--NPN & Nitrogen Isotope Mystery--
Hi Ya'll,
It seems that when I refer to these ideas that those who have become Educated beyond their own Intelligence seem to have Temper Tantrumas and Throw Terrible Twos Fits?
It seems we have a Generation of Educated Adults still in their Terrible Twos?
Maybe I could explain WHY this may be so?
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
With Nitrogen being the Joker Card when it comes to trying to understand Why the body may react as it may to Different weather conditions?
Why could this be so?
Nitrogen as Ammonia(NH3) or Ammonium(NH4) by it's self may test Alkaline?
Yet,Remember that the Greater the amount of Hydrogen may mean the Greater Potential of Acidity !
Thus the Ammonia & Ammonium may carry a much Greater Acid Potential than Nitrate, yet it tests Alkaline it's self?
For Ammonia & Ammonium may carry Hydrogen whereas Nitrogen as a Nitrate(NO3) does not have any Hydrogen attached to it, which would seem that this kind of Nitrogen would be an Alkaline?
Yet, when we take Nitrate(NO3) and add it to water it may form Nitric Acid(HNO3)?
Here we have what at 1st may appear to be an Acid or an Alkaline producing the opposite effect as we may 1st think it would?
Now remember that the Air we Breath may contain up to 78% Nitrogen?
With this much Nitrogen in the Air we Breath is it beginning to make Sense WHY Nitrogen may be the Joker Card?
For Nitrogen may become bound with Hydrogen with a change in Temperature or Oxygen with the opposite Temperature?
An example of this is taking place at this very moment as Spring is comming to Different areas of the country: 1st as the temperature warms up the tree sap begins to flow containing Nitrogen as a Nitrate form !
Unless there is a change in the temperature in the Spring time like a Cold front to move thru as is happening with this Full Moon, this Sap that is flowing because of warm temperatures is still in the form of Nitrate Nitrogen, Which will cause the plants to shed their Blossoms unless this Nitrogen is changed to the Ammonium form by the Cold front moving thru !
It is Important that a Cold front moves thru to change this Nitrate Nitrogen over into an Ammonium form to cause Blossoms to set !
As long as the Nitrogen remains in a Nitrate form the plant shall shed it's Blossoms !
This is WHY I keep repeating that not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Many of the Indians knew that a Cold front was needed to set Blossoms after a warm spring sap flow, but todays supposed Experts who have rejected their own God may be making Fools out of themself for their Lack of Common Sense of Nature?
When this Nitrogen of 78% in the Air we Breath affects the plants as it does, WHY do we not think it shall also affect our own bodys as these fronts move thru?
This may be part of Why at the Full Moon time many folks may become More Acidic and become Crazy in their actions?
When folks are Sick and Diseased and Lacking in the needed Alkaline Minerals and Live Carbons needed to Stablize the Nitrogen Isotope in their bodys, these folks will be affected much Greater from weather changes than folks who have plenty of Alkaline Mineral Reserves and Live Carbons to Stablize their bodys !
During these weather changes Sick folks may have more Blood Sugar problems as well?
Because of Nitrogen being this Joker Card, those Highly Educated folks who have been Worldly Educated beyond their own Intelligence may be unable to wrap their minds around these variables to come to understand the Truths that may exist?
Then when we throw in the Sodium to Potassium ratios which may regulate the Osmotic pressure in our Cells we have a Whole New set of conditions to deal with !
When a Wise man begins to come to understand these Truths, he then knows he does not know as much as he may of 1st thought he knew !
Yet, Fools keep making Fools out of themself with their False held ideas of Modern Science !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.