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H2O2 - Promising results and an Experiment Log
William_the_Bloody Views: 6,452
Published: 17 y

H2O2 - Promising results and an Experiment Log

I have begun to attack an HPV/Gen. Warts problem with the often referred to method of using food grade peroxide on filed wart flesh.

It's been about a week. I am not taking any supplements, and I'm not particularly healthy. I smoke and eat crap most of the time. I have a cluster on the base of my shaft, isolated to one side, front-left to be specific, about the size of a quarter. Warts are varying sizes, with a couple 2mm larger ones.

I was taking thuja pills and using a thuja cream. These seemed to do nothing at all.

Came apon the information here and went to work. The first time out, I very gingerly used a nail file on the area, admittedly half-heartedly. I then q-tipped the h2o2 on the tops of the warts. After that I used an office pin to poke the center of some of the larger ones. I don't know how effective my poking was, but again I was nervous doing it, anticipating pain.

Well, the h2o2 burned the crap out of my skin, the warts turned white for a while (as does any skin it comes into contact with) and then it went away.

A few days later i had scabs and still had lots of warts, though I had a "feeling" that something was happening. A lot of tingling was going on down there throughout my days.

I repeated this process, but this time I focused my attention on the big boys and was less pristine about going at them.

2 days later, one big one is entirely gone, only a scab remains, and the others seem to be shrinking of their own accord.


How effective would this therapy be if I had a syringe and poked directly underneath the wart? How about subcutaneously?

I got the syringes and am going to do some experiments. I will come back and report what I've done and how it's going.



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