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by kerminator

The sands of time!

If we can't or won't do something to correct our course in this earthly life then we have only ourselves to blame for any grief that will follow! As the sands of times pass on!

Date:   9/1/2010 9:09:29 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 49907 times


The sands of time!

Posted: September 1st, 2010, 

While most Americans  seem to want, a peaceful productive nation; it is not happening…  why?

As a nation, we have moved from being freedom fighters to comfort lovers, and it is time for all liberty-loving Americans to realize where our present state of affairs is taking us. It is time to choose the kind of country in which we want to live — whether we want to live under the rule of law or under the rule of corrupt man.
The choice is simple: It is either;  a world of standards and morality, self-government and accountability to God or a world of tyranny and ever-changing moral codes enforced by whines  of through government controls.
How can Americans take back their nation?

The only way we can reestablish our freedom — our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – is to break the hammerlock of Satanism and the notion that moral relativism holds the answers to ordering people’s passions and behavior… The present day Drug culture in the Western World is fed by the thoughtless group who seek some form of temporary personal pleasure at all costs…

Then you add in some of the most recent immigrants;  who want to make this country, but just like the ones from which they came….  One of the main reasons people came to the United States was to escape the old system and start a new…  Yet they have come here with only one reason in mind, that is to make it just like where they came from…

If that is the case or your agenda then, stop and go back to where ever you foreigners think is so wonderful and just stay there…  The US was set up to be a free country, not ruled by any special groups or religious governments…

ex.   Like the Islamic laws and government! { Which is a very controlling system! }

As the sands of time run onward, we, the concerned citizens of the United States of America must learn how to protect and defend our principles and freedoms or they will be lose as is in most of the world!  Lets clean up this country, and start to make it be like a shining city upon a hill, a place for all to see and want to be!

There would not be any Drug problem here,  if so many of the American people did not buy the dope, crime would be almost non existence, and there would not be many of the woes and grief in society... Then if we eliminated greed and selfishness, the economy and production from honest work would life would put most people back to work…   The solution is crystal clear, if we get our country back to the ways of attempted Righteous Living, as outlined by God; then all the other problems would not be so prevalent!  HUH!

Please remember one of the most quoted scriptures:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” -2nd Chronicles 7:14

**   2nd Chronicles 7:14  is one of the most quoted Scriptures from the Word of God.  This verse contains the remedy for America.  It contains a PROMISE from God Almighty, but it’s a “conditional” promise (i.e., there are conditions which WE must first meet as believers).  If we meet the conditions, then God will honor His promise.  Here are the conditions:

  1. Humble ourselves
  2. Pray
  3. Seek God’s face
  4. Turn from our wicked ways

These four conditions are naturally progressive in order.  In other words, a person won’t pray if they are not humble.  A person who does not humble them self and pray cannot seek God’s face.  A person who is not seeking God’s face will not turn from their wicked sins.  So there is a divine order here, and it all begins with humility and thanksgiving towards God on our part.  When we are humbled, then we will turn to God in prayer and seek God’s presence in our life.  As we GROW in the Spirit by walking with God, He WILL influence us and rub off on us.  Thus, we will become more like Jesus, loving righteousness and hating iniquity.

The Sin of Complacency

One of the most wicked sins of Christians in America is complacency.  Most Christians are woefully guilty of apathy and indifference.  This is exactly why wickedness has flourished in America.

Yes, America can be healed, but she has lapsed into a spiritual coma that only red-hot uncompromising Biblical preaching can bring her out of.  Most Christians seem to live on the Love Boat (the TV series), they run away from anything that might bring them difficulty or persecution. 

The Bible declares that anyone who lives for God WILL face certain persecution…”Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2nd Timothy 3:12).  The Christian life is a cross-bearing life.

 ** Lets measure how well America’s Christians are doing, then simply look at the level of persecution.  Though we receive news reports here and there of Christians who are faithfully fighting the good fight of faith, MOST Christians in America don’t know what “persecution” really means.  Instead of preaching out against “homosexual marriages,” Christianity Today magazine thinks we should be more loving and understanding towards the LGBT community.  Instead of exposing the Satanic evils of Harry Potter, Christianity Today magazine actually gave the witchcraft series a positive review.  Do you see, we have not turned from our wicked ways in America.

The average church administration cares more about the Sunday offerings than they do about the people in the local community.  Even worse, America’s Christians are living in DENIAL of their apostate condition. 

Can we say  many are Lazy?  Many people “pray about the abortion issue.”   But do they actually go down the street to the nearby aboration clinic and try to do something about it.  Posters picturing aborted babies has been PROVEN to deter some women from having abortions.  What is wrong with America’s people? 

Believers Who Don’t care

What will it take America?  What will it take to open your eyes? 

What will it take to remove your blinders to the truth?  America is going to hell because of dead churches, because of Christians who play the church game without ever doing anything to fight against sin and evil. 

