I had the same problem and would frequently get massive breakouts on my chest, wrists, facial cheeks, nose, eyes and eyebrows. I have found how to COMPLETELY eliminate all symptoms and it did not cost me but a bottle of shampoo. First off mine I found was being irritated if not caused by Caffeine. If I had more then a glass of tea or cup of coffee or caffeine infused soda within a two week period the symptoms would start all over again. I cut all caffeine out of my diet. Symptoms stopped! Not regressed but stopped no itching, no flaky skin, no irritation nothing…
To calm it down when I was having very bad breakouts I would use Head and Shoulders intensive care Seborrheic Dermatitis shampoo and yes I used it on my eyelids and face. That would usually calm it down for a few days which were a welcome relief. I hope this helps.