Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

Good Health Begins With Good Digestion

Digestion by Otto Wolff, M.D. and Tom Cowan, MD

Date:   5/25/2014 9:47:35 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 2612 times

"... chronic digestive disorders continue to baffle the medical profession(1) and cannot be successfully treated without a basic understanding of the digestive process."(2)

"... Any foreign substance, including food, in the body is a 'poison' until broken down by digestive activity. It requires an intense inner activity to arrive at the life in our food."[3]

"Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian philosopher, placed the highest importance on thorough digestion, which he described as the breakdown of the outer world (food) into nothingness or chaos. According to Steiner, chaos was the state from which all creation emerged. Conscious digestion is an acknowledgment that we are creators—of our health and of our circumstances."[4]

"How you take in the world and make it your own depends on: the variety and quality of the foods you eat; the rhythms of when you eat and what type of food you eat, as the body is better able to digest some foods in the morning and others later in the day; your body's own ability to break down the foods (through the activities of digestive organs like the stomach, liver, and pancreas); and absorbing what you body needs, and effectively eliminating the rest."[5]

"... when someone is coming with a digestive problem I ask a lot about how that person notices and interacts with the world around them, and less about the actual digestive issue. The goal is really to gain a holistic understanding of each person’s situation and 'constitution.'...”[6]

"... Ultimately, the defining of an anthroposophic physician lies not in the use of specific medicines or diagnostic tests, but rather in a unique view of the relationship between the human being, nature, and the cosmos."[7]

"... Viewed qualitatively, the liver is not only a digestive organ, but the seat of substance building and energy forming processes. Its remarkable self-healing ability after injury further conveys this harboring of regenerative capacity. Its detoxifying function can be
seen also as restorative activity. Stepping back from such abstract concepts as anabolism and ATP production, the liver can be described in terms of formative, energetic, regenerative, and restorative qualities. Its name meaning "life-giver," these observations suggest the liver as governing the aliveness and vitality that permeates the entire organism. The liver is a key organ for understanding the activity of the 'life-body'."

I'd like to emphasize the liver along with its "regenerative, and restorative" qualities as a key resource for the re-empowering of the modern day human (and not limited to only physical health).

"... digestion is the proper place for violence in the human being."[8]

"Benefits Of Eating Cultured Veggies:

Improves digestion –
The enzymes help digest other foods eaten with them;

Increase longevity –
rejuvenates your cells – strengthens immune system;

Control cravings –
ideal appetite control and weight control – helps take away cravings for the sweet taste of pastries, colas, bread, pasta, dairy and fruit;

Ideal for pregnant/nursing women – pregnant women should eat cultured veggies to ensure their ecosystems will be rich in friendly bacteria – helps eliminate morning sickness;

once the baby is born mom should keep eating cultured veggies – liquid from the veggies can be fed to the baby in tiny spoonfuls to relieve colic;

Alkaline and very cleansing –
helps restore balance in your body;

Triggers cleansing – may increase intestinal gas initially as the veggies stir up waste and toxins in the intestinal tract – you’ll notice an improvement in your stools – to ease the discomfort of gas, colonics and enemas are very useful during this time of cleansing."[9]

Posted the following comment at an article by Tom Cowan re: cancer at

Always Grateful to have Tom's perspective!

In fact, just before I came to reading this article I had posted a blog largely inspired by "The Fourfold Path To Healing" (link posted here.[10]

I'm also grateful for another perspective on cancer that was presented by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer in his lecture thesis of 1981 that to the University of Tubingen. (I have the 3rd edition of "The Abridged New Medicine".) Dr. Hamer not only has his thesis [which has laid the foundation for the "New Medicine" (aka German New Medicine)] he also has documented over three decades of treating thousands of cases that include cat scans of patients that verifies a specific part of his thesis which I'll explain.

Dr. Hamer shows Five Biological Laws of The New Medicine. The First Biological Law is "The Iron Rule of Cancer". He discovered this Law in the Summer of 1981 after he developed testicular carcinoma, a teratoma of the right testicle. Since he had never been seriously sick before he had a vague suspicion that the recent tragic death of his son "had led to some type of physical manifestation". He decided he would begin to investigate this "suspicion" as soon as he could. Before long he became the head doctor for a cancer clinic. He then interviewed thousands of patients and discovered that "every cancer or cancer-like disease originates with a shock conflict which is most difficult, highly acute, dramatic and isolating". The life-experience-shock occurs simultaneously or virtually simultaneously on three levels: the psyche, the brain and the organ that is corresponding to that which the brain controls!

In other words this perspective says cancer is not about cells that decide "... to grow in an uncontrolled way". In fact Dr. Hamer consistently demonstrates through the unity of shock conflict-psyche-brain-organ that the body launches a meaningful biological survival program that goes through two phases - which is the "Second Law: the two-phased development of every disease to the extent that there is a resolution of the conflict."

The remaining three laws are: The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalent diseases; the ontogenetic system of microbes in disease; and the biological meaning of each Special Program of Nature.

I deeply share very similar feelings as Tom does regarding "civilization" however, now that I can see innate intelligence within "disease" my thinking (about what I call the world system) has new light and smidgen of levity! Civilization is not necessarily "carcinogenic". And cancer is not something to fear! It is an opportunity to become aware of the true state of one's psyche and allow oneself to go though the stages of self-healing resolution. I wish I could do full "justice" to this perspective however my time just ran out now! For more information[11]


June 27th, 2014 -

Through understanding the "Biological Laws" (the laws of Nature within us that are expressions of innate intelligence within every individual) my thinking has been renewed - transforming my whole entire perspective about "disease".

