Re: Had it removed 2 days ago
Had the Mirena inserted 1/24/08. After talking with the doctor, he suggested the Mirena because their literature states it reduces cramping and I usually have very bad cramps. When he dilated my cervix I thought I was going to hit the ceiling. Bad side effects immediately after placement. Was in the doctors office for over one and one-half hours after insertion. Went home and was feeling so so. The NEXT day was horrible....SEVERE cramping, BLINDING migraines, SEVERE back pain, chills, poor circulation, the works. This went on for five days. Contacted my doctor on the sixth day and told them of the side effects. They informed that my body has to become used to it. I told them I could not FUNCTION and wanted it removed. They called me back within 15 minutes and told me to be at their office in one hour and it would be removed. My doctor did give me two options, although she said she probably knew what my answer would be,,,,1)to have a sonogram done to see if the placement was correct, and if not they would remove the Mirena and insert a new one or 2) remove the Mirena. I immediately opted for number 2. My doctor immediately removed it and informed me that she had another woman just the previous day who wanted her's out as well. No hard time at all. Easier removing than inserting the Mirena. I can't believe all the women on here who have waited and are STILL waiting to have their's removed. It boggles my mind to think that doctors would leave women in such pain and agony. I only had mine in for five days but it was the longest five days in my entire life. If I were these women, I would demand to have the Mirena removed and not wait a second longer.