Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

The Full Sugar Spectrum - From Cravings to Addiction

An essay, a lecture, science papers, New York Times articles, documentaries, a webinar plus commentaries.

Date:   5/10/2014 7:18:36 AM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1363 times

February 23, 2022 - "Link Between Sugar and Alzheimer's Strengthens" -

"Alzheimer’s illness — for which standard medication believes there isn’t any efficient remedy ... — at the moment impacts an estimated 5.4 million People and prevalence is projected to triple by 2050"[28]

Possibly May 10, 2014 - From the published essays of Dr. Dale Jacobson, DC (featured in "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth").

Dale: There are hundreds of sugars on this planet. When you find the suffix “ose” on a word, it usually means sugar. ... Lactose, maltose, glucose, fructose, galactose, etc. are all sugars. As we learned, common white sugar is sucrose. Sucrose is a “di-saccharide,” meaning two sugars. A “mono-saccharide” is one sugar. The “two-sugared” sucrose breaks down equally into the “one-sugared” glucose and fructose. Glucose is the most important carbohydrate in our blood, and is called “blood sugar.” It is the main food that all our body cells use for food and energy.

Fructose is a main sugar found in fruits and vegetables. Raw, unprocessed sugarcane has around sixty-five main food ingredients, including minerals and vitamins (also including five of the B complex), trace elements, and even unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains the four enzymes necessary for us to break it down and digest it well. Raw sugarcane is actually a reasonably nutritious food.

When raw sugar crystals are being processed, they initially have a thin coating of syrup-like stuff on them. The crystals are spun in a centrifuge, heated to a melting point, then filtered and de-colorized with animal bone charcoal to make them white. Then, more boiling makes even more concentrated crystallization. The two products left after all this processing are pure white sugar crystals—about 98%—now called “raw sugar,” and the 2% residual syrup (still 35% sucrose), now called “Blackstrap Molasses.” Whereas the original raw unprocessed cane sugar contained many valuable nutrients, the new refined white sugar contains almost zero nutrients.

The already highly processed sugar crystals are then refined even more, and the end product is 99% pure sucrose, or “white sugar,” with basically no nutritional value, and indeed, a negative food value. (For example, one molecule of white sugar requires about 35 molecules of magnesium to break it down.)

Molasses still contains a few minor nutrients. “Brown sugar” is created when some molasses is added back to the white sugar. Thus, there is a teeny tiny bit more nutrition in brown sugar than white. Big deal. Brown sugar is graded as “Klein Raw” if 5% molasses is added back, “Light Brown” if 12% is added back, and “Dark Brown” if 13% is added back.

The distillation of molasses creates ethyl alcohol, which is mainly used in industry and by alcoholics who want to become blind idiots. Molasses can also be distilled into Rum, which the first slaves and their children in the Americas were painfully aware of. One little cause of the War of 1812 with England was a tax on molasses, which quite bothered the rum makers in New England. They did not want to have to pay more in order to create alcoholics ..."[6]

August 25, 2019 - Highlights of Release of Dr. Carolyn Dean's Book: "Sugar without the Icing" -

On Monday, August 19, 2019, on my Monday night radio show, I previewed the release of my latest book, "Sugar without the Icing."[21] I first talked about the perils of eating sugar in 1986 and found out how very powerful the sugar lobby was. Thankfully, I was able to forge on with my professional career and help thousands of patients and customers over the last 4-5 decades. So, updating my research on the damage sugar addiction creates is coming full circle for me.

Refrain from Monday Night's Show

Ginney's blog, The Hidden Effects of Sugar,[22] is so powerful and catalyzed so much discussion. I feel that my readers at could benefit from reading a transcript of the beginning of Monday Night's show. After all, if each and every one of you who are addicted to sugar would wean off, I know your wellness would expand exponentially. Stopping eating sugar is one thing you can do to begin to feed your body, instead of feeding the "unhelpful" yeast and other microbes in your gut.