When symptoms appear I see them as an invitation to inquire within the psyche as to what may be in conflict. I have learned that all conflicts begin within and that as soon as I take full ownership my resolution is guaranteed! The truth of this is such that I immediately claim the resolution and then witness that manifesting itself right before my very eyes!

We truly are our own doctors. All the true Dr. teacher-healers of yesterday knew and honored this truth. "Nature heals" they said in so many ways.

Call her by any name "Mother Nature", "Gaia-Sophia", "Earth Mother Goddess" - She welcomes our return into her loving arms!

Embrace your own healing journey and I assure you that you will be supported all the way!

Monday June 1st -

A anthropological professor friend offered to share some of the very best chicken that is available in San Diego County with me! All I have to do is prepare it as a bone broth! The professor is interested in the "bone medicine" benefit of the broth. I am so glad that the first cooking teacher the professor had (some thirty years ago on the East Coast with a lady who was teaching a very restricted macrobiotic diet at the time) recently realized and declared in a "Ted Talk" that although she had believed that a vegetarian diet was healthier she now realizes that when it comes to bone health there is nutrition missing in the vegetarian diet.

Also today -

I just sent off the following message to Costco regarding a recall notice for one of their Kraft products.

Subject: "... Customer Relations Re: 'Knudsen Cottage Cheese'."

Greetings ...!

Your notice of May 27, 2014 arrived yesterday for :___________ (former housemate). However, there is no one here by that name. ...

Also, if there are "conditions that could lead to premature spoilage" and especially any "food borne illness" then wouldn't it be in (your member's) best interest to either call him or at least email him?

I am so glad that I am not one of your customers as I would not like to have any of your "food borne illness" ; ~ )

July 29, 2015 -

"...‘diseases of civilization’ were rare to nonexistent among isolated populations that lived traditional lifestyles and ate traditional diets"[12]

January 17th, 2016 -

More variations of lacto-fermented vegetables with: "Iraqi torshi (the Arabic word for pickles): stained-yellow, all crunchy and salty and sour."[13]


(1) There are several reasons for the bafflement of the medical profession. Firstly, the fundamental orientation of the medical profession is focused upon disease and on suppressing the symptoms of disease by whatever means at their disposal - primarily through pharmaceutical drugs, surgery and with similar rather violent and potentially lethal techniques. There are a number of reason why this strategy of suppression has been adopted by Western Medicine. It is primarily because it does not have a real health model. A real model of human health and well being is virtually non-existent in Western Medicine. Doctors are not trained in
the ways of nature and the innate wisdom within the body as Hippocrates had pointed toward. The medical establishment rejected nature and innate wisdom (where there is virtually no money to be made) and embraced the myriad of pharmaceuticals as well as many routine surgeries and the like that are cash cows for the industry.

Without a real health model as their guide (plus a real "oath" to preserve the health of each and every patient) doctors are incapable of ministering to the individual but instead serve the corporate medical interests.

"The medical approach to illness is fear-based. It fosters the belief that we are at the mercy of our environment. Such a belief makes us wary of life and it allows individuals to avoid taking responsibility for their health. ... we have succumbed to the use of chemicals to suppress symptoms. Believing that our symptoms are outside our control, it is easy to accept anything that will make them go away—even if there are side effects.":

(2) Thomas S. Cowan, MD: "The Fourfold Path to Healing - Working with the Laws of Nutrition, Therapeutics, Movement and Meditation in the Art of Medicine".

He says: "The problem underlying all modern digestive disturbances – and all cases of food allergies – is that the process of annihilation is weak and therefore incomplete. The food is not completely annihilated, the state of chaos is never reached. The result is that we absorb undigested components that sicken us and to which we have violent reactions, which we call allergies.":

I can't help but think that this phenomena (that is verifiable on the physical level) corresponds in a similar fashion within the psyche.

If symptoms indicate poor digestion then the powers or digestion need to be strengthened and possibly rebuilt. (This can apply to both the body as well as the psyche.)

During the rebuilding process (and depending on the severity of the digestive disorder) it will be essential to have all food properly prepared according to the traditional wisdom exemplified in "Nourishing Traditions", "Nutrition & Physical Degeneration" and the like. By properly preparing foods the foods can then be more easily digested.

These foods included all of the traditional methods of culturing and lacto-fermentation of foods (including all the many different kinds fermented vegetables, all cultured dairy products and more!). These cultured/fermented traditional foods are all predigested!

There are many culturing and lacto-fermenting processes at our disposal. A large part of this Blog is devoted to proper preparation of foods with an emphasis on culturing/fermenting for the benefit of predigestion and many more benefits!








Also see: "Overcoming Problems With Digestion and Assimilation":





In Good Health!
~Chef Jemichel


digestive disorder, digestion, food, poison, disease, symptoms, pharmaceutical drugs, Western Medicine, health model, human health, Doctors, nature, innate wisdom, Hippocrates, medical establishment, hippocratic oath, rudolf steiner, Dr. Tom Cowan, new medicine, dr. hamer, torshi, lacto-fermention

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