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VETERINARSKI ARHIV 74 (2), 107-114, 2004
* Contact address:
Dr. Azhar Maqbool, DVM, M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 214 Umar
Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, Pakistan, Phone: +42 9211 449; Fax: +42 9211 461; E-mail:
ISSN 0372-5480
Printed in Croatia
Comparative efficacy of various indigenous and allopathic
drugs against fasciolosis in buffaloes
Azhar Maqbool1*, Chaudhry Sikandar Hayat2, and Akhtar Tanveer3
1Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore,
2Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad
3Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
MAQBOOL, A., C. S. HAYAT, A. TANVEER: Comparative efficacy of various
indigenous and allopathic drugs against fasciolosis in buffaloes. Vet. arhiv 74,
107-114, 2004.
One hundred and eighty buffaloes were used in 18 controlled experiments to compare the efficacy
of certain indigenous drugs, including Nigella sativa seeds, Fumaria parviflora aerial parts, Caesalpinia
crista seeds, and Saussurea lappa roots with triclabendazole against fasciolosis. Efficacy was quantified
by determining the difference of eggs per gram faeces (EPG) pre- and post-treatment. Nigella sativa
seeds, after a single dose of 30, 40 and 50 mg/kg body mass, reduced EPG by 54.16, 57.4 and 58.33
per cent, respectively. After the second dose the respective reduction in EPG was 79.16, 80.85 and
81.25 per cent. Fumaria parviflora aerial parts at a rate of 40, 50 and 60 mg/kg body mass were 50.0,
57.44 and 78.72 per cent, respectively, whereas efficacy at two dose levels with the same dose rate
was 82.6, 89.36 and 95.74 per cent, respectively. Caesalpinia crista seeds at 30, 40 and 50 mg/kg
body mass were 48.9, 50.0 and 57.7 per cent effective, respectively, whereas efficacy at two dose
levels was 80.0, 84.09 and 86.6 per cent, respectively. Saussurea lappa at a rate of 50, 100 and 200
mg/kg body mass was 46.6, 57.4 and 61.7 per cent effective, respectively, at one dose level and was
62.2, 72.3 and 78.7 per cent effective at two dose levels. Triclabendazole at one dose level at a rate of
10 mg/kg body mass was 82.6 per cent effective and at two dose levels it was 95.7 per cent effective.
The efficacy order was triclabendazole, Fumaria parviflora, Caesalpinia crista, Nigella sativa, and
Saussurea lappa. No side effects were noted due to the use of any of these plant-origin drugs.
Key words: indigenous and allopathic drugs, fasciolosis, buffaloes
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004
Bovine fasciolosis is an important cause of liver condemnation in
abattoirs and lowered productivity in herds in many areas of the world.
Control of the infection may be achieved by control of snail (intermediate
host) and by use of anthelmintic treatment of infected animals.
Snail control is both difficult and expensive to undertake, involving
improved drainage, fencing and the possible use of copper compounds,
which are lethal to snails and other non-target poikilothermic animals.
Anthelmintic treatment of buffaloes is a regular practice in enzootic areas,
but fails to eradicate the parasite. Allopathic anthelmintics are neither
completely effective against common flukes, nor do they retain their
efficacy by their continuous administration due to the development of
resistance. In addition, almost all adversely affect milk and meat production
of animals during the course of their treatment, and even for long after
their use (BRANDER et al., 1991).
Herbal (indigenous) drugs have been used since ancient times to cure
diseases, and several medicinal plants have been used to treat fasciolosis
(SATYAVATI et al., 1987). Among these, Nigella sativa, Fumaria parviflora,
Caesalpinia crista and Saussurea lappa have been used to treat worm
infestation (NADKARNI, 1954; SAID, 1969; AKHTAR, 1988). As far as can be
ascertained, little systematic work has been conducted to prove their
efficacy against fasciolosis in animals. The present work was designed to
study the fasciolicide activity in buffaloes of the above mentioned
indigenous products under field conditions.