3:42: Dr. Carolyn: Intro – We are educating listeners about sugar today. As one of my staff who is funneling the questions from the mail bag to us said, "It looks like folks are scared to give up sugar." That's what's coming across, things like, "How do I get rid of my craving?" "I know sugar is bad, but I can't seem to stop myself, etc." "Can I still eat fruit?" What else? It's like the questions we used to get.

4:35: Dr. Carolyn: Intro continues – There's about 100 names for sugar, and it's the way that the industry hides sugar. They use all kinds of different names for it, so you won't know that sugar is the first ingredient. People will say, "It's malted something or another. Is that sugar?" All you have to do now days is "Google." If you are concerned – Google it. Because what we have to look at – we are talking about Ginney's blog post today – is the hidden effects of sugar.

5:10: Dr. Carolyn: Ginney's Blog on The Hidden Effects of Sugar, based on my blog, A Sugar-Free Half Century:[23]

What would the world be like if we hadn't become so addicted to sugar over the past half century? If allopathic medicine, which claims to be scientifically-based, had listened to scientists 50 years ago about the dangers of sugar, we could be living in a totally different world. After all, the FDA's given mandate is to ensure the safety of our nation's food supply. And if sugar is not safe, shouldn't the FDA have warned us about that scientific fact similar to the warnings issued for tobacco and alcohol? I've heard people say countless times that when their doctor told them to severely cut back on sugar (or some other addictive substance), they finally listened. So, having doctors pass on this relevant information about the dangers of sugar could have saved lives.

Here is an article exposing "How The Sugar Industry Tried To Hide The Health Effects Of Its Product 50 Years Ago."[24] The article begins, "About 50 years ago, the sugar industry stopped funding research that began to show something they wanted to hide: that eating lots of sugar is linked to heart disease. A new study exposes the sugar industry's decades-old effort to stifle that critical research." This study in JAMA proves what was becoming apparent 50 years ago – that a high sugar diet increases your risk of heart disease. As soon as that inconvenient fact became known, all funding for that project was pulled and the results were never published.

The sugar industry never admitted that sugar causes weight gain – they said it was due to lack of exercise. However, there is weight gain caused by sugar, which leads to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, elevated lipids, and eventually heart disease. And, according to this JAMA study, sugar intake can harm the heart even without weight gain.

The study took 15 years and found that trial subjects eating 25% of their daily calories as sugar doubled their risk of dying from heart disease compared with those eating 10% sugar.

7:23: Dr. Carolyn: This study was buried. People didn't see the study. Doctors didn't see the study. Nobody worried about sugar. The sugar industry started blaming fat. Then, there's this whole business of avoiding healthy foods like butter and eggs, because of the fat ban and avoiding cholesterol. This led to people not having enough good fats, even running into the low fat problems of brain atrophies and hormone imbalances. This led to men, at least, having to take v1agra because they didn't have enough cholesterol to make the hormones they needed.

It's a real catastrophe. It has led us to be a nation of people who are incredibly overweight. 72% of the population, according to statistics, is overweight. That's three fourths of the population. Still the sugar lobby groups will say that there are no side effects from sugar other than dental cavities. That's all they will admit to.

9:05: Dr. Carolyn: Ginney's Blog Continued:

In my Death by Modern Medicine book[25] I wrote that on April 23, 2003, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) presented an independent expert report titled "Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases." The WHO report focused special attention on added sugars and determined that a healthy diet should contain no more than 10% added sugar.

In the US 72% of the population is overweight, yet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans only advise that sugar should be used in moderation they don't give a number. Even worse, the Institute of Medicine, part of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, keeps the sugar industry happy by endorsing an excessive 25% of their calories from added sugar. That means if you eat a 2,000 calorie diet, 500 calories are sugar is one quarter of that amount and since there are 4 grams of sugar in every carb, you are eating 150 grams of carbs a day. The amount of carbs that you can eat but still maintain your weight or lose weight are between 20 and 50 grams. The amount of sugars allowed by our health experts ensure weight gain. Even 10% sugars from the diet means a carb intake of 50 grams. Note that a can of soda may contain 10 tsp or 40 grams of sugar; a bottle of energy drink, like Rockstar, can have up to 15 tsp or 65 grams of sugar!

