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Re: Is water fasting effective for weight loss?

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Original Hulda Clark
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chrisb1 Views: 3,717
Published: 16 y
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Re: Is water fasting effective for weight loss?

Hi Mighty.Sun.Tzu,

yes, I think PACE, which stands for (Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion) (try saying that after a couple of glasses of organic red wine!!) is also known as HIIT, and I think Dr Sears endorsed this type of exercise programme over 20 to 30-odd years ago.

Glad to hear that you are following it, as I do myself on a "rebounder".............for the last 3 to 4 years now.

This form of exercise (PACE) has other remarkable benefits as well in that it will actually strengthen the heart (more so than any other type of exercise) and vastly increase RESERVE lung AND Heart capacity, way beyond other types of exercise in comparison, AND in a much much shorter time-frame.
This was shown to be the case after Harvard researchers published the Harvard Health Professionals Study: after studying over 7,000 people they found that the key to preventing heart disease is INTENSITY – NOT long-duration exercise............................

I think this is also the method endorsed by The Peoples Chemist, Shane Ellison.

I combine this with rebounding, as this is the only "cellular exercise" there is, and endorsed by NASA who report that it is 68% more efficient than jogging or any other type of aerobics, apparently.

Dr. Al Sears, tells in his book (of which I just happen to have a paperback-copy) the outcome achieved when he had twin girls follow different exercise routines while he measured the change in their weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), body fat, and muscle mass for 4 months.

Twin A used a graduated program of aerobic jogging and worked up from one mile a day to 10 miles daily for her exercise.

Twin B used Dr. Sears' PACE system, in which she used a graduated program of running in short bursts of increasing intensity with short periods of recovery in between each sprint. At the end of the 4 months Twin B was sprinting 50 yards followed by a recovery period of 30 seconds and repeating for a total of 6 sets. This was certainly a shorter time than Twin A was spending to jog 10 miles every day.

Both twins started with 24.5% body fat.
At the end of 4 months, Twin A had lost 8 pounds of fat and 2 pounds of muscle. Her body fat dropped to 19.5%.

Twin B, using Dr. Sears' PACE© system, had dropped 18 pounds of fat, built 9 pounds of muscle and had a very healthy body fat of 10%.

So Twin A lost 10 pounds but lost muscle, and Twin B lost more fat and built muscle.





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