hey kartiks,
one of the most important parts of dealing with toxins is reducing intake. I've been working on reducing toxin intake for a couple of years now and still have many aspects of my life I need to change. Doing things like avoiding processed foods & not drinking tap water are basic ways of avoiding toxins. Only make lifestyle changes you can live with, toxins are unavoidable; just try to limit the amount you take into your system.
detoxing is done naturally by the body but a lot of the time the elimination organs get overworked and take a beating. Boosting the liver with herbs while eating lots of psylium fiber is a good way to colon cleanse. Watch out for BS
Colon Cleanse products, a lot of then are overpriced junk.
some simple steps would be eating many servings of organic fruits/vegetables each day, making sure to avoid eating excess carbs, limit wheat/flour/oat products they contain gluten which has negative effects on the body. Gluten feeds and flares up candida problems., other than that only drink 100% purest water, exercise, ect
one important thing is not to become one of those health freaks who eat shrubs and tofu for lunch, enjoy a fat steak every once in a while... don't lose quality of life to "be healthy"
I've tried all kinds of supplements, detox methods.. I'll post some more later
gotta get some sleep haha