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Re: cavity or filling misery, poss exacerbated by oil pulling - and can't afford a dentist :(
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Re: cavity or filling misery, poss exacerbated by oil pulling - and can't afford a dentist :(

dear vance, it's so incredibly kind of you to check on me!
i didn't want to be a complainer... i'm trying to go along with the pain in the upper left side, the lower right side filling is hanging by a thread, both ears are infected and glands swollen ...and now, lately i'd been flossing and i was not having bleeding or pain - yesterday i flossed and blood was coming out from all my teeth and my mouth burned for 24 hours ...then i was eating an apple and the hard skin somehow caught on the inner gums (by the roof of my mouth) on the upper RIGHT side and tore them upward and now there's a blister there. i'm trying to get by and don't want to bother you, but, gosh i just wanna say again that it's so kind of you to concern yourself with me!!! warmest regards`


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