it was probably due to mild Miracle-Mineral-Supplement poisoning. I think MMS is great stuff that has cured my eye infections, mouth ulcers and keeps my mum's MRSA in check, so I would like to get back to using it to treat my Rheumatoid Arthritis once I stop breastfeeding my new baby. But I'm intrigued by the idea that just using it as a mouthwash could be as helpful as drinking it.

So, my questions are these:

1. I thought sodium chlorite was meant to be a much more toxic chemical than chlorine dioxide, so why would you want to use it unactivated? Granted the mouth's acidity converts some of it to chlorine dioxide, but doesn't that still leave quite a lot of sodium chlorite in the mouth?

2. Why do you think using it unactivated works better than using it pre-activated? Is this just so that you can store it at the right concentration for long periods without needing to mix up a batch every time you use it?

3. If I remember right, your recipe for the mouthwash is 51 drops sodium chlorite to 500ml water. Isn't this a very high concentration of the sodium chlorite drops? Whenever I've drunk a glass of water with even one drop of neat sodium chlorite, it's made my stomach churn a little, whilst one drop of activated MMS doesn't.

4. What results have you had using this? I know you're not treating people with chronic illnesses as such, but what makes you think this is working so well? Have you a particular experience in mind, or is it just an improved sense of wellbeing?

Thanks in advance for taking the time and trouble to reply Tom! I think you're definitely on to something with your experiments, and even if I continue to ingest it, rather than using a mouthwash, I won't be going above 5 drops anymore and will possibly be pulse dosing it as well, according to your recommendations.



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