The sugar industry and the soft drink industry fought to have the WHO policy removed and the allowable sugar levels raised. In a blatant attempt to derail implementation of the Diet and Nutrition Report, the sugar industry lobbied the U.S. government to withhold its $400 million funding from the UN and WHO if it went ahead with its recommendations.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services instead of supporting the WHO recommendation to help reduce chronic disease, produced a 28-page, line-by-line critique, which was just a blatant pandering to American food companies that produce much of the world's high-calorie, high-profit sodas and snacks, especially the makers of sugars.

However, by 2014 the WHO, keeping to its mandate, began recommending that only 5% of daily calories should come from added sugars. The recommendation was not associated with any fanfare, presumably to fly under the radar of the sugar industry.

You can read another article about "Fat." Also, read my 33-page Rebuttal[26] to the horrendous charges drummed up against me for speaking out about sugar on Canadian national TV 37 years ago. Anyone who tried to tell the truth about sugar was publicly castigated so they wouldn't gain media attention diverting the sugar agenda. With this recent study I could say I've been vindicated but it isn't about me; it's about the millions of people who were allowed to keep eating mountains of sugar in spite of the known dangers.

But let's imagine what the world would be like if medicine had followed the Hippocratic Oath to "first do no harm" and "use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients..."

Educating the public about the dangers of consuming too much sugar would result in far less obesity; less ineffective gastric bypass surgery; and less weight loss drugs with their fatal heart attack side effects (Fen-Phen)
There would be less obesity, less metabolic syndrome, less lipid imbalance, and therefore less heart disease.
Blaming dietary fat as the culprit in heart disease unleashed an unnecessary witch hunt against saturated fats opening the commercial market to trans fats for decades until trans fats were found to be far worse!
Magnesium deficiency is associated with heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. Perhaps if medicine was more involved with nutrition, they could have avoided this epidemic. Instead there is NO Nutrition subspecialty in medicine. There is a Bariatrics subspecialty that deals with obesity. Instead of preventing the problem, they allow it to manifest and then use drugs and surgery to treat it.
If medicine and the public were more aware of the dangers of sugar and the industry not covering up the problem, they might not have attacked me and convinced my licensing body that I was a danger to society because I said bad things about sugar! By keeping me (and other critics) out of mainstream media, the message of natural solutions was greatly hampered. Drug companies became the main advertiser on TV and natural solutions were demonized.
If there were more awareness of nutrition, we might have avoided our magnesium deficiency epidemic and the associated 65 diseases that can be the result. Sugar creates a magnesium deficit because the liver needs twenty-eight atoms of magnesium to process one molecule of glucose. Fructose requires fifty-six atoms of magnesium.
Sugar also contributes to the epidemic of yeast overgrowth that we suffer. If we had limited our intake of sugar to the WHO recommendation of 5% of our daily calories, we would not suffer the autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or dozens of other inflammatory conditions that plague the Western world.
9:18: Dr. Carolyn: I'm launching my Sugar Book. I was going to call it, "Death by Sugar." But we don't want to contribute to the starkness and negativity. So, we renamed it, "Sugar without the Icing."

The Release of Sugar without the Icing

My staff and I did a webinar[22] on Thursday afternoon of this week to release, Sugar without the Icing. These are the highlights:

Myth Busters:

