Coping with Social Impact of Flatulence
I am in your same predicament as many of you- I have had terrible gas problems on and off for eight years. I only recently went to a doctor who said it was probably due to problems with digestion and constipation. I have been making an effort to go to the bathroom before social situations such as office meetings and have seen that constipation has been alleviated due to increased fiber intake (I prefer Fiber One bars). However almost every week, two months after visiting the doctor, an embarrassing situation occurs and just like many of you I may not be even aware of the smell or that I was even holding in gas. Even people who I consider to be my closer associates seem to sit away from me or talk behind my back now - I know it is not because I have treated them badly or anything, rather it is because they think I have a problem with hygiene (when it is actually something more beyond my control). I try to separate their offense at the smell away from personal feelings, knowing that they don't actually despise me as a human being for any reason, but it can be hard to do. And I have also known that in situations where I am stressed (most times because I am afraid of another embarrassing incident) I tend to cause more of the same reactions I am exactly fearing because I pass more gas. Also, like many of you I tend to pass more gas when I am around people who I am not comfortable around (the people I know who have talked about my gas before)
I think it is good many of you are looking at this situation with humor. I am trying my best not to bear bad feelings towards people who may be offended by the smell I give off - I like to think "if I had grudges against the people who disliked my gas, I would have grudges against the entire world!". At the same time, if anyone seems rude or discourteous, I know they are not worth my time. I am a career woman and can not spend my work days wondering what other people think about me. I am young and need to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities I have been given - nothing I will achieve in my career has anything to do with the way I smell, but rather with the sincerity with which I perform my work and the effort I put into it.
I was wondering about some strategies you all have with coping with some of the social problems caused by flatulence - embarrassing situations, people talking behind your back, anxiety of being with other people, etc? Any inspiration is apprecited!