Blog: BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl

Admitted Pedophile Sets Up Web Site

McClellan's Web site has been shut down by its host. But he says he intends to start it again. And for now there is nothing parents or police can do to stop him. He also has plans to revisit Santa Clarita Valley and was recently spotted in Santa Monica.

Date:   8/18/2007 1:51:50 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 10307 times

  • 1 of 5 girls and 1 of 6 boys will be molested before their 18th birthday.
  • 90% of all sexua| assaults against children are committed by someone whom the victim knew.
  • The typical sexua| predator will assault 117 times before being caught.The re-arrest rate for convicted child molesters is 52%

    Jack McClellanPedophile WebsiteTinyPic image

    Elizabeth Bishop
    7/30 2007

    A Web site created by a pedophile is a virtual "how-to" manual, complete with the best places in western Washington state to see little girls, and tips on how to avoid getting caught by the police.

    McClellan's Web site has been shut down by its host. But he says he intends to start it again. And for now there is nothing parents or police can do to stop him.

    "You can't arrest him for just advocating sex with underage children," said UCLA Law Professor Eugene Voloka. "He has a constitutional right to do that."

    Jack’s Back (again)

    Stephen McCaskill
    7/30 2007

    The self-professed pedophile, Jack McClellan is in the news again. This time it is not about the pictures he is posting on his web site, but what the police are putting up on theirs.

    It seems the Santa Monica Police have put together a public service bulletin about McClellan, complete with two pictures of his face. You can see the bulletin here. (printer friendly version)

    He does not appear to be as enthusiastic to see his own image on the Internet as when he was posting pictures of young girls on his site. On his original site, “Seattle-Tacoma-Everett Girl Love”, he posted images of children he saw at the various events he attended. Once these images were on his site, parents found themselves stuck in a strange situation. In order to get the picture removed, they would have to send McClellan an actual picture of their child.

    This was posted at the bottom of the original site he had up earlier this year.

    The photos of children on this site are legal, non-voyeuristic images taken in public places, and I am under no legal obligation to remove them if you demand that I do so. However, I may honor such requests if you can convince me that you do indeed know the girl (probably by sending me a confirmation pic), and are not an anti-pedophile crusader unrelated to her. I am not likely to remove girls in performance poses (such as on a stage or in a parade), and I’ve endeavored to obscure the facial identities of girls in non-performance poses — so the number of children I’d agree to remove or edit is probably very low.

    I wanted to remind him of his previous stand on photographs on a personal web site, since it now appears he may sue the Santa Monica Police for posting his images.

    Pedophile Upset Police Posted His Picture Online

    Jennifer Sabih
    7/30 2007

    (CBS) SANTA MONICA, Calif. A self-proclaimed pedophile best known for posting pictures on a website that advised other pedophiles on how to meet young girls is now upset that the Santa Monica Police Department has posted his picture on their website.

    Jack McClellan, who admits to going to public events to take pictures of young girls, says he is now in fear for his life since a flyer has circulated bearing his picture, car description and license number.

    The circulation of the flyer is an unusual step, since McClellan is not wanted for any crime. The flyer is careful to simply warn parents of McClellan's proclivities and his presence.

    At least one mother is conflicted about the move -- Sharon Hart is glad to know about a potential predator, but is not sure whether the Santa Monica Police Department's move was correct.

    "He says he's a pedophile, but he's never done anything -- he just says he's attracted to children, but he's never actually molested a child," Hart said. "So is it a violation of his rights? …Yeah."

    McClellan is threatening to sue the Santa Monica Police Department.

    Pedophile May Still Be Stalking SCV Kids

    Jim Holt

    He likes little girls.

    He likes to watch them at parks, in libraries, at bowling allies - anywhere little girls play.

    He likes to photograph them and then post those photos on the Internet.

    His name is Jack McClellan, and this summer the self-described pedophile has been in the Santa Clarita Valley.

    Police say he's done nothing criminal. But law enforcement officers handling his case say there is one thing parents can do.

    "If they see him or they recognize him following a child, or he's seen with camera equipment near children, they can file a child annoyance complaint at the sheriff's station," said one officer with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

    The offense is a misdemeanor, but as the officer points out: "At least it's something."

    Last month, McClellan came to Santa Clarita in search of little girls. On June 9, according to his posting on the Internet, he scouted youngsters at Santa Clarita Lanes bowling alley on Soledad Canyon Road.

    "I've been aware of this guy since about six weeks ago," said Tom Cristi, owner of Santa Clarita Lanes.

    "We have his picture on file with our staff. If he has been in here, as he says, we never really remember seeing him.

    "My business is primarily kids, so we basically watch everyone," Cristi said. "If someone is in the building and they're not using the facilities, ... we ask them to leave."

    When he left the bowling alley on his own, McClellan, 45, crossed the street to Saugus Speedway and joined scores of families roaming the grounds at the San Fernando Valley Fair, according to his Internet posting.