Materials and methods
Animal utilised. A total of 180 buffaloes naturally infected with
fasciolosis at Wakil Khan and Chaudhry Livestock Farm, Kamoke District,
Gujranwala, were utilised in these studies. The buffaloes were of various
ages (4 to 10 years), of both sexes and of the Nili Ravi breed. All animals
were kept under similar feeding and managemental conditions throughout
the course of treatment. The studies were conducted during late summer
months. A detailed history of each individual animal was recorded.
Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004 109
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
Animal groups. Positive cases were randomly divided into five main
groups: A, B, C, D and E. The first four groups were further subdivided
into four sub-groups of 10 animals each. The first three-sub groups, A1, A2,
and A3, received the test drug Nigella sativa in 3 different doses, i.e. at
rates of 30, 40 and 50 mg/kg body mass, while the fourth group, A4, served
as untreated control. Sub-groups of B, i.e. B1, B2, and B3, received Fumaria
parviflora orally at rates of 40, 50 and 60 mg/kg body mass, while subgroup
B4 acted as untreated control. Animals in sub-groups C i.e. C1, C2
and C3 were given Caesalpinia crista orally at rates of 30, 40 and 50 mg/
kg body mass, while no treatment was given to animals in sub-group C4.
Similarly, animals in sub-groups D1, D2 and D3 were treated with Saussurea
lappa at three different dose rates, i.e. 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body mass,
while sub-group D4 acted as control. No treatment was given to animals in
the latter group. The remaining twenty animals in group E were randomly
divided into two groups, i.e. E1 and E2. Animals in sub-group E1 were given
triclabendazole at the recommended dose rate, i.e. 10mg/kg body mass,
while animals in-sub group E2, acting as control, received no treatment.
Preparation and administration of herbal drugs. The previously
mentioned herbal products were dried, finely ground into powder form
and were stored in airtight glass bottles at 4 °C. Gum tragacanth was also
finely powdered and a 2% w/v aqueous solution was prepared and stored
in a refrigerator at 4 °C. At the time of medication, a calculated amount of
powdered drugs was weighed according to dosage level and suspended in
100 ml of 2% gum solution and was given orally. Additionally, Saussurea
lappa and Fumaria parviflora were suspended in 300-500 ml of gum
solution due to their low solubility and higher dosage level.
Parasitological techniques. Faecal samples were collected separately
from animals in clean plastic bottles and were properly labelled. Samples
were examined by the direct smear, sedimentation technique and zinc
sulphate floatation technique for the presence of fluke eggs (SOULSBY,
1982). Counting of eggs was carried out using the McMaster egg counting
technique (KELLY, 1974).
Faeces were examined on day zero and on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and
18th day post-treatment. Animals found positive for fasciolosis were given
a second dose of the respective drug on day 18 and their faecal examination
110 Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
was made on the 21st and 28th days post-treatment. The effects of drugs on
pregnancy, milk yield and body mass were also recorded. Side effects of
drugs, if any, were also recorded.
Efficacy of drugs was calculated on the basis of reduction in egg counts
after treatment. The mean percentage in the number of fluke eggs for each
treatment group was compared with the corresponding control group (Table 1).
Efficacy of Nigella sativa seeds. Efficacy of Nigella sativa at a dose
rate of 30 mg/kg body mass was 54.16% and 79.16% at one dose level and
two dose levels, respectively. Higher doses of 40 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg
were 57.44% and 58.33% effective at one dose level, and 80.85% and
81.25% effective at two dose levels, respectively (Table 1). EPG count
increased in untreated control group.
