Blog: Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM

Thank You Anna!

Identity - just one issue that underlies all the "millions of individual cases and thousands of issues" and resulting in “the order of disorder".

Date:   8/15/2017 1:03:02 PM   ( 7 y ) ... viewed 1584 times

May 8, 2024 - Quintessential Understanding of American Identity -

Anna "Advised studying the Declaration of Independence as a fundamental aspect of understanding American identity and stressed the significance of contrasting this with other information to identify the American way."[10]*

August 13, 2017 - Anna re: "Identity Theft" -

"Every week I get thousands of emails from people needing help, people who are confused and need assistance with paperwork, people who are angry about the whole situation, people who are in jail who shouldn't be. I can sympathize and I need to be kept up to date on what is going on in the world, but aside from sharing information with you all, I can't get involved in millions of individual cases and thousands of issues.

There is just one issue that underlies all of it --- the identity theft that has been practiced against us all."

Unless you have been following the virtual daily progress reports, teachings, inspirations and more that are written by Anna Von Reitz it might be easy to dismiss her declaring that "there is just one issue"! However I took note and in pausing just a single moment to let this "declaration" sink all the way in I immediately realized the truth of the issue! As Most of us are "born free" however within minutes the newborn is foot printed and registered as if it were private property of the United States' local State franchise. Any one who has gone through this "birth certificate" process has or has had an identity theft. Do you think the perpetrators of identity theft are about to inform their victims of what they have done? This is an issue of Law and it is the responsibility of the Individual to know the Law! I have found Anna is a great teacher in this regards. IMO she is in league with Dr. Ed Rivera (and only on different "teams").

Speaking of teams I commented on that.[1]

Another comment:

Made my decision not to have anything to do with the "IRS" in early 1978 and that decision propelled me forward into my own unknown yet unveiling process ever since!

A couple years later I was hitchhiking in Houston, Texas and a "Highway man" stopped and approached me asking for ID in the form of a Social Security Number (SSN). I refused saying that is not to be used for ID purposes. He arrested me and I got to sit in a jail cell then arranged for a court hearing for which I choose to have a jury trial. In court I said the SSN was "the number of the beast". The jury found me guilty of violating the code however my fine for that was one cent! The reason for the ridiculous fine was because their was a Christian on the jury who convinced the rest of the jurors to be light on the fine.

That wasn't the only time I was arrested and got locked up, etc. Nowadays I avoid all court appearances and if need be limit "appearances" to "paper appearances". I have found my best resolution by completely withdrawing from any legal relationship with any "governmental" entity. It took be about twenty-five years to completely resolve this and consequently it is a big relief! I believe the process can be fully accomplished in much less time however I also think it's an Individual process and I can't speak for any Individual (unless they ask me to).[2]

October 16, 2018 - Healing Our Identity as Americans -

Comment posted in regards to Anna's current article:

The 8 stages mentioned in this article remind me of "The 12 Stages of Healing" (that I may revisit in light of what I see as a need for healing our identity as Americans). Healing on any level requires deep inner resolution. I think a lot of the American people need support for that part which goes well beyond simply sharing information, knowledge and/or even wisdom.[9]

I wonder if there is any kind of a "12-step program" specifically for Americans in this regards? (Why reinvent something that already exists?)

However - not wanting to make any assumptions about this maybe the place to start is with an inquiring dialogue via a new dyad: "Tell me what an American is."

August 17, 2017 -

The issue of identity also applies to national identity and especially as represented by all the governmental employees and the like within the nation's government. Consider the following:

"From disorder to order, from chaos to harmony, such is the law of creation, and everywhere in the universe we can observe this law at work. Yes, we see it everywhere, except in what our contemporaries insist on calling art, which is more often, in fact, only a return to the formless.

We look at a painting or a piece of sculpture without being able to distinguish what it represents. Inarticulate sounds pass for a song, cacophony and noise pass for music, words thrown together pass for poetry, and disorganized movements pass for dance...

The intelligence of living nature always works in the direction of differentiation and organization: a single cell divides and multiplies, and a few months later a human being or an animal appears, extraordinary in form.

