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more details of my nde knowledge combined with is an intesting read
strangeme Views: 464
Published: 17 y

more details of my nde knowledge combined with is an intesting read

I do not want to tell anyone what to believe about who and what Jesus was. Every denomination seems to think that they are the only ones that have a true understanding of what he taught and who he was. I believe that this aspect of religion is best left between each person and their priest or minister and so I have purposely avoided the discussion of the nature of Jesus in my lessons.
He said: “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20,21)
All of the saints who have directly experienced the true nature of God tell us (In ways that they think the followers of their denomination can best understand) that God is not a "big person” in the heavens
God is "incorporeal, immaterial, impalpable, beyond quantity and circumscription, beyond form and figure
In other words, God is not staring down at His creation, rewarding and punishing mankind like some petty Roman deity. God's true nature is far beyond the concept of a personality that can be located in time and space, up there somewhere. The far greatest part of Divine Consciousness is like an infinite unchanging sky, an omnipresent consciousness that rests behind creation as an infinite unchanging, formless and unmanifest presence. But at the same time this formless unmanifest presence manifests on the surface of Itself that which dreams the dream of creation that is each soul and all that is manifest as the heavens and earth.
The wind of God (SPIRIT OF GOD). By identifying itself with the captivating and illusory structure of creation (the bejeweled angel Satan) into which it is born, the soul is deceived about it’s true nature and temporarily loses its awareness of it’s own perfection and unity in God. The soul becomes lost in its’ own dream, its’ mistaken sense of separateness. (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) and casts itself out of the garden of the awareness of it’s own structure of individualized Divine Consciousness (the tree of life) into a self involved, self created world of thorns and thistles. This is my understanding of the meaning behind the story of Adam and Eve.
God is everything the absolute
Extending everywhere, within and as everything, Divine Consciousness (God) is all there is, ever has been, ever will or can be, and souls as well as all of creation as individualization's of It, are not now, never have been and never can be separate or apart from the whole of It. The soul as well as all manifest creation would “immediately be annihilated and cease to exist.” if Divine Consciousness was not it. The truth is that only Divine Consciousness exists. All things are One Thing. There is only God

I say God is summerised in one word,thou art “THAT”
You are a fire always burning but never consuming; you are a fire consuming in your heat all the soul's selfish love; you are a fire lifting all chill and giving light. In your light you have made me know your truth: You are that light beyond all light who gives the mind's eye supernatural light in such fullness and perfection that you bring clarity even to the light of faith. In that faith I see that my soul has life, and in that light receives you who are Light...
The mystery of time
Have you ever wondered, why, with infinite endlessness behind and infinite endlessness ahead that there should even be this spec of time, this wisp of a movement of matter and energy that we look at as the last 12 to 15 billion years of the creation that is the physical universe? In all of eternity, why now? In the eternity of the past, was God without creation. It makes little sense to me.

It is pure speculation, but perhaps, all of creation's manifestation to merging back into the whole is but one day in the infinite past and infinite future life that is the forever and continuous “now” of God
. In Revelations the sound of the Spirit is described as the sound of many trumpets, in Ezekiel the vibration of the Spirit is described as the sound of the wings of angels. Both accounts are descriptions of what the Spirit sounds like when we are totally absorbed in it. When first heard within it will probably be as a simple high pitched hum that when fully known will have brought the soul to the state of “teleios” perfection.
Understanding of the deeper things of God’s manifestations will follow.


“One day, while resting in the intuitive calm, I became lifted by the Spirit. It pulled my awareness above where it normally rests in my head and I seemed to be floating above. From this awareness I looked down into my body and it was as if I were viewing the basic structure of creation, the smallest particles of existence. I could feel the spaces between what seemed like an ocean of hollow spheres of light in constant swirling motion” Me Alan.

I realized that over the years my eyes had not told me the whole truth; for there is nothing solid in this universe. To exist in this universe everything must be in constant motion. By the nature of this universe everything must always be changing. This applies to our bodies, our experiences, our lives, our loved ones, our world. our religions, our social and political institutions; everything. In all of the manifested realms of existence, including the heavens, nothing can or will stay as it is. There is a saying that “This to will change” and it always will. Trying to keep people and circumstances as they are is as futile as trying to stop the changing of the tides or trying to swim up stream.