Table 1. Efficacy of various indigenous and allopathic drugs against fasciolosis in
Efficacy (%) on different days
Drug used Dose level mg/kg 18th day 28th day
30 54.16 79.16
Nigella sativa 40 57.4 80.8
50 58.33 81.25
40 50 82.6
Fumaria parviflora 50 57.4 89.36
60 78.7 95.74
30 48.9 80.8
Caesalpinia crista 40 50 84.09
50 57.7 86.6
50 46.6 62.2
Saussurea lappa 100 57.4 72.3
200 61.7 78.7
Triclabendazole 10 82.6 95.6
Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004 111
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
Efficacy of Fumaria parviflora aerial parts. Table 1 shows that Fumaria
parviflora at 40 mg/kg dose caused a 50% and 82.60% decrease in EPG
counts on day 18 and day 28, respectively. At the dose rate of 50 mg/kg
and 60 mg/kg the figure was 57.44% and 78.72% effective, respectively,
at one dose level, whereas at two dose levels the drug was 89.36% and
95.74% effective.
Efficacy of Caesalpinia crista seeds. Caesalpinia crista seeds at a rate
of 30 mg/kg body mass caused a 48.9% decrease in EPG counts at a onedose
level on post-treatment day 18, whereas this figure was 80.8% effective
at a two-dose level on the 28th day post treatment. At a dose rate of 40 mg/
kg body mass this figure was 50% and 84.09% effective at one- and twodose
levels, respectively. At 50 mg/kg the drug caused 57.7% and 86.5%
reduction on day 18 and day 28 post-treatment at one- and two-dose levels,
Efficacy of Saussurea lappa roots. Saussurea lappa roots at 50 mg/kg
body mass dose caused a 46.6% and 62.2% decrease in EPG counts on the
18th day and 28th day post-treatment, respectively. With a dose rate of 100
mg/kg it caused a 57.4% and 72.3% reduction in EPG of faeces on the 18th
day and 28th day post-treatment, respectively, and at a rate of 200 mg the
drug showed a 61.7% and 78.7% reduction on the 18th day and 28th day
post- treatment.
Efficacy of triclabendazole. Allopathic fasciolicide, i.e. triclabendazole,
at the recommended dose of 10 mg/kg caused an 82.6% reduction on the
18th day, and after administration the dose on the 18th day caused a 95.6%
reduction in EPG count on the 28th day post-treatment. It was also evident
that an increase (30 to 60%) occurred in the egg count of all control groups:
A4, B4, C4, D4 and E2.
Relative efficacy of all five drugs at their optimum levels of L3 on
various days as compared with L0 (day zero) showed that at L3 all drugs
had a significant anti-fasciolic efficacy effect. The highest efficacy was
shown by Triclabendazole and Fumaria parviflora, i.e. 95.7% and 95.74%,
respectively, while efficacies of Caesalpinia crista, Nigella sativa and
Saussurea lappa were 86.6%, 81.25% and 78.8%. Thus, they rank in
second, third and fourth position, respectively.
112 Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
No side effects of these drugs on pregnancy, milk yield and body mass
were noted.
Modern allopathic fasciolicides are efficacious, but most cause several
adverse effects. Hence the development of newer, safer, curative and
economical anti-fasciolic drugs has remained an active area of research.
Therefore, antifasciolic activities of indigenous drugs, including Nigella
sativa, Fumeria parviflora, Caesalpinia crista and Saussurea lappa were
Nigella sativa at different dose rates, i.e. 30, 40 and 50 mg/kg body
mass. Respectively, caused 54.16, 57.4 and 58.33 per cent reduction on
the 18th day at a one-dose level, whereas its efficacy was 79.16, 80.5 and
81.25 per cent, respectively, at two-dose levels on the 28th day. KAILANI et
al. (1995) also reported almost similar results. NATH (1983) has reported that
this drug contains negelline, metarbin, melanthin, melanthiginin and
sapginin, etc. In addition, it contains fixed oils (37.5%) and volatile oil
(1.5%), which delay its passage and ultimately onset of action (GHAZANVI,
1988). Therefore, maximum efficacy of the drug was recorded on posttreatment
day 28.