Must we now take the opposite path and become unicellular, or chaotic? How is it that artists, who are by definition creators, have not understood the law their creations must obey?"[3]

I think the phrase "from disorder to order" is applicable on the world stage level as it was advocated by the phrase "New World Order" (that may have first been uttered publicly by George Bush senior while he occupied the office of President).[6]

I see the start of what I call “the order of disorder" in the United States of America when George Washington took the oath of office for "President of the United States" (PoUS) after having already been duly elected as "President of the United States of America"(PoUSA - for which no additional qualifications were constitutionally required). These are two separate "offices" with different functions and yet Washington combined them together and thereby transformed the nature of the two separate and distinct offices into a new "super office" with dictatorial proportions! This fact was recognized by Herman Göring during the Nuremberg Trials who "claimed that when Hitler subverted Germany's republican constitution by amalgamating the offices of chancellor and president, he was merely emulating the powers of the office of President of the United States, which merged the roles of head of government and head of state."[4][5]

September 25, 2018 -

A couple days ago this author read Anna's article (at Paul's site) regarding the announcement of a group catholic church clergy who apparently have separated themselves from associating with the church of Rome. The timing of an article that she had referenced sparked this author's interest and with an inquiry he was provided a hot-link to the site where that article was reportedly first published. Another posting at that linked site predated the article referred to by Anna and is presented as follows:

Thursday, July 12, 2018, 0700 hrs GMT -

Brussels and Rome:

Four common law Sheriffs who were assaulted by Vatican officers acting under the orders of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, have filed a criminal lawsuit in European courts that names Bergoglio and eleven other officials as participants in a “monstrous criminal conspiracy”.

The claim was filed on July 11 in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels and in the civil court of an undisclosed European nation. Subpoenas were issued the same day to Pope Francis and eleven other men, all of whom are named as defendants in the lawsuit and as active members and participants in “a centuries-old Catholic child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle”.

The defendants are also named as co-conspirators in the disappearance of eight children from Catholic facilities in Switzerland, Belgium and Italy.

Besides Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the named defendants in the lawsuit are:

- Elio di Rupo, former Prime Minister of Belgium

- Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State

- Cardinal Sean Brady, former head Catholic prelate of Ireland

- Count Georges Jacobs, Belgian Catholic businessman, head of UCB Biopharmaceuticals and Director of the Cercle Lorraine or “Club van Lotharingen” , Brussels

- Count Luc Jacques Bertrand, Belgian Jesuit banker, Director of the Cercle Lorraine

- Paul De Keersmaeker, Belgian Catholic businessman, former European Union Parliamentarian, member of the Cercle Lorraine

- Kees van Korlaar, Criminal underworld member of “Ndrangheta”, Belgian businessman, member of the Cercle Lorraine

- Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Catholic Prelate of Dublin diocese

- Bishop Charles Morerod, Catholic Prelate of Geneva

- Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches

- Bishop Mark MacDonald, Prelate, Anglican Church in Canada and North American Executive Officer of the World Council of Churches

These twelve subpoenaed defendants have thirty days to respond to the Summons and appear in person or through their lawyers in Court Examination for Discovery proceedings.

In related news, a secret conclave of the Vatican Curia, or College of Cardinals, continues to debate who will replace Jorge Bergoglio as the Bishop of Rome. According to a source in the Vatican, the conclave has been in session since July 5 and is deadlocked in their choice of a successor to the controversy-plagued Bergoglio.

According to the source, “Either (former Pope Benedict) Joseph Ratzinger will be given the Papal crown again or more likely, an African Cardinal will be chosen, probably Arinze of Nigeria or Napier of South Africa. What is certain is that Bergoglio is finished. It’s just a matter of time.”

Further updates of the court case against Jorge Bergoglio and the other named defendants will be forthcoming, including on Here We Stand, this Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT at .

Note: The complete background to this news release can be found at and its June 22, June 24 and July 5 postings.

Issued by the ITCCS Central Directorate, 12 July, 2018.[7]

Re: "The claim was filed on July 11" July 11 is a date I am making special note of regarding this subject matter as the earliest date so far for publishing the “monstrous criminal conspiracy”. According to "Cardology"[8], an astro-mathematical science that reportedly came by way of the Magi, July 11th is represented by the 4 of Diamonds and known as "Stability in Values". This author counts it equally important that the Planetary Ruler Card that accompanies this card is the 4 of Hearts (under the sign of Cancer) is known as "The Marriage & Family Card". The significance of the filing date for the above "claim" appears auspicious in favor of the claimants! I wish these claimants the most complete resolution that is possible.




[3] Omraam:


[5] Originally referred to as of July 29, 2016 in: "Re-writting History"

[6] George H W Bush gave his speech calling for a New World Order on 9/11/90, eleven years before 9/11/01:


[8] Also referred to as "The Book of Life":


[10] Anna webinar May 6, 2024:


one issue, identity theft, New World Order, Herman Göring, head of government, head of state, catholic church clergy, church of Rome, Pope Francis, Ninth Circle, Book of Life, American Identity

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