
Children with leukemia do not have to die !

Let your child cure leukemia .


Child with leukemia

Let their bodies cure itself.

Parents who let daughters immunity cure herself.

Cured with help of diet and sun.


In summer 1992, I was organizing one day cooking workshops in Beograd, together with my parents.  Many people were interested to learn cooking and we have had almost every weekend one workshop.

On one of those workshops came man called  Perica Z.   

Beginning of every workshop was usually introduction.   All the people introduce themselves and say a little story about themselves.  


Perica said that he has come to the seminar because his only child,  4 year old daughter has Leukemia.  He also told us that before she was diagnosed with leukemia, she ate ice-cream every day for more than a year. 


Her mother also loved chocolate and ice-cream. She ate it a lot, before pregnancy, while pregnant and after pregnancy.   He also ask me what is my opinion about some alternative cancer cure that was based on honey.  I did not suggested him to use it.      


Perica Z.  also came on the next workshop.  I suggested him that I should visit them in their house, see his daughter, see their flat and place where she sleeps, and give him more detailed recommendations for her diet.


I went to visit them already next week.  I have forgotten name of his daughter, but for this story I will call her Liz.


Liz was quite lively child.  Previous month she was on "Citostatics" (chemo therapy)  treatment, and she has lost all her hair.   While on treatment, she was very bad,  but since treatment was over,  she slowly recovered. 


I could see that treatment have done more harm, than good.  They knew that, too.  Blood test was showing still very bad condition.  I suggested them strict no-sweets health foods macrobiotics diet with a lot of fresh fish and burdock soups.


I also suggested them to find someone who have goat, and to give her one cup of fresh goat milk every day. 

Goats in Yugoslavia are almost  half-wild animals, and they eat much wider specter of plants than cows.   Everything goat eats, find its way in its milk.  Goat milk is very rich on omega3 Essential fatty acid and it has much more minerals and trace minerals than cow milk.



Next "Citostatics" treatment for Liz was suppose to be already in two weeks. 

I told them that if she was my child,  I would NEVER put her on that treatment. 

Perica's parents were living in one little town on the coast of the Adriatic sea, so I suggested him to take Liz to his parents, because living on the sunny coast was certainly much healthier than living in Belgrade and receiving chemo treatments.

I never heard again from him.  He never came back to another workshop.  I thought they did not accepted my suggestions and they did not want to contact me because of that. 

That kind of experience I have had often with parents of seriously sick children.  Most parents are not ready to take responsibility for child's health on their own, and to say "no thanks"  to doctors. 

It is a great responsibility, and if they fail in their attempt to help their own child, and child die,  they would never forgive themselves for not listening to doctors and at least giving a try to the standard treatments ( chemo therapy ). 

Years have passed.  I have moved to live in Norway and I have forgotten the story about Perica's daughter.  A year or so ago I got a call from my sister Vanja.  She told me an amazing story.  My sister have got a letter from her best friend living now in South Africa.

My sister's best friend from her childhood was a girl called Spomenka, and befor war she was living in Sarajevo, in Bosnia. 

When the war started in Sarajevo, Spomenka and her husband escaped to South African Republic.  South African Republic was one of the few countries that have invited Bosnian refugees.

In her letter Spomenka writes about a men she introduced in South Africa.  His name is Perica Z. and he has told her a story about health food and macrobiotics and about his daughter.  His daughter is now fine, and he is very grateful for all the suggestions that he have got from family Stojkovic. Those suggestions have helped him save his daughter.

Many times people have said thanks for the suggestions and knowledge they got from me.  But of all those thanks,  Perica's thanks mean most for me.  Of all the children I met who manage to beat cancer with right diet and lifestyle, Liz was the youngest one.

I hope that Liz and her family will never again have to learn from Leukemia.


Dusan Stojkovic




What doctors say about Chemo Therapy ?

Did you know that 30 years ago Dr Hardin B. Jones, Professor of Medical Physics & Physiology at Berkeley, found that the life expectancy of untreated cancer cases appears to be FOUR TIMES LONGER than that of treated individuals?

1969 Science Writers Conference of the ACS

Chemotherapy is effective in only 2 to 4% of cancers----Hodgkin's disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL, childhood leukemia), Testicular cancer, and Choriocarcinoma?

Ralph Moss interview 1995 here

There is no scientific evidence for chemotherapy being able to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers, which accounts for 80% of all cancers?

Dr Ulrich Abel. 1990

Chemotherapy drugs are of benefit to at most 5% of cancer patients they are given to, but are routinely given to 50% of patients?

John Cairns of Harvard in Scientific American

75 % of oncologists, in one survey, said if they had cancer they would not participate in chemotherapy trials due to its "ineffectiveness and its unacceptable toxicity"?

Grouped together, the average cancer patient has a 50/50 chance of living another 5 years; which are the same odds he or she had in 1971?

With some cancers, notably liver, lung, pancreas, bone and advanced breast, our 5 year survival from traditional therapy alone is virtually the same as it was 30 years ago?

After $50 Billion spent on cancer research, the list of cancers responsive to chemotherapy is almost identical to what it was 25 years ago?
Questioning Chemotherapy by Ralph Moss, p81

the War on Cancer is a failure with a death rate not lower but 6% higher in 1997 than 1970?

Did you know that one of the worlds leading nuclear medical scientist, John Gofman M.D.,Ph.D. found that past exposure to ionizing radiation, primarily medical x-rays (eg mammograms), is responsible for about 75 percent of the breast-cancer problem today?



Radiation therapy does not improve the survival of patients with breast cancer

Did you know that the mortality rate for breast cancer in women over 55 was about 20% higher in 1995 than in 1970 (so much for mammograms)?

Irwin D. Bross, Ph.D.

Did you know that two large studies found an increase in mortality of women (under 55) from breast cancer who were regularly screened with mammograms?


Other Pages On This Site About Cancer:


150 Essential Things to Do When Your Doctor Says It's Cancer here

Cancer Causes here 

Cancer and Leukemia : People who cured themselves here

Cancer Prevention Diet and Lifestyle    here

Blood Type   O  A  B   AB    Diet      here 


Beating Breast Cancer With Nutrition - Anne Frahm  here

Cancer Cure Discussion group   here

Foods:   Eat to beat cancer   here

What is CANCER ? here

Cancer Warning Signals here

Testimonials: people who win over cancer here

Cancer Links  here

Does This Parasite Cause Cancer? here

? Cancer Conspiracy !?  

Dr Kelley on the suppression of his therapy   here