Fumaria parviflora aerial parts, at dose rates of 40, 50 and 60 mg/kg
body mass, respectively, caused a 50, 57.44 and 78.72 per cent reduction
in EPG on the 18th day post-treatment at a one-dose level, whereas at a
two-dose level the drug showed an efficacy of 82.6, 89.36 and 95.74 per
cent, respectively. Fumaria parviflora proved to be the most effective herbal
drug for removing liver fluke infection. AKHTAR and FARAH (1998) have
reported that this drug contains a dry-matter basis of 4% alkaloids, which
are possibly its active principles. Similar efficacy rates of this drug against
fasciolosis have been reported by KAILANI et al. (1995), and against nematodes
by AKHTAR and JAVED (1985).
The efficacy of Caesalpinia crista at 30, 40 and 50 mg/kg body mass
was 48.9, 50 and 57.7 per cent, respectively, at a one-dose level, whereas
at two-dose levels the drug was 80.8, 84.09 and 86.6 per cent effective,
respectively, on the 28th day post-treatment. These results are in agreement
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004
with KAILANI et al. (1995) who have also reported its efficacy against
fasciolosis in buffaloes.
Saussurea lappa at different dose levels, i.e. 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg
body mass, proved to be 46.6, 57.4 and 61.7 per cent effective, respectively,
on the 18th day post-treatment at a one-dose level, whereas their efficacies
were 62.2, 72.3 and 78.7 per cent, respectively, at a two-dose level on the
28th day post-treatment. AKHTAR and MAKHDOOM (1988) reported its efficacy
against nematode infection. No work has been carried out to date on it use
against fasciolosis.
The allopathic drug Triclabendazole was 82.6 and 95.7 per cent
effective at a one- and two-dose level, respectively. Almost similar results
were also reported by RICHARDS et al. (1990) and CRAIG and HUEY (1984).
From the results obtained in this study it was indicated that all drugs,
except Saussurea lappa, were effective at one- and two-dose levels.
Triclabendazole and Fumaria parviflora proved to be the most effective
drugs in removing liver fluke infection, while Caesalpinia crista and
Nigella sativa were the second and third most effective, respectively.
AKHTAR, M. S. (1988): Anthelmintic evaluation of indigenous medicinal plants for
veterinary usage. Final Research Report. pp. 172. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
AKHTAR, M. S., N. FARAH (1988): Phytochemical screening of Morus alba (stem bark)
Nigella sativa (seeds) and Fumaria parviflora (aerial parts). J. Phaarm. Univ. Karachi
5, 9-14.
AKHTAR, M. S., S. MAKHDOOM (1988): Antinematodal efficacy of glycosides isolated
from Saussurea lappa (Qust or Kooth) in sheep and buffalo calves. Pak. J. Pharmacol.
5, 59-64.
AKHTAR, M. S., I. JAVED (1985): Comparative efficacy of Fumaria parviflora and morantel
tartrate against mixed gastro-intestinal nematode infection in sheep. Pak. J. Pharmacol.2,
BRANDER, G. C., D. M. PUGH, BYWATER (1991): Veterinary Applied Pharmacology
and Therapeutics. 4th ed. Bailliere Tindall, London.
CRAIG, T. M., R. L. HUEY (1984): Efficacy of triclabendazole against Fasciola hepatica
and Fascioloides magna in naturally infected calves. Am. J. Vet. Res. 45, 1644-1645.
GHAZANVI, K. (1988): Tibb-i-Nabvavi (Peace be upon him) our Jadeed Science. (Urdu)
Faisal Publishers Urdu Bazar, Lahore. 1, 228-232.
