lyphatic drainage of breast/infection?
Hello all, some great info here and I need advice! I will try to be brief! I have had great success on the liver/gallbladder flush forum but now I need to be here. 2 years ago I got a brutal staph infection on my arm/hand..(I had been trying to unplug some floor drains in a restaurant and had my arm IN the drain,stupid Julie) After a couple of weeks this infection just wouldn't go away with natural treatment so off to the clinic I went. My Dr. was amazed that it hadn't gone "systematic" by this point and seemed to stop at my breast. My Lymph nodes had evidently "trapped" the staph at that point. Great right?
Antibiotics cleared up the arm quickly.
Now I have always had fibrocystic breast lumps/changes monthly and was always told it was normal and to cut back on caffeine. After having and nursing 2 children I realized I could have lump and pain free breasts by manipulating my diet...It was a happy by product of a mostly Paleo-type diet.
Until...After treating the staph infection...I was left with a lump..I figured it was a clogged lymph left over from the infection..but I couldnt get rid of it. My GYN thought it was a cyst for sure..but mammogram and ultrasound could only identify it as "thickened tissue" That did NOT look to be cancerous. I never went back for a follow up.
Now I have a funny discharge from that nipple...always from the same area of the nipple that would indicate specific ducts/duct correct? Do I get this discharge tested? My intuition is SCREAMING at me that this is a leftover infection issue..not
Breast Cancer . I would rather heal myself then go on
Antibiotics ..but if that is what must be be it
My technical questions
How do I drain this crap out? I have noticed that armpit will sweat MUCH more than the other I try not to use deodorant on that side or just the natural salt crystal so it can continue to pull out..whatever is there.
What are Cator oil packs and will that help me?
I love raw garlic, will that help?
I Have used Oregano Oil before..should I try that again?
Should I just suck it up and go back to the GYN who will SURELY order a biopsy? (I think unnecessary biopsys spread cancer cells so I'm leery)
I otherwise have no health isses..I have had great success eliminating acute gall bladder/liver flushing every few months. I am active, healthy, and a normal weight.
Sorry so long! Thanks everybody!