Another time I was resting in the intuitive calm and became lifted by the Spirit. The whole universe seemed to appear before me. It looked like a giant Christmas tree ornament hanging on nothing. While in this state I clearly understood that the whole of God is not to be found at the center of the myriad of stars within each of the billions of galaxies that make up the immense strands and clusters of matter and energy that exist as the physical universe. The whole of the physical universe that mankind feels is so vast is more like a small cluster of diamonds resting on one of God’s fingers. Jesus said heaven is like a musted seed growing into the greatest herb tree. The expanding universe of course


The heavenly realms, each brighter and larger than the last, would make up the other jewels that rest on God’s other fingers. (As if Divine Consciousness had fingers.) This illustration though, is appropriate for all of manifest creation is only a fraction of the size of the Consciousness within and behind it. The heavens are not a single place. Did not Jesus say “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” The heavens are more like a series of separate universes divided by vibrations of consciousness. Mohammed speaks of consciously being taken through seven heavens. The physical universe is at the bottom of the rest and has the coarsest vibration.

As we develop spiritually, our consciousness will become higher attuned and will increase in vibration. When our bodies die and we leave the physical realm, the more higher attuned our consciousness, the more it has expanded and developed, the higher we will be able to go into the heavens and the less restricted we are when we get there. Only those whose consciousness is fully developed (Born again unto the Spirit) can roam the series of universes known as the heavens at will and fully choose how they wish to serve God.

No soul being lost forever. I also do not believe that going to heaven is going to solve all of our problems. So many people think that they can solve their problems by moving away to some new place. Once they get to their new location, they find that they have carried all of their personal problems with them . It is no different when we leave our bodies and enter the heavens. Our desires and fears will still be with us needing to be worked out. I believe it to be true that at the end of our lives we are judged by the Christ but I believe that it is the Christ aspect within each individual soul, that on a much deeper level than the conscious mind, judges the soul and decides how it is best for it to learn and progress in God’s Kingdom. This may call for a period of discomfort but never forever. Eventually all souls are destined to climb to the top of the mountain in God’s kingdom. (When each soul has learned what it needs to learn.) If the soul refuses to learn, it only means that it stays at the foot of the mountain for a longer period of time but I do not believe that any soul is destined to stay at the foot of the mountain forever.



Ecclesiastes 12:1: “Remember you Creator in the days of your youth,”

12:5: “Because man goes to his lasting home and mourners go about the streets,”

12:6: “Before the silver cord is snapped...”

Early in my spiritual life as I would sit in silent contemplation I would come to a stage where my awareness seemed to rotate inside my body: A rather odd VIBRATING BUZZING feeling forward but. One day, while in this state I looked down at myself. What I saw was two bodies. My physical body and partially outside of it a silvery white spiritual body. Connecting these two bodies is a silver umbilical cord. At death this cord snaps and the soul’s relationship with the physical comes to an end When this happens there is no returning to the earthly material planei

12:6: “and the golden bowl is broken...”
seen as a halo.

12:6:”...and the pitcher is shattered at the spring and the wheel is broken at the well.” And the physical body can no longer utilize the Holy Spirit flowing through the channels and centers of the spiritual body.

12:7 “...and the dust returns to the earth as it once was, and the breath of life returns to God who gave it.”
As our consciousness in the physical body is located within the brain, our spiritual body has it’s consciousness located within very specific areas of its body. Each area of spiritual consciousness has it’s own very specific vibration of the Holy Spirit and resulting color from this vibration seen inwardly as a wheel of light that comes from each area. (It is no different from splitting a full spectrum of what appears to be clear light into its’ different vibrational colors.) Each area in the spiritual body can be heard and seen inwardly as different frequencies of vibration of light and can be felt outwardly where these areas impinge on the physical body.
I was listening to some music when I began to feel the vibration of the centers of consciousness along my spine and into my head. Each center had it’s own unique frequency that would be stimulated and I would feel physically when the music hit the note at which the center vibrated. I felt seven areas of vibration along the spine and into the head, exactly where the great mystic’s have written they could be felt. The area at the base of the spine had the lowest frequency of vibration and the areas increased in vibration with the area at the very top of the head having the highest frequency of vibration. All areas seemed to vibrate within the human range of hearing or perhaps it’s harmonic. As the vibrations poured through me, moving up and down the spine with the music, it felt as if I had become a musical instrument being played by God.
Keep in mind:
I know that I have said that God does not sit in heaven looking down at the earth rewarding and punishing mankind like a petty Roman deity. I have nowhere said that we are not responsible for our actions or that we would not pay for our sins. It is only that we pay and are rewarded for our actions by a different mechanism than what most understand. God is far beyond the concept of personality and if I could describe God in understandable terms for the material universe, it would be as the essence of, the maker of, and the sustainer of natural laws. These actions are the role of the Holy Spirit in the material universe and all of the heavens.
I think I am having a hard time accepting the darkness in me. Why is that so scary for me to accept? I do not know. I am afraid if I embrace the darkness, I will never get out of it or that it will consume me. I think there may be something holy in darkness. God created it. God created night. God created our ego?? (I feel like I might be punished for saying this!!) Just thoughts.
Much of the a above it my experiences and it is combined with research



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