A. Maqbool et al.: Comparative efficacy of different indigenous and allopathic drugs against
fasciolosis in buffaloes
Vet. arhiv 74 (2), 107-114, 2004
Received: 5 March 2003
Accepted: 15 March 2004
KAILANI, S. R., M. S. AKHTAR, M. ASHRAF (1995): Antifasciolic efficacy of indigenous
plant drugs Kalonji, Shahtarah and Karanjwa in buffaloes. Pak. J. Pharmacol. 8, 17-
KELLY, W. R. (1974): Mc Master egg counting technique. Vet. Clinical Diagnosis, 2nd ed.
The Bailliere Tindall Company, London.
NADKARNI, A. K. (1954): Indian Materia Medica. Vol. I. Popular Book Depot, Bombay.
NATH, V. T. (1983): Ayurredic Jari Bootian. Urdu Mat Boatt-i-Sulemani. Urdu Bazar Lahore.
pp. 23-530.
The efficacy of Triclabendazole and other anthelmintics against Fasciola hepatica in
controlled studies in cattle. Vet. Rec. 128, 213-216.
SAID, M. (1969): Hamdards Pharmacopeia of Eastern Medicine. Times Press Karachi.
SATYAVATI, G. V., A. K. GUPTA, N. TANDON (1987): Medicinal plants of India. Indian
Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, 201-206.
SOULSBY, E. J. L. (1982): Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals.
English Language Book Society, London.
MAQBOOL, A., C. S. HAYAT, A. TANVEER: Usporedba djelotvornosti
različitih biljnih i alopatskih pripravaka protiv fascioloze u bivola. Vet. arhiv
74, 107-114, 2004.
U osamnaest nadziranih pokusa bilo je uključeno 180 bivola, radi usporedbe djelotvornosti
nekih biljnih pripravaka protiv fascioloze i triklabendazola. Od biljnih lijekova istražena je djelotvornost
sjemenki biljke Nigella sativa, zračnih dijelova Fumaria parviflora, sjemenki Caesalpinia crista i
korijenja Saussurea lappa. Djelotvornost je bila procijenjena na osnovi razlike u broju jajašaca po
gramu fecesa (JGF) prije i poslije liječenja. Sjemenke Niggela sativa smanjile su JGF za 54,16%
nakon jedne doze od 30 mg/kg tjelesne mase, za 57,4% nakon jedne doze od 40 mg/kg te za 58,33%
nakon jedne doze od 50 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Nakon druge doze od 30, 40, ili 50 mg/kg tjelesne mase
uočeno je smanjenje JGF za 79,16%, 80,85% i 81,25%. Zračni dijelovi Fumaria parviflora u količini
od 40, 50 odnosno 60 mg/kg tjelesne mase smanjili su JGF za 50,0%, 57,44% odnosno 78,72%, dok
je primjenom dvije doze u istim količinama smanjen JGF za 82,6%, 89,36% i 95,74%. Sjemenke
Caesalpinia crista smanjile su JGF za 48,9% nakon jedne doze od 30 mg/kg tjelesne mase, za 50,0%
nakon jedne doze od 40 mg/kg tjelesne mase te za 57,7% nakon jedne doze od 50 mg/kg tjelesne
mase dok je smanjenje JGF nakon dvije doze od 30, 40 i 50 mg/kg tjelesne mase bilo za 80,0%,
84,09% i 86,6%. Primjena Saussurea lappa u količini od 50, 100 i 200 mg/kg tjelesne mase smanjila
je JGF za 46,6%, 57,4% i 61,7% nakon jedne doze, a nakon dvije doze za 62,6%, 72,3% i 78,7%.
Primjena jedne doze triklabendazola od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase smanjila je JGF za 82,6%, a primjena
dviju doza za 95,7%. Redoslijed učinkovitosti pretraženih pripravaka je sljedeći: triklabendazol,
Fumaria parviflora, Caesalpinia crista, Nigella sativa i Saussurea lappa. Nikakve nuzpojave nisu
zapa•ene kod primjene biljnih pripravaka.
Ključne riječi: biljni i alopatski pripravci, fascioloza, bivoli