The Sugar Lobby says we are dependent on sugar and says that all sugars are equal. Glucose C6H12O6splits into two molecules that enter the Krebs Cycle to make ATP-MG energy. (ATP is your energy carrying molecule.) The Keto Diet teaches us we aren't totally dependent on sugar because fats can also enter the Krebs Cycle.
"There's no sugar in that." As I shared above, there are over 100 words manufacturer's use to hide the fact that there is sugar in some of the products you purchase for consumption.
"Fructose comes from fruit. It's a healthy sugar." Please view Dr. Robert Lustig's, Pediatric endocrinologist's, YouTube, Sugar: The Bitter Truth. Among other facts, you will learn that fructose from HFCS is the main smoking gun. It's metabolized in the liver building liver glycogen and TGLs. In my view that is why there is an epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver.
"High fruit diets are healthy because fruit is natural." High Fruit Vegetarian and Vegan Diets means high fructose and all the imbalances that come from having a high fructose diet, such as elevation of triglycerides.
"Green Smoothies are nutritious drinks." A 40 oz green drink still is deficient in magnesium and other minerals, because leafy greens predominately are grown in mineral-depleted soil.
Did You Know?

Sugar and dehydration are the two big causes of blood thickening, a common condition now leading to the widespread use of blood thinners.
As mentioned above, 50 years ago the JAMA sugar study found that sugar causes heart disease.
Sugar steals nutrients for its metabolism and is devoid of synergistic nutrients to help your body digest and absorb the nutrients from your food.
Sugar can hide in the products you eat.
A typical fruit smoothie can have 15 tsps. of sugar in it. Considering your body only circulates 2 tsps. of sugar at a time. What happens to the other 13 tsps.?
In the webinar I list 30 detrimental health effects for eating sugar. Please investigate these effects, and if you have any of these less than healthy conditions, please consider stop eating sugar.
On her website ( Dr. Nancy Appleton, PhD itemizes the reasons why we should avoid sugar, giving scientific journal article references to prove each point. Currently her list is at 146. Here are some of the issues that have been identified:
Sugar use contributes to numerous dental health issues.
Eating Sugar contributes to insulin resistance, diabetes, and heart disease.
Sugar use contributes to peripheral neuropathy and microvascular damage to the retina, kidneys and nerves.
Eating sugar may shorten your life. Rat studies showed that those rats who ate a cereal box lived longer than those who ate sugar-frosted cereal.
A sugar free lunch program supported the rise in students' test scores.
When a detention home went sugarless, the incidence of violent behavior lessened.
The Sugar Experiment
for Your Kids/Grand Kids

If you are concerned about the amount of sugar that may be in your children's or grandchildren's food, you can run this experiment with your kids or grand kids. (I used this process when children had sugar-related health challenges in my practice.)

Avoid sugar from Sunday to Friday.
Make Saturday a sugar and junk food day.
Having avoided sugar for a week most kids will react violently to the overload – headache, nausea, vomiting. Think of children's birthday parties!
Most often the kid will swear off sugar themselves, and you will be surprised that your kids personally chose to stop eating sugar (Secret: They feel better when they don't eat sugar.).
Supplements that Metabolize Sugar

If you do eat sugar or realize that sugar is hidden in something you eat, you can use the following supplements that metabolize sugar as a stop gap while you work on your decision to stop eating sugar altogether.

Magnesium (especially ReMag):

Lost through stress, excess sugar and alcohol intake, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, thyroid disease
Maintains a healthy heart
Treats muscle and nerve pain
B Complex in ReAline:

Helps digest carbohydrates and protein (elevated homocysteine a result of low B vitamins)
Supports the detoxification processes of the liver
Essential for cell division
Necessary for RBC production
Chromium in ReMyte:

Key to regulating blood sugar
High fructose corn syrup depletes chromium
Selenium in ReMyte:

Regulates blood sugar by promoting glutathione
Zinc in ReMyte:

Regulates blood sugar
Vital for the immune system, healing, detoxification
Detoxing from Sugar

When you stop eating sugar, detoxification (the release of toxic substances) can occur. So, in preparation for the release of my Sugar without the Icing, and you giving up sugar, I wrote two posts on detoxification for

Detoxing A-Z for Beginners:[27] The good news is that a scenario of doom and gloom regarding the perils of pollution is far from the truth. Your body is an intelligent wellness machine, and as I said in my webinar, Daily Detox, your body also "is a detoxification machine itself." If you support your body's detoxification process, you can achieve and maintain good health, no matter what is going on in the environment around you. This body gives you several detox tools/processes including recipes.

