Epsom Salt and borax several times per week...
Hi Pure,
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time of it.
I would like to agree with what Ginagirl said about the magnesium. If you could ONLY take ONE supplement with Iodine, I too would agree with it being the magnesium, though they are all important. I take an oral supp of magnesium, but my biggest most important supplementation of magnesium is in the bath tub.
Epsom Salts . My biggest bestest friend in the world of detox and relaxtion. Literally a Dr. in the tub!
Years ago before I understood detoxing and that we could absorb through our skin I used
Epsom Salts . For colds, flu, or overworking/playing and earning some very sore body parts. All I knew then was the
Epsom Salt bath made me feel better some how.
Now many years later in the alternative world of healing my self and feeling better I understand. You will detox bad stuff out of your body with the help of
Epsom Salt but in addition, you will absorb a very precious potent and neccesary mineral.
Now days I have learned to add borax to that soak for an added blessed relief. I have read of sadly painful detoxing through
Iodine supping. Some of it I had but not as bad as others. I truly believe these baths were the biggest of all the helps. two or three or more a week if I felt bad. Never seemed to fail me. ( I actually have more
Epsom Salt in my house than the General store has on their shelves! LOL I never allow it to run out or get to low!!
I do not follow the directions on the bag. I use half of the bag of Salts and at least two cups of borax per soak.
In additon to this be sure to keep up your electrolites. Lemon and lime juice added to your water help much for this and
Watermelon by the boat loads if you can get your hands on it. Also not to be ignored for potent amounts of minerals is your own homemade bone broth.
link to bone broth:
I hope you feel very well very soon. And I hope that this helps.