Backslidden Bible Colleges

It’s so frustrating to know that there is such a deadbeat for thousands of young people in a Bible college.  What are Bible colleges thinking these days?  They are hiring the wrong people!  They should have people who care more about the Truth of God (Right) in our lives than the false pursuit of pleasure (Wrong) in life! 

   Most young people today are more concerned about job security than they are about serving God.  Listen folks, there is not any job security in the ministry…none!  In fact, there’s not really much job security in most any job today…secular or ministerial. 

Most college-aged young people are being supported by their parents, and their parents are primarily concerned about their kid eating when he/she finishes school (understandably).  But as America plunges deeper and deeper into the immoral abyss, Bible colleges are increasingly pressured to compromise their standards in order to maintain enough enrollment to pay the bills.  That is the natural trend of Bible colleges to spiritually deteriorate over time.  Lose in the sands of time!

It’s a sad fact, Bible college administrations oftentimes compromise their integrity to attract more students who are more worldly.  It’s hard to imagine that many of the great universities both here and in Europe were actually started by Christian people based on Christian principles....   Just check the background of if not all most of the Major Universities, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc; and find their Christian roots... 

If My People…

If America is going to be changed, we need a whole new breed of believers.  The television believer isn’t going to change America.  The NIV (New International Version) believer isn’t going to change America for God.  The Sunday only believer isn’t going to do it. 

We need men and women with backbone…guts!  Until you come to the place in your Christian life where you’re willing to lose something (perhaps even everything) for the cause of Christ, then you will never do much for God or country.  Fear prevents believers from taking a stand, from jumping into the deep for God, from going against the crowd, from standing alone, from sharing the truth to a hostile world.

Please don’t misunderstand me, anyone can serve God…even cowards.  Perhaps you can only give out Gospel tracts anonymously because you’re afraid of people.  That’s OK!  Everyone is different. We all have a calling, do you know what your's is? 

  If America is going to be brought back to God and saved from utter destruction, then we’re going to need fearless men of God;  like Billy Sunday to stand up and preach the Word of God uncompromisingly against sin.  Satan’s crowd has near total control of the TV and radio. 

We need thousands of Christian websites, like this one, to take a stand for God on the Internet.  Join me as we fight to proclaim the truth, especially the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God is waiting!  God is listening and watching!  If you’re humble enough to pray and seek God’s face, then do it.  The result should cause you to want to please God by living a righteous life, and to equally hate sin and speak out against it. 

God deliver us from the hordes of professed Christians who have no zeal for God, little concern over right or wrong, and no hostility against sin.  America is going to hell because of church-going believers who have NO PASSION about the things of God. 

What is God concerned about?  God is concerned about the poor.  God is concerned about the broken-hearted.  God is concerned about the exploited.  God is concerned about the robbed and betrayed.  God is concerned about the unemployed.  And God is hateful against all the sins which cause these evils in society.  God hates the murderous abortion industry.  God hates the murderous alcohol industry and liquor trafficking.  God hates the scandalous,  God hates the enslaving,  God hates corruption, God hates all the adulterous, lewd, and violent movies and books.  God hates torture and murder of many innocent souls because they do not accept the Islamic religion...  God hates the evil actions of the world, most done on the  basis of LIES.  God hates the Harry Potter series and all the perverted entertainment which promotes witchcraft.

  God hates homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality.  God hates the hellish rock music industry.  God hates the adulterous music industry.  God hates the lying propaganda of the news media.  God hates the lobbying law firms that channel the filthy lucre into the hands of Washington politicians, selling out their fellow Americans.  God hates lying.

Yes, God hates sin and all forms of wickedness.  If we are to truly TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS, then let us start by standing out against all the many great evils of our day.  God is NOT pleased with a generation of shameful believers who carry no cross, who stand for nothing, who are never anger at the wicked, who sit ideally by,  who never fight for what is right, who try to kowtow with the wicked, who compromise in an attempt not to offend the wicked, who endorse witchcraft, who think that compromise is love, who think contending for the faith is hate, who do nothing for God except criticize those of any one who are getting the job done. 

It’s our job to get the truth out.  It’s our duty as American citizens to protest the blatant evils being committed by our own government.  Separation of church and state does NOT mean separation of citizens from their own government.  America’s churches are composed of CITIZENS who need to start using their strength in numbers to get the government’s and media’s attention. 

Look at what one man, Michael Marcavage, has accomplished at Repent America has sparked a revival of old fashioned preaching and Christ-honoring efforts all around the country.  Just think what a handful of like-minded churches could do?  Thank God for churches like the Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Florida …


 As the sands of time pass on what are you doing, friend?



What are you going to do about it?

Notice what God says in 2nd Chronicles 7:15…

“Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.” -2nd Chronicles 7:15

Much of this message (from ** down) is from the Lighthouse Baptist Church Site


The sands of time move onward! 

Where will you spend Eternity?  With God or the Satan?  You choose!


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