Detoxing for Beginners with RnA ReSet Part 2: In this post, I describe ReAline like this:

"ReAline is a very gentle detoxifier. Detoxification can place more stress on an already stressed-out body, so in the past, I've focused on transdermal and external detoxification such as Epsom salts baths, clay baths, coffee enemas, gentle saunas, and castor oil packs to avoid detox reactions. [We discussed these in my last post.] I have concerns about internal intestinal purges, liver detoxing, and gall bladder flushes that stir up internal toxins that just migrate to another part of the body and set up residence. Also, flushing out toxins can force minerals out of the body with greatly increased bowel movements and excessive urination. Liver detoxes can release viruses sequestered in the liver before the immune system is ready to handle them."

Additionally, in my webinar I list the following detox supplements:

Magnesium-heart, stress, nerves, muscles-lost through sugar intake (ReMag)
Glutathione - major detoxifier (ReAline)
Vitamin A: antioxidant (Blue Ice Royal)
Vitamin C: antioxidant-stress vitamin (Whole C ReSet)
Chromium: blood sugar balance (ReMyte)
Zinc: immune system support (ReMyte)
Selenium: supports glutathione (ReMyte)
Alternative Sweeteners

My favorite alternative sweetener is stevia. In the webinar, I give you eight reasons why I like this alternative sweetener.

What's Next?

Join our staff and stop eating sugar today. Or, what about doing the Sugar Experiment as a family? Then, if your family decides to continue being sugar free, you can use Sugar without the Icing as a reference. At that point, you can look for hidden sugars, more healthy alternatives, and other ways you can improve your wellness.

If you have questions, please contact my staff at


Dr. Carolyn Dean

Sunday, May 11th, 2014 -

"Is Sugar Toxic?":

"The fructose component of sugar and H.F.C.S. is metabolized primarily by the liver, while the glucose from sugar and starches is metabolized by every cell in the body. Consuming sugar (fructose and glucose) means more work for the liver than if you consumed the same number of calories of starch (glucose). And if you take that sugar in liquid form — soda or fruit juices — the fructose and glucose will hit the liver more quickly than if you consume them, say, in an apple (or several apples, to get what researchers would call the equivalent dose of sugar). The speed with which the liver has to do its work will also affect how it metabolizes the fructose and glucose."

On May 26, 2009, Robert Lustig gave a lecture called 'Sugar: The Bitter Truth,' which was posted on YouTube the following July. Since then, it has been viewed well over 800,000 times, gaining new viewers at a rate of about 50,000 per month, fairly remarkable numbers for a 90-minute discussion of the nuances of fructose biochemistry and human physiology."[1]

Monday May 13th -

"... sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination make upon one's entire system.":[2]

THE SUGAR BLUES By William Dufty
A Review By dAvE@whenthenewsstops

"This book has changed my outlook completely about what I will allow in my body ... I can highly recommend this book; you will see improved changes in your outlook on your life and personal health once reading this. ... This book is enlightening and empowering."[3]


I felt "honored" to have met a student journalist yesterday and since I had just read the above cited New York Times article I immediately thought of how much I appreciated the published journalism of that writer and I mentioned this to the student as well as my synopsis of the article. The student had not heard about how sugar robs the body of nutrients in order to process this "poison". I don't think the student is an exception to the general rule of intended ignorance for students regarding sugar - an ignorance that I am just now realizing extends all the way through the college years! At first the student and I had a small conversation regarding the typical non-use of college textbooks in the class since teachers present their own material and may not even refer to the text book/s. I commented that the text books are big business and profiting the publishing industry. I said maybe a blog needs to be written about that. The student agreed and added that "someone needs to complain".

