Blog: Quest to Beat Food Allergies
by north

Special Bowel Cleansing Steps for Food Allergies/Small Intestine

Special bowel cleansing steps for people with food allergies who have small intestine inefficiency

Date:   12/2/2005 10:30:10 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 8300 times

Notes that always apply to my blog entries:
A. Technically the word "food allergies" only applies to those who go into shock, but the words intolerances and sensitivities are just too darn long, so in this blog, "insensitivities" and "intolerances" will be called food allergies. Symptoms of these types of intolerances can be many. If you're not sure if you have food allergies, a Google on "intolerance" (or sensitivity) and "food", or "food allergies" can help - beware of western medicine stating that the only food allergies are those that put people into shock. Alternative med sites are more informed.
B. The only possible actual permanent cures that I have read hints of(so far)are:
Anti-parasite steps
Bowel cleansing
Liver flushing
Removal of mercury/heavy metal poisoning
Soothing gut with gelatin or butyrate (this one not really permanent, though)
Acupuncture (this one not really permanent, though)
C. I don’t write entries about strict avoidance of problem foods, or about rotating them. Living with these plans was completely impossible for me, and would be difficult for anyone who is sensitive to more than one or two foods. The purpose of this blog is to explore CURES, so eventually we don’t have to avoid those foods religiously.
D. I am experimenting on myself to try to actually cure my own food allergies. (Now and then I also post symptomatic helpers that aren’t cures). Current focus on that is on bowel cleansing. I’m waiting on liver flushing until my bowel is cleaner. And, anti-parasite products (have tried many of them) don’t seem effective when bowel still needs cleansed, so again I’m back to bowel cleansing.

Today I’ll update on experiences with bowel cleansing products. Food allergenic people may not get the same results from products as others do, and there is a way to approach this problem. What I suspect is that it is especially critical for the food allergenic person to carefully use a category of cleansing product in a much shorter session than most people would at first, watching every single day for any signs of the product actually making constipation worse or even just that it is at a plateau not improved with higher doses, and quit then, taking a break and then trying a different category. And conversely, a product that didn’t work at all just a week ago, could be worth trying for one day at a time now, again carefully watching for problems. You might be surprised. I was; and I made progress towards having more movements on my own with no help at all than I had before starting and stopping the products. More below.

Some of the extreme level of carefulness I’m describing may be only needed if you have a certain pattern in problems with elimination; this info in such careful detail MAY NOT be necessary for “normal” people who experience more “normal” types of constipation. The type of constipation that I’m talking about, that a good number of food allergenic people may have, seems to be small-intestine based, and cleaning out the colon doesn’t take care of it. I’ll call it “small intestine inefficiency”; again it is NOT like what many people experience in constipation. If a person has this pattern, here is what it is like: noticing that waste isn’t moving down into the colon area much to begin with, feeling problems much higher in the system instead. For this type of person, enemas and colonics may clean out the colon area (but only yielding small amounts, because there wasn’t much that had made it down to the colon), yet the small intestine area feels congested.

A copy of my experience with cleansing products is in a paragraph below. Had I known earlier what I know now, then at the *** in that paragraph, I would have stopped using the laxative herbs when I was on the plateau and given my system a rest. I stopped a week later, and still things are reasonably ok. When reading this, the definitions of the categories of cleansing products are at the bottom of this message.

For us people with the small intestine-originating problem, when using a product to try to reach the two or more decent movements per day, it is critical to notice if that product has reached a plateau that is less than two decent movements per day, despite increasing the dosage of that product. I think this means to quit that product for awhile. If it isn’t increasing your movements beyond the first step, despite increasing dosage, take time off of it for awhile, even if you worry that going without it will make you lose progress. I did not lose progress when I quit the lax herbs, for example – after I took a week off of them, I was able to have a few movements on my own with no help at all (unlike before the herbal lax) and was able to use epsoms every few days (which had never worked for me before) and they worked. Still needed the occasional enema, but not as much as before the herbal lax program. Had I continued on the plateau that I was experiencing with the lax herbs, I fear that what might have happened is what happened to the person in the following clip: "took Dr. Schultz’s IF#1 for a month last year, and haven't been right since...always had some constipations problems before that, but sine coming off of this formula, severe constipation has been a miserable problem...When I came off the formula, everything stopped, literally" THis person on the Bowel Cleanse forum then also said that a months-later experiment with Oxypowder again caused things to be worse afterwards. Maybe staying on any cleanser (even oxygen based ones) for too long while on a low-result plateau is a bad idea. And the definition of “too long” would be different for each person, watching each day for signs of plateau would be important.

And what next? Those of you with “small intestine inefficiency”, if you have made a little bit of progress with one cleansing product, have taken time off of it, maybe experienced a slightly better routine of elimination since stopping that product but still not where you should be…next pick a different cleansing category and give that new category a run, even if you tried it once in the past without success. pick a different category than the one you last used. That’s what I’ll do next. I’m buying an ozone machine, and trying category 4: use of ozone internally. A little know remedy, but the machine isn’t that expensive, and it has other health benefits too. We’ll see if it helps.