    With children darting from ride to ride, eating cotton candy, petting zebras and playing games of chance, McClellan strolled the grounds anonymously. Most likely, parents would not have recognized the man in his characteristic black wide-brim hat.

    But they probably would have recognized pictures of their own daughters, photographed by McClellan in public places and posted on his Web site.

    That site has been shut down, but when it was up and running, McClellan bragged about the day he visited the Santa Clarita Valley.

    "It's really disconcerting to hear this happening in Santa Clarita, where you feel safe," said Trisha Fossa, a Realtor with SCV Home Buyer and mother of three.

    But Fossa had nothing but praise for local law enforcement when it comes to dealing with suspicious men.

    A couple of months ago, one of her children told her about a suspicious man in a car by the park near her house.

    She called the Sheriff's Department.

    "I couldn't believe how fast they were here."

    Jack McClellan became infamous for his "little girl" preferences in Washington state before he started building a similar reputation in Southern California. For at least three years he lived in Arlington. Wa., about 50 miles from the Canadian border, and ran a Web site showcasing photos of girls, said Rebecca Hover, spokeswoman for the Snohomish County Sheriff's office in Washington.

    That Web site, Seattle Tacoma Everett Girl Love, was shut down by its Internet service provider, she said.

    It disappeared from the Internet March 28, but he soon got another site up and running.

    McClellan himself started appearing at family events in April, according to an interview with McClellan published in The Herald newspaper of Snohomish County.

    "Schools could get a 'no trespassing' order - at least one school did that," Hover said, adding that the school issued the order after McClellan was seen attending a school event."People were upset that we don't have any evidence of a crime but we assured people we are definitely monitoring him."

    While more police and community leaders in both states stand up to oppose the self-proclaimed lover of little girls, one man has stepped forward as McClellan's nemesis.

    Ron Tebo is a father repulsed by McClellan and his preferences. He's also an accomplished Web designer who has found a way to confront McClellan nose-to-nose on the Internet.

    Tebo created the "Anti-Jack" Web site by simply taking the man's name and claiming it as his own with the domain name

    So when pedophiles visit the site seeking McClellan's recommendations on where to find girls, they don't find McClellan, lover of little girls, they find Tebo, protector of children.

    "That takes a lot away from Jack," Tebo said in a phone interview with The Signal.

    "I took it (McClellan's name) and started my campaign, my fight against Jack."

    The response to his "Anti-Jack" Web site has been excellent, he says.

    "I have over 100 letters from parents telling me how thankful they are that this Web site is up," Tebo said.

    "Jack is like an oxymoron," he said.

    "He's good in a way because it's waking parents up. And my Web site is making people aware that this man exists in their neighborhood."

    The Jack vs. Anti-Jack fight went national recently as both men gave interviews with radio and television talk shows.

    Tebo and McClellan are expected to be featured on Inside Edition this week, with talks ongoing for Tebo to appear on an internationally-syndicated daytime TV talk show hosted by a very popular woman.

    "My problem with the man is that he thinks it's OK to have consensual sex with little girls between the ages of 3 and 11," Tebo said. "That is my biggest concern," a statement that he has made on several occasions.

    "The man is disgusting."

    The Signal made several attempts to contact McClellan using a working e-mail, used by Tebo, requesting his side of the story. Those requests went unanswered.

    Tebo's Web site gets hundreds of hits a day, he says, while McClellan's most recent Web site remains closed.

    However, that doesn't mean that the tug of war in cyberspace is over.

    According to Tebo, McClellan told him he no longer lives in his car, has a place to live, and expects to use Social Security money to launch a new Web site soon.

    Where is Jack McClellan now?

    According to Tebo, McClellan told him he wants to live in a Southern California beach city such as Long Beach or one of the South Bay communities.

    Tebo says McClellan also told him that he used an ATM machine inside the Santa Clarita bowling alley, just to prove to doubters that he was actually in this valley.

    When McClellan hit Santa Clarita, then bragged about it on his Web site, he sparked a flurry of e-mails throughout Santa Clarita.

    Josy Block sent out more than 900 e-mails, alerting 500 to members of a home-schooling network in the Santa Clarita Valley and 400 members of the Valencia Hills Homeowners Association.

    "Because we're a very family community, this is important information to get out," she said. "We have a false sense of community here. Even though we're in Santa Clarita, we still have to keep a close eye on our kids."

    One of those e-mails made an appearance in the home computer of Sgt. Rick Miler of the local California Highway Patrol office.

    "I came in the next day and I told the guys about this man," Miler said, adding that he talked to the rank and file as a father, not a law enforcement officer.

    "As far as any special attention goes about this man - no. It was general information about this man at the department," Miler said. "I don't have anything about his car."

    And, even if there were information available about his car, there's nothing law enforcement can do. McClellan hasn't broken the law.

    To put it in perspective, Miler compared spotting McClellan behind the wheel to spotting a convicted drunken driver at the wheel. Police cannot stop either motorist without probable cause.