Now I am thinking: "How about a text book on (the bitter truth of) sugar?" I can imagine that including all the relevant biology, food science, microscopy blood work, and every other science-based approach to showing the real nature of sugar and especially its effect on the human body. Maybe that's a long term project. However, if I had an extra $100 (and ideally as a "down payment") I'd offer that to the student along with my "hot lead" for a potential "bitter sweet story" and suggest starting with a short article written for the college student body to be published in the school's newsletter. That could be a short term goal! Sweet! ; ~ )

I can not tell you just how liberating it is for me not to have any sugar cravings at all! That alone is just one of many wonderful benefits that I enjoy on a daily basis as a result of having eliminated refined sugar from my diet. I have also eliminated refined flour products since they are not much better than refined sugar when the refined carbs are quickly converted into sugar in the body. In another recent blog I've presented the option of sprouted flour. I recommend sprouted flour and sprouted grains because all grains need to be properly prepared, a common practice in traditional cultures.

Modern mechanized food processing had a "better idea" and by-passed the traditional wisdom of the cultures, cutting corners for greater profits! Remember this as an unspoken slogan for virtually all "foods of commerce". Once again: "cutting corners for greater profits"!

"Sugar robs the body of nutrients in order to process this 'poison' and eliminate it from the body." However, that's if the body is fully able to do its job! If you were virtually nursed on sugar (with daily doses throughout your childhood and possibly from "day one") then your body is probably at a disadvantage for this task. In any case refined sugar in the diet is not an easy matter to have to deal with. However it can be dealt with! And now that we have an enormous body of knowledge (thanks in large part to The Weston A. Price Foundation) we have a most nourishing way to overcome the problems that come with having refined sugar in most every processed food.

"According to Kathleen DesMaisons in her book "Potatoes Not Prozac" sugar sensitive people, those who have a more volatile reaction to the substance, usually have low levels of serotonin and low levels of beta endorphins.

The level of beta endorphins have a direct impact on a person’s self esteem, tolerance for pain, sense of connectiveness and to the ability to take personal responsibility for action. It follows that with higher levels of beta endorphins the disease management process would be easier."[4]

Also at -

More about sugar:

Sugars are classified as either simple or complex carbohydrates. Refined sugars such as white, brown, and turbinado sugars, and the unrefined simple sugars, such as fruit sweeteners and concentrated fruit juices, are all simple carbohydrates. The grain syrups: barley malt and brown rice syrup, contain complex carbohydrates besides some simple sugars.

Complex carbohydrates are a string of simple sugars (glucose) strung together that must be broken back down into simple sugars before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream; whereas simple sugars can go directly into the bloodstream.

Ask me about how to eliminate refined sugar. Liberate yourself!

August 1, 2015 -

A Culture of Vast Quantities of Sugar

An envisioned museum of food and drink(MOFAD), that's to be located in New York city, is to have a cereal making puff gun as its first exhibit. Supposedly this is in keeping with what appears to be the ideal vision in the museum's mission statement (regarding food and culture and the like). I'm somewhat relieved that the mission statement doesn't include traditional culture so someone like me doesn't have to point out the discrepancy between modern cereal inventions and wise traditional preparation of grains.

The New Yorker had an article about this:

"... in 1894, John Harvey Kellogg, in charge of Michigan’s Battle Creek Sanitarium, and a believer in the value of a bland diet, invented cornflakes with his brother Will. In 1895, Kellogg filed a patent for 'flaked cereal and the process of creating the same,' which involved passing soaked, cooked grain 'through cold rollers, from which it is removed by carefully-adjusted scrapers.' Will began to sell cereal on his own, in part because he wanted to add sugar to the flakes, initiating both the Kellogg Company as we know it and the process that transformed cereal into a whole-grain delivery mechanism for vast quantities of sugar."

Did you already know this part about the "vast quantities of sugar"?

