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Swine flu & Zapping - Advice from a Zapper

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

freelastchance Views: 4,969
Published: 16 y

Swine flu & Zapping - Advice from a Zapper

Hi Curezoners,

I used to be really active in this forum, but life got busy and you know the story... :) Well, with all of the swine flu news showing up, I thought I should post some useful information for everyone.

I have personally used the Zapper successfully on many strains of the flu. No, I have not had swine flu so far as I know, but here is some general advice to stay well.

First precautions would be as follows:

#1. Take a vitamin C suppliment, at least 1000 mg a day.  You can take this is chewable form, or swollow pills or take the powder in juice - or even increase the amount of vitamin C you get through fruit and vegetable juices etc.
This will be your first aid in giving your immune system a fighting chance.

#2. Drink plenty of water every day, 64 oz is about right for most people or around 8 glasses. Some of this liquid can be juice, but do not over do it, and do not count carbinated beverages, which should also be limited. This also will help prepare your body for detox and support your immune system, and ensure that your vital organs can function properly.

#3. Your pH level is very important, and having a slightly alkaline pH is fairly easy to reach, just by adding more vegetables to your diet, and cutting back on bread. You can read more about it online, as this is just a simple explaination. These can be frozen vegetables or fresh salads. Getting to a 7.0 + pH will help your body produce enough good blood to fight potential sickness.

I highly recommend building or purchasing a Zapper for your family. When anyone starts to feel fluey, (fever, caugh, chills, chest pain, aches and pains, stomach ache, headache etc) you should start the Zapping proticol right away. Do not wait! The saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is so true! In fact, it would not hurt to start before symptoms start appearing, especially if you are in a high risk area. I grew up in a family of 11, and when one person gets sick, everyone gets it... exept for the people who see it coming and get on the prevention band wagon and stay on it till the course is over. Don't wait for your whole house to be sick in bed before you start looking for a cure! By preventing it or minimizing the effects in your own home, you can prevent the flu from being spread further then it has too.

Some word of caution about Zapping.

Follow the directions you receive with the product, as well as these. Do not stop in the middle of a session (7 minutes on, 20 minutes off x3). Do not, (especially if it's your first time) stop Zapping after only one day of use. Zap for at least 3 days, but 1 full week if you can. This is not a limit, and in fact I recommend Zapping 2-3 times(sessions) a day if you have the flu or are feeling sick at all. The reason I recommend so much Zapping, is while your body is cleaning out the dead bugs etc, you may be more suseptable to re-infection of any number of illnesses that may be lurking around due to the toxins which have been released in your body. Drinking enough water during this time is essential to your organs which are detoxing.

If you are pregnant and worried about the flu, I do not recommend Zapping as it has not been tested at all during pregnancy. Take vitamin C, and do the other things to ensure your immune system is set to fight anythng.


Where to get a good Zapper.

I have always recommended as the number 1 choice for a Zapper. They are still selling the same Zappers for just $10 each (inlc. shipping), and publish free plans in case you would like to build one yourself. This is the one I have used all along, and have never had any problems with it.

You can also find a number of good Zappers on ebay, and I believe there are a few people on Curezone still that sell Zappers. It used to be someone selling ParaZapper and the Terminator. You should have some luck with any of these.


Another product I would like to recommend:


Colloidal Silver

You can buy good CS from a few places, including Water Oz, but I highly recommend building or buying a generator. It is easy to make and cost effective. It has been very helpful in my family to have a gallon of it made ahead of time. I have seen sickness time cut in half and symptoms minimized without fail using this stuff. Check out the Colloidal Silver Forum while you are on Curezone. Also sign up for the Free instructions also offered by


For suppliments like Vitamin C, has good prices and good now brand products

Feel free to email me with any further questions!

God Bless,

Naomi Free











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