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mms scam!
biosafe Views: 1,361
Published: 17 y

mms scam!

Why does Humble not sell Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , so he can not be prosecuted,
the same as Abraham states he does not sell Miracle-Mineral-Supplement
come on Humble support your lies and on your site put Miracle-Mineral-Supplement up for sale.
You are gutless Humble and will not take responsibility for what you started,
or get jab, tomato, r4000 and the girls to take the doses you recommend below

More Rubbish, from Humble and more false claims, I ask where are the doctors, there are many Humble Say's.
Will site owner Dr. Edward Lis do it, what through a pen!

"Fine print regarding the known side-effect from ingesting Chlorine Dioxide: You are likely to get better and recover."

"Is there any other way to get MMS into my body? Yes but it may cost $60 to $90 U.S. per doctor’s visit to do it. There are many doctors who provide “Chelation Therapy.” They typically provide a “two-hour drip.” By appointment you go to an office and sit in a comfortable chair while a specialist inserts a needle into one of the large veins on your hand or arm – then you read magazines. Slowly the MMS solution drips into your blood stream directly. With repeated visits, the can be increased but as toxic poisons and debris from viruses are being flushed, nausea or diarrhea can be expected – evidence that detoxification is occurring."

"Why do some companies ship with differing directions? If dosage is important,
shouldn’t it be the same world wide? It’s true. One Canadian firm ships 6 ounce bottles with instructions stating that you should take a low dose every two hours and go no higher than 15 drops and with longer time between doses. Other sources state a day and evening dosage with 25 drops as the maximum. Depending on the supplier, instructions differ.
The various directions all produce a similar amount of the gas in the blood stream. The Canadian doses, while lower, are recommended two hours apart. Whichever plan you use, if nausea threatens, you should back off to a lower dose or stretch the time between doses. The spacing between doses doesn’t matter as long as nausea doesn’t turn you off. The goal is to maintain chlorine dioxide gas in the blood stream, adequate to encounter and “explode” bad growths and toxic pathogens. What prevents overdosing? Nausea and diarrhea indicate that your elimination process is momentarily overtaxed so naturally you’ll reduce the dosage size or space them further apart unless you’re in a crisis that requires quick results.


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