Hulda Clark Mold + Mold Toxin Frequencies
The place holder for machine prefs changes depending on the device I deploy this on.
F165 contact users could try:
vbackfreq b 20.085536957 0 66.6 vbackfreq c 403.428794865 0 66.6 output 000 111 duty 66.6
dwell 180
# Title: Mold, Mold Toxin Frequencies
# Description:
label 0
175.99 312.32 523.02 438.74 466.01
190.86 225.57 731.23 713.88 686.61
218.13 237.96 312.32 329.67 247.88
# Agyfla 71000 175.99
# Lycogala 126000 312.32
# Stemonius 211000 523.02
# Aflatoxin_1 177000 438.74
# Aflatoxin_2 188000 466.01
# Cytochalasin B_1 77000 190.86
# Cytochalasin B_2 91000 225.57
# Ergot 295000 731.23
# Griseofulvin 288000 713.88
# Sorghum syrup 277000 686.61
# Sterigmatocystin_1 88000 218.13
# Sterigmatocystin_2 96000 237.96
# Sterigmatocystin_3 126000 312.32
# Sterigmatocystin_4 133000 329.67
# Zearalenone 100000 247.88