I wanted to share my story about Yeast infections. I have had problems with yeast and BV for years. The latest being a yeast infection that just won't go away. January 2011 is when this yeast infection started. After dozens of tests from my doctor where she said I was "normal", nothing unusual going on down there and she wanted to send me to a specialist because of the burning I was having. I also asked her for Lactobactilus/Acidophilus suppositories which seemed to help with the burning (something she had prescribed at an earlier visit). I am trying to make this is short as possible. In all of the home remedies that gave me relief the boric acid suppositories and the acidophilus suppositories worked the best. I was actually normal for 4 or 5 months after using the acidophilus suppositories and then of course I got sick and was put on anti-biotics and well here we go again. Yeast is back and sticking around. Boric acid will kill everything in there and give me relief but I don't want to use that forever. So even though I can get my vagina normal temporarily, the yeast keeps coming back. Systemic yeast I am assuming. So my plan of attack was to kill the yeast internally so I can have a normal vagina again. I bought a bottle of Syntol. I used dilfulcan and Syntol at the same time to start with the yeast killing. I purchased more acidophilus suppositories I can only get 10 a month with my perscription, I found the product called PurFem from a store in Canada (which is a probiotic vaginal suppository) which has 10 in a pack. I have probiotic pills called Ultimate Flora Vaginal support from Renew. My period is coming up so my plan of attack is to start the acidiophoulis suppositories after my period. So I used boric acid suppositories for the 2 weeks prior to my period while on the Syntol. This kills everything, vagina has no odor, no burning, no itching. But when you stop the boric acid you need to populate with the good bacteria. So I happen to have the Ultimate flora vaginal pills which are meant to take orally, but I need to populate my vagina so in they go. 4 days of this and I am "normal" still. Period will arrive in one more day. I take 2 syntol at bedtime and one syntol when I get up in morning. I will use Ultimate flora at bedtime during period and as soon as it ends I will do 20 days of probiotic suppositories. You have to kill the yeast internally as well as externally. It reaches your vagina from your intestines and causes yeast infections. Syntol and probiotics are working for me. Just wanted to share.
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