> Can anyone tell me if it is safe to do the liver cleanse AFTER the gallbladder has been removed? My grandmother had to have her gallbladder removed in November 2001. I say she HAD to because by the time it was removed, gangrene had set up in it.
Yes, it is safe.
Many people have done it.
you can read several messages in this forum:
From: Mary Ann McCall maryan@a...
I did my first gall bladder/liver cleanse the other day. I was
amazed..I had stones the size of marbles! I had my gall bladder removed a year ago.
The doctors said my g.b. quit functioning. I still have tenderness and some pain in the liver area. It is so bad that I cannot stand to wear pants that fit me correctly.
I'm actually looking forward to my next cleanse. I'm ready to feel better.
To: gallstones@yahoogroups.com
From: Adrienne McLaughlin adriennelynn1@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 05:00:19 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: gallstones@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [gallstones] Newly diagnosed
I've just finished my fourth cleanse, and have passed at least 2 stones that were 1.5cm. I've had my gallbladder removed, but these stones have to travel down the common bile duct, and I passed them painlessly.
I'd definitely encourage you to do the cleanse if you can, but also do a
parasite and
kidney cleanse first. You can find recipies for them in Dr. Clark's book "
The Cure For All Diseases ," or you can get it from a health food store.
I use a parasite, kidney, bowel cleansing program by Nature's Medicine Corp. 1-800-408-1525. Dr. Clark says to do the
parasite cleanse first, however, I don't know if others recommend it also.
Jane Moran" Jane.Moran@t... wrote:
This is the first time that I have sent a message to this group. So,
I apologise if I am asking things that have already been covered previously.
I had my gallbladder removed twelve years ago and was assured by the
surgeon that it would solve all my problems. Sorry, to Gina I don't want to spoil any optimism you may feel, but it didn't give me my old life back. I built up again until two years ago the pain was again so bad that I was driven to go back to the doctor.But, I just could not
face going through all that again.
I used a grapefruit and olive oil flush very sucessfully, but the
stones kept coming back.
From: "Helen R." ehrynd@xxxxxx
Subject: Help
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 15:36:20 -0500
I bought your book, "Cure for all Diseases" . I tried the liver cleanse. I had my gallbladder taken out by laser surgery in 1990. I was so surprised at all the stones that came out if me. I was told I have a synovil cyst on my spine ,pinching nerves. The doctor says I have to have surgery to remove the cyst. Can you help. I am a 60 year old woman.
From: emtsb@xxxxxx
Date: Mon., 07 Dec 1998 18:31:36 -0500
I had my gallbladder removed 6 mo. ago, and I am still having
terrible digestion problems my Dr. said I may have a blockage from a stone, I'm scheduled for endoscopy do you have any suggestion for me about the cleansing of stones what would you recommend.
Thank You