    So, while parents and police express frustration in dealing with McClellan, they remain resolute about protecting their children and their community.

    "It's really frustrating," Block said about McClellan. "There ought to be a law."



    Pedophile Plans to Revisit SCV

    Jim Holt

    Self-proclaimed pedophile Jack McClellan plans to return to Santa Clarita but not anytime soon.

    "I will be back there one day," he told The Signal in a phone interview Monday. "But, I want to assure everyone that I'm not going to do anything crazy."

    McClellan, who was responding to a July 23 story in The Signal on his visit last month to Santa Clarita, wanted to set the record straight.

    "I enjoy being around kids, but I've never touched them," he said, and added he's only rarely talked to them, and doesn't ever try to talk to them.

    "I do find the pre-pubescent girls attractive. They're my prime attraction," he said. "I do think women are attractive but, given a choice, I prefer them younger."

    McClellan visited Santa Clarita on only one day, June 9, attending a bowling alley and the San Fernando Valley Fair.

    He says he won't be back to the area for a while because it's just simply too hot - literally, not figuratively, he said.

    "The air conditioner on my car doesn't work so I've been hanging out on the coast," he said.

    But, being a high-profile character these days, granting newspaper, television and radio interviews, McClellan, 45, has trouble keeping a low profile.

    On June 24, he attended the Summer of Love 7th Annual Summer Soulstice Festival in Santa Monica, sporting his characteristic black wide-brim hat that he wears due to a sensitivity to the sun.

    "I went to that festival, and a woman recognized me. She started yelling 'We know who you are. We know who you are. Get out of California.' No one else did anything so I turned up a side street," he said.

    McClellan said he also attended the Orange County Fair a couple of times last month, adding he enjoys more than just watching little girls, taking in attractions such as motorcycle jumps and comedians.

    When asked if he would return to Santa Clarita, he said: "Well, the fair is there every year, right?"

    McClellan, although he repeatedly admits to being a pedophile, has not been charged with a crime.

    Lieutenant Tom Bryski with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station, declined Monday to comment on McClellan and referred inquiries to Lt. Darren Harris. The Signal is still waiting to speak with Harris.

    McClellan suffers from depression that was diagnosed as a disability, he said, and receives a disability check from the government as a result.

    He plans to use the money to set up a Web site, similar to his previous online efforts that featured photographs of little girls and advice on where to find them.

    What bothers him most these days is having paid a web-hosting service in the Netherlands $80 for a yearly membership only to experience problems with launching the site.

    He said other pedophiles recommended he contact the Dutch web hosts if he wanted to open up a Web site promoting his infatuation with little girls.

    McClellan is threatening to go public with what he knows about the site if he doesn't get what he says he paid for.

    "I don't know if they're trying to screw me but if I don't get my Web site going or if I don't get my $80 back, which is a fortune to me, I'm going to go public about them," he said.

    Ron Tebo, who has denounced McClellan recently in The Signal, the New York Times and on CBS TV, and who has created an anti-Jack Web site to divert pedophiles away from McClellan, is disappointed to hear Jack plans to open yet another site about little girls.

    "I think it's disgusting," Tebo said on the phone Monday, adding he was on his way to do an interview with TV talk show interviewer Larry King.

    "It's unacceptable. Let him continue to live in his car," Tebo said about McClellan. "I'd like to see him somewhere else completely, like on an island."

    McClellan said he read the New York Times article this past weekend about Tebo's efforts to denounce him.

    "I thought it was fair. I didn't have any problems with it," he said, adding the only issue he took with The Signal article was the implication that he spent more than one day in Santa Clarita.

    When asked what kind of car he was driving, he declined to say.

    McClellan was set to move into an inexpensive Los Angeles apartment in Koreatown but another prospective tenant scooped it up. He's been living in the Santa Monica and Venice area, stopping at motels once a month to shower.

    Although he moved to California from Washington state in the past few months, McClellan grew up in Southern California, he said, in a "usual family" that often visited Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm.

    "You have Magic Mountain up there in Santa Clarita, right? I don't know if that kind of thing appeals to me. It's more for teens," he said, adding he prefers to watch little girls at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm.

    When asked what he actually does when he watches little girls at family events such as fairs, he said: "I enjoy the anarchy of children, the playfulness of children, their attitude toward life. They're more light-hearted, clownish.

    "I don't think back to my own family when I go to these events. I feel light-headed when I'm there," adding that he's attended hundreds of family events involving children. "When I'm there, I'm on cloud nine. It's like a drug."

    When it was suggested that his comments about children and his sensitivity to sun were reminiscent of Michael Jackson, he laughed and said: "I was inspired by Michael Jackson. I remember when he shocked everyone when he said he, a 45-year-old, liked sleeping with boys; I thought it (public reaction) was kind of crazy."

    Meanwhile, McClellan continues to sleep in his car, parked in places where he's unlikely to be ticketed.

    "I know I'm being watched like a hawk," he said.

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