Giving your dog colloidal silver will insure proper healing. It will repair torn tissue. And it will insure that no infection sets in. You will notice that by taking colloidal silver she will regain her energy and enthusiasm more quickly. Colloidal silver is a wonderful healing supplement and for some reason it works exceptionally well in pets. Just put some in her water bowl each day. At the beginning, I would give her an ounce and as she improves, go down to one tablespoon a day. She cannot overdose on colloidal silver and it comes with no side effects. You can also put it topically on her lacerations and on the one leg where her skin has been torn off. This will insure quick healing and prevent infection.
I will tell you that I am against antibiotics for many reasons. They do not always work, requiring stronger antibiotics and come with side effects. Colloidal silver works every time for any infection. It has never failed me.
If you are new to colloidal silver, may I suggest They have a first time offer where you receive one free bottle for every 8 oz bottle ordered, but you must call to receive this offer. You will find the staff to be most understanding and helpful.