August 3rd -

A documentary on

"... how sugar was at the heart of slavery in the West Indies in the 18th century, while showing how present-day consumers are slaves to a sugar-based diet."[7]

In another documentary -
"... one would be hard-pressed to find an addiction more commonplace than the one we experience for sugar.[8]

The Anthropology of Food library on Sugar![9] -

includes an article[10] reporting that "tooth decay remains the most common chronic disease in children and adults in the U.S."[11] and "92 percent of adults suffer from some form of tooth decay". I'm not surprised. What may surprise others is the fact that "[s]ugar companies played a large role in shaping early federal research policy on dental care in ways that still hinder American public health, according to an analysis of hundreds of documents tracing an industry advisor's correspondence from the late 1960s."[10] These documents are referred to as "newly discovered cache of industry documents"[12] aka the 'Sugar papers'. The cache "reveals that the sugar industry worked closely with the National Institutes of Health in the 1960s and '70s to develop a federal research program focused on approaches other than sugar reduction to prevent tooth decay in American children."

"In 2007, a doctor handed Cristin Kearns a pamphlet about working with patients with diabetes. The pamphlet offered plenty of dietary advice, but seemed to be missing a major piece.

'It was, "Increase fiber, reduce fat, reduce salt, reduce calories" and it didn’t say anything about reducing sugar,' says Kearns, who holds joint appointments in the University of California-San Francisco’s departments of public health and dentistry. 'It made me wonder if the sugar industry affected diet recommendations.'

That evening, she started scouring the Internet, determined to learn more about sugar industry groups. One thing led to another—at one point, she got a hold of papers from a sugar company that went out of business. Today, she and her colleagues have amassed 1,551 pages' worth of letters, reports, and memos written by staffers and advisors at groups such as the World Sugar Research Organization. After analyzing those documents, Kearns and her team found that cane and beet sugar industry groups indeed do have an effect on federally funded research."[13]

Sugar Industry Influence on the Scientific Agenda of the National Institute of Dental Research’s 1971 National Caries Program: A Historical Analysis of Internal Documents with Abstract, Summary and Conclusions[14]


In my ideal world (presented at my Cheeta Blog[15]) the vast majority of our sugar use serves the purpose of fermenting kombucha. "The sugar in Kombucha is for the culture to consume, not for you. When done fermenting, there will be about 2-6 grams per 8 ounce glass of unflavored Kombucha. By contrast, an 8 ounce glass of orange juice has about 24g of sugar. Natural carrot juices have 13g per 8 ounces. If fermented longer, say for 3 weeks or longer, sugar levels in Kombucha may be even lower".[16] I ferment kombucha for about a month!

The Cheeta food center will make additional fermented beverages produced with sugar. Deserts here are inspired by Nourishing Traditions "featuring eggs, butter, cream, fruit, nuts and whole grains that have been soaked or fermented, along with moderate amounts of natural sweeteners. Natural sweeteners contain high amounts of minerals and other nutrients. ..."

Eliminating added sugar from a Nourishing Traditions diet and regular consumption of kombucha and similar lacto-fermented drinks will naturally (read painlessly) eliminate sugar cravings.

Had the members of the National Institute of Dental Research’s 1971 National Caries Program been aware of the wiser use of sugar (in traditional fermented food production) it could have begun encouraging the food industry to recover more of the many traditional fermented foods thereby supporting healthier diets that naturally minimize per capita added sugar intake and at the same time possibly minimizing Big Sugar's fear of market loss. This imagination may seem beyond attainment on a national level yet it is conceivable and quite doable (in my cookbook) on a community level such a Cheeta! In any case (as it stands now) the U.S. government/big sugar-food corp/big pharma alliance has consistently shown its true colors over the course of the last sixty to a hundred years underscoring humankind's need to recover their own senses and strive for self-reliance. New community-building will support these efforts.