Details of my experience – boring paragraph! But maybe someone will get some use out of it. (For things I tried before summer 05, none of which did much of anything, see the “Pre-summer 05” paragraph below). In summer of 2005, I was just doing enemas, along with trying the occasional spoon of epsoms in case it helped, which it didn’t. I then decided to try stimulant herbal laxatives, since I hadn’t yet tried a decent trial of them. Result: the lax herbs improved movements to one decent one per day, but increasing the capsules beyond that did not increase the movements beyond that, and then dropping back to a medium dose also did not increase or reduce the one movement per day. Wanted more than one per day because I’ve heard not to add psyllium to the protocol unless you are already at two or more very good movements per day. After several weeks of the stim herbal lax, and still only about 1 decent movement per day I tried doubling and tripling the capsule dosage without any forther improvement. Then I backed down to a medium dose of the herbal lax, still getting only 1 movement per day. A week later tried adding Oxypower to the day’s worth of supplements ONCE. From that day onward for the next week, nothing worked: congestion stayed in small intestine, and despite increasing the lax herbs drastically over the next week, I couldn’t even get enough down to my colon to make an enema reach much. Even tried adding epsoms at a different part of the day, and as in the past, the epsoms didn’t do anything. (Here is the **** point that I refer to in the above paragraph). I listened to my body a week later (should have listened the day after I took the Oxy and felt congested) and stopped the lax herbs. The next few days, I only used enemas (not getting much out), and was angry with the world! The last fall-back had failed me! But wait…..

…after feeling like just giving up, and trying not to think about it, and not taking or doing anything special for the past few days, I took a spoon of epsoms on a whim, thinking, “they never did much of anything in the past, or even a week ago, but what the heck”. The next morning, I got a nice, decent sized result from the epsoms! First time in most of my life that epsoms have done anything at all! (Note: I did NOT increase my magnesium intake over the past few months beyond the magnesium supplement dosages I’d been taking for years, so I don’t think it was that I had more magnesium stores.) I think that the lax herbs had made some progress in the small intestine area, and although I’m glad I quit them when I did to avoid what the person in the bowel cleanse forum experienced with worsening of things for months after, I’m also glad I used them for awhile. This was a few weeks ago, and since then I have only been doing a few enemas a week, and occasional epsoms, and I’m happy to say that I do get movements on my own now on some days – which is better than I got before I started the lax herbs. Again - I THINK THAT WATCHING CAREFULLY FOR A PLATEAU OR LACK OF RESULTS IS IMPORTANT! BEST TO QUIT RIGHT THEN, NOT ANY LATER!!

Pre-summer 05: (boring, just background info)Up to a few years ago, got by on daily plain warm water enemas, sometimes with a bit salt in the water but just prevent losing sodium, not much, and the very occasional stimulant herbal laxative – fear of dependence kept me from using those much at all. Around 2003, one by one (each mostly by itself, not in combination) I did days worth of trials of: Epsom salts, psyllium, triphala, lots of added bran, a few colonics, coffee enemas, liver-helping herbs, Okra Pepsin brand capsules, a short fast, an anti-candida program (even though I don’t have many of the typical symptoms of candida), blood-type diets, food combining diets, and numerous anti-parasite products. Also started zapping. None of these improved bowel movements – psyllium made things worse because I wasn’t regular enough to begin with, and even two heaping tablespoons of epsoms didn’t yield much of anything. Tried a liver flush in early 2005 – got no results (no stones either). Tried Oxypowder with lemon juice, one of the oxygen based cleansers, and the first few days it worked, then stopped, even when raising the dose to very high numbers.

Categories of cleansers: 1. Stimulant laxative herbs. Includes senna, cascara sagrada, and a few others. Work by irritating the walls of the intestine. 2. Epsom salts, or magnesium citrate liquid from the drugstore (mag citrate capsules don’t seem to work as well for some). Work by drawing water into the intestine. 3. Oxygen products, like Oxypowder, there are a few other brands out there. Supposed to work by bringing oxygen into the intestines. 4. Use of Ozone taken internally (little known, but helps some people; using ozonated water with a machine you buy). I don’t yet own the machine, but am ordering one – they can be found for under $100. 5. Products using pepsin with small amounts of fiber to clean small intestine, like Okra Pepsin brand.

P.S. Why do food allergenic people have to go through all of this extra care? My theory: One of the results of eating foods that a person is allergic to is an increase in mucous problems. This part isn’t just my theory, but is strongly believed by many alternative practitioners. Well, my theory is that this mucous problem would cause extreme lack of efficiency in the small intestine – mucous is causing problems there. Thus, lack of bowel movements, yet not in the sense that the lower colon is the problem – more that the small intestine is. By the way, This can be true even for foods that would be considered healthy for other people. For example, apples give me all kinds of symptoms, even organic apples. your food allergies (if you are a food allergenic type person reading this) may be an entirely different list of foods than mine are.

Another P.S. if you need info on why psyllium is useful, here’s a brief summary, but there’s much more info in Curezone, just do a search for psyllium.
Psyllium and other Fiber is for some people not really useful BY ITSELF if mucousy problems from food allergies are giving you constipation originating from the small intestine, I believe. If you are already eating a diet very high in vegetable fiber, perhaps with some high-bran grains, and with no white processed grains at all, then adding yet more fiber to this in the form of psyllium or bran (without trying one of the other categories of cleansers) hasn’t done much for the people who I’ve read about who seem to have the type of constipation that I’m discussing. However, if a person can get one of the category 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 cleansers to actually give them two or more very good movements per day, then it might be possible to then add psyllium to the routine to experience the psyllium pull old waste off intestin walls, without getting way backed up while using the psyllium.

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