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Ah-ha Goldenseal= Berberine
jessesmom1987 Views: 10,125
Published: 15 y
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Ah-ha Goldenseal= Berberine

You've made me curious too. Now I see that Goldenseal has Berberine in it. Berberine was in several of the parasite herbal products the Alternative Dr had me use. It also kills fungus (candida).

) Goldenseal
The herb goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) has been used historically for infections involving the mucous membranes in the body, such as respiratory tract infections.

Preliminary lab studies suggest that berberine, the active constituent of goldenseal, is active against Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, and Plasmodium. For more information about goldenseal, read the Goldenseal Fact Sheet.>>>

>>>Goldenseal Medicinal Properties & Benefits
Common Uses: Abrasions/Cuts * Bronchitis * Colds * Conjunctivitis * Diarrhea * Eczema * Eye care - Vision * Fungus Infections * Gingivitis * Immune System * Parasites/Worms * Psoriasis *

Properties: Antibacterial* Antifungal* AntiViral* Hepatic* Antiparasite* Immunostimulant*

Parts Used: primarily the root, to a lesser extent leaves
Constituents: Hydrastine, berberine, berberastine, canadine, candaline, and hydrastinine, fatty acids, resin, polyphenolic acids, meconin, chlorogenic acid, phytosterins

>>>Herbal combinations for liver flukes are cloves, goldenrod and goldenseal root
However, it's one I'm seeing in several places you don't want to over-do!

>>>>Berberine is derived from several plants, including barberry, Oregon grape, goldenseal, and goldthread (Coptis chinensis). Preliminary trials have shown that berberine can be used successfully to treat giardia infections.2 3 In addition, test tube studies show that berberine kills amoebae, although it is not known whether this effect occurs in humans.4 The amount required is approximately 200 mg three times per day for an adult—a level high enough to potentially cause side effects. Therefore, berberine should not be used without consulting a healthcare provider.>>>

Rosita had asked about constipation with parasites, but one thing to keep in mind is that a plugged up liver, will also cause constipation. If you do a search for Gerson Therapy, the protocal calls for coffee enemas done daily- sometimes several times per day for cancer...but it also includes lots of raw vegetable juicing done through out the day (and Lugol's iodine)
It's good to replenish the minerals/electrolytes too.

The Schultze colon cleansing products have worked well for alot of people.

The Alternative Dr had me colon cleansing for a month prior to me jumping the gun and getting started myself with the parasite killing. The products he's had me use several different times for colon cleansing have included cascara sagrada. He also had me taking "Fiber Fusion" before bedtime, and when I woke up too.

>>>Constipation problems can be helped with friendly bacteria, cascara sagrada bark, chamomile tea, or elder flowers. Licorice added to herbal teas has slight laxative action.>>>



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