Adrenal fatigue/low cortisol and acne
I have been told I have low adrenal function. My saliva test showed that I was at the bottom of the range all day long one time and another time I was actually below the normal range iin the afternoon. I also have difficulty taking thyroid medicine and have problems with anxiety and insomnia.... and every weird blood result Dr. Rind mentions in his table.
I recently started isocort. Two things of interest that I wondered if anyone else had happen... First, after about 3 days my hypothyroid symptoms got worse. Second, the terrible
Acne that I had been suffereing for the last two years cleared up completely. The
Acne was weird because of the location... I had it on my chest, upper arms, back, neck and chin.
I just wondered if anyone else had a similiar experience. I am happy about the acne. Nothing else worked for that. It seems to support the diagnosis since I read that low and high cortisol cause
Acne ... and since adding cortisol cured the acne it does suggest the doctor was correct. I was really worried about taking the Isocort but it seems it has what I need to begin to recover.
Now if we can balance out the thyroid (armour) with the adrenal support I hope to be doing much better.