The "Salt, Sugar, and Fat"[17] book by Michael Moss -

“In this meticulously researched book, Michael Moss tells the chilling story of how the food giants have seduced and indoctrinated everyone in this country. He understands a vital and terrifying truth: that we are not just eating fast food when we succumb to the siren song of sugar, fat, and salt. We are fundamentally changing our lives – and the world around us.” - Alice Waters


The essential problem with the fat in “fast food” is that it is the wrong kind of fat. Fat in any food would not be a problem if it were any of the traditional fats. It's the food industry's manufacturing of what has been identified as "waste product"-sourced hydrogenated oils as their "fat" of choice that subsequently has also been identified as causing problems in human health. Likewise the problem with salt in fast (and other) foods is that it is the highest refined salt that's reduced down to pure sodium and that is devoid of the full spectrum of mineral nutrients that are naturally found in unrefined salts. The sugar in fast foods could also be upgraded to natural sugars and added in lesser amounts, especially when more lacto-fermented foods are included in the diet (and people are encouraged to broaden their tastes to included more of the naturally sour and astringent foods - not to mention the bitters vital to good digestion).

“Salt Sugar Fat is a breathtaking feat of reporting. Michael Moss was able to get executives of the world's largest food companies to admit that they have only one job – to maximize sales and profits - and to reveal how they deliberately entice customers by stuffing their products with salt, sugar, and fat. This is a truly important book, and anyone reading it will understand why food corporations cannot be trusted to value health over profits and why we all need to recognize and resist food marketing every time we grocery shop or vote." - Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics and What to Eat.


I do not expect all individuals to have the will to completely “resist”. In fact I make no assumptions about that. Not after having about fifty years of observation (since I first began working in food service). I now realize that conditioning holds sway in the socialized realm of eating. In addition to the individual and their “personal choices” (especially as a “grocery shopper”) - the social realm that immediately surrounds the individual needs to be taken into account. This social environment is where the conditioning influences work the strongest upon the individual and most especially upon anyone with an undefined Heart/Ego/Will Center that is estimated to be 63% of the population. [18]. Here again the need for community is underscored. Individuals with undefined wills can not be expected to withstand the continuous currents of their conditioning fields of both the immediate social environment as well as the programming tactics of food manufactures.

August 5, 2015 -

"According to a study conducted by researchers at the Yale Rudd Centre for Food Policy and Obesity, despite children seeing less than 40 per cent of ads from previous years as a result of censorship and regulation, the overall rate of consumption of sugary drinks remained stagnant."[19]


Once the individual's body chemistry has been altered (if it ever wasn't) there's no need to reinforce the initial programming. The altered brain chemistry takes over the behavior!

August 12, 2015

"The American Beverage Association, one of the primary conduits of sugar into the American bloodstream, is amassing a war chest that's unprecedented in its history."[20]



















[18] The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnell - pg. 88







[25] 0Sugar-Free%20Half%20Century%20%28LdZpbM%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=General%20mailing%20list&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjaGVmQHRoZXNldHJ1dGhzLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogImNLZmtwayJ9




SUGAR, health, Robert Lustig, fructose, glucose, foods of commerce, industrialized food, cornflakes, cereal, culture, serotonin, endorphins, big sugar, slavery, slaves, sugar-based diet, sugar addiction, Detoxing, sugar lobby, Sugar Industry, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, elevated lipids, heart disease, Alzheimer’s


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Comments (25 of 110):
Re: FDA Budget, Di… Chef-… 12 mon
Re: "Got Coconut O… Chef-… 2 y
Re: FDA & The Pent… Chef-… 4 y
Re: "Brain Tumor" … Chef-… 5 y
Re: Chef Jem Now T… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Got Coconut Oi… kermi… 5 y
Re: Cod Liver Oil … justg… 5 y
Re: Cod Liver Oil … justg… 5 y
Re: Research By: C… kermi… 6 y
Re: Heart Disease … Chef … 7 y
Re: Why Cancer Is … piniK… 8 y
Re: Organic Laws f… vaira… 8 y
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Re: "Brain Tumor" … hopna… 9 y
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Re: Easy Fat Diges… #1176… 10 y
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Re: These Authors … jwan 10 y
Re: Big Fat Miracl… kermi… 10 y
Re: So Much of You… every… 11 y
Re: FDA & The Pent… refre… 13 y
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