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Results from MMS protocol and request for information on healing past damage from MS.
marlene2038 Views: 5,327
Published: 17 y

Results from MMS protocol and request for information on healing past damage from MS.

Letter to friend on CS list.
Hello Wayne, I found your message about the brain amazing and would like to know more. I have been taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for 3 months 3 weeks for Multiple Sclerosis. I have used supplements in the past to increase brain functions. I also have used various diets to reduce the problems associated with brain fog and swelling. I have some myelin damage from MS which needs addressing, my organizational skills are pretty damaged. My ability to do numbers has been diminished. I have recovered my verbal skills to a large extent, they were pretty bad both writing and speaking. My hope is to repair all damage so far remaining in brain function. The results from Miracle-Mineral-Supplement are as follows.

Up date on my results on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Protocol.

I have reduced the amount of MMS drops for the present from 30 to 40 to 20 drops divided in two doses of 10. I feel that I have reduced all my pathogen and heavy metals symptoms significantly. I want to start rebuilding the brain functions as soon as I am certain there will not be a re occurrence of the pathogens. Lime disease is hard to eradicate as is Candida. I am not sure about Epstein Barr, Mycoplasma, Chlymedia Pneumonia, staph or strep, and the black berry mold infection is very difficult to stop. I am showing signs they are much reduced but think they may be hanging around either in the cocoon or other hidden egg stages.

For the last two days .I have experimented with taking the MMS with 15 drops of DMSO which I added to my 4 oz of water before mixing with MMS drops and citric acid 10% solution.. I think this took the MMS to deeper levels and increased the die off. Physical changes I have noticed over the past 3+ months. Breathing better,, stopped spasms, sleeping better and longer, skin tone better, reduction in marks on hands, nail cuticles reduced and soft, nails reduced ridges and improved strength, nails naturally shiny, nails less porous and stronger. Kidneys are working better I have less edema all over the body especially. face, chest and legs. Lumps on body now think they are lymph nodules are softer, Lymph glands are smaller and softer under arms and breast, old sores on legs, have lost red and hardness. I have had pre cancer spots on face and hands and legs dry up and flake off. My stiffness and aches are less in mornings. Balance is better. My coordination is much improved. I am not having reflux, heart burn, or indigestion. Having changes in appetite don’t want some of the foods I used to really like. . Some old symptoms come back and go quickly it is detox symptom and is called retracing. I have also had some nausea feelings and some D as symptoms of die off. I have recently started taking herbal, grass and vegetables alkalizing drinks. This is a course recommended by my friend Scott from
and Dr Young. Also I have continued taking enzymes and drinking more water. I am very happy and excited by the improvements so far. I will go on the maintenance dose soon.

If you have information on repairing the brain or exercising it please let me know.

Thank you Marlene
PS I don’t post on the CS list often but enjoy reading all the posters.

From Jana on curezone MMS forum, about retracing.
and I have observed the same thing as well.
Another possible explanation is, that some of the anaerobic bacteria, responsible for certain condition still stay dormant in the body, either encapsulated in the liver, small intestine, or lot of times attached to the walls of large intestines, sort of dried up and covered up in mucus (the body's defense against pathogens).

Once they get "addressed" by encountering the MMS, they get lifted up and carried out of the body, temporarily causing some "old, forgotten" symptoms in the system.

(which in short, is the possible explanation of "retracing" or re-experiencing of some of the symptoms from the past)


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