Blog: The Crescent Moon Shines On Us All
by mo123

Sick today - Give Charity

My friend called me today from the hospital that she needed me to pray for her. Learn how to get your prayer accepted and when to give charity.

Date:   3/17/2009 5:26:15 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1674 times

There is a tradition and a way of our prophet to give charity when you are sick.

The prophet (PBUH) said, 'Cure your sick people with Sadaqa (i.e. charity)!' That's why the righteous Muslims used to cure themselves in time of sickness with giving charities! One of the early righteous Muslims whose name is Ar-Rabe'e has been afflicted by Al-Faalig (i.e. Hemiplegia) and was suffering from that disease for sometime. One day his wife grilled him a chicken and baked some fresh bread, which he used to love so much... Resisting the temptation of his favorite dish, he asked her to give the food to one of the poor as a charity, saying 'I would like to give the poor what I love most, that may Allah accept my charity and reward me with what is better than that'. His wife suggested that she would keep the food for him, and instead give some money to the poor which equals the same price of the food. Ar-Rabe'e asked her to bring the money, and when she did, he asked her to put them all together (the money, the grilled chicken and the fresh bread) and give them all to the poor!! This was the attitude of Muslims towards giving charities, while lots of people nowadays spend enormous amounts of money on the doctors and medications neglecting the importance of a charity that might not even make a noticeable difference in their wealth.

In the Hereafter, the charity could be the reason for protecting oneself from Hell-Fire even if it was as small as a piece of date! The prophet (PBUH) said, 'There will be none among you but will be talked to by Allah on the Day of Resurrection, without there being an interpreter between him and Allah. He will look and see nothing ahead of him, and then he will look (again) in front of him, and (only) the Hell Fire will confront him. So, whoever among you can save himself from the Fire, should do so even with one half of a date (means: even if all what you can give as charity is one half of a date)'. Allah SWT has praised those who make a constant right in their wealth for the poor and has promised them multiplied rewards for their charity. He SWT said, 'Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply it many times?' (2: 245). The prophet (PBUH) also said: 'If one gives in charity that equals one date-fruit from money that is earned in lawful way, and Allah only accepts what is lawful, Allah shall take it in His right (hand) and then enlarges it's reward for that person (who has given it), just like any of you who brings up his baby horse, so much so that it (i.e. the charity) becomes as big as a mountain'. What we now spend as a charity for Allah's sake is what remains with us after death, however, what we spend for our worldly pleasures vanishes and goes away. A'isha (the prophet's wife, may Allah be pleased with her) reported that they once slaughtered a sheep, and then distributed all parts of the sheep as a charity except for the shoulder which she kept for them. When the prophet (PBUH) asked her about what remained from the sheep (after distributing it), she said 'Nothing remained except for the shoulder', so the prophet (PBUH) commented 'Everything remained except for the shoulder!!'

However, for the charity to be accepted and to achieve it's goals, the Believer must consider some essential manners when giving the charity. First of all, the charity must be given from money that is earned in a lawful way. Allah SWT says, 'O ye who believe, spend from what you (lawfully) earned' (2: 267). And the prophet (PBUH) said: 'God is Tayyib, and He only accepts what is Tayyib', (the word Tayyib means lawful, pure, good, ..etc.).

Second, when giving a charity, the believer must purify his intention and make his purpose just for the sake of gaining Allah's pleasure and reward with this charity, not anything else (such as worldly benefits, fame, good reputation, ..etc.). The prophet (PBUH) said, 'All deeds are based on the intention and everyone will be rewarded according to what he intended (from his action)' And he (PBUH) said, 'Nothing that you spend for Allah's sake but you will be rewarded for it, even the food that you raise up to your wife's mouth'. God SWT praised those who give for His sake without expecting any benefit from the people who receive the charity, He SWT said, 'And they give food (in spite of their love for it) to the poor, the orphan and the captive. Saying; we feed you seeking Allah's countenance only, we wish for no reward nor thanks from you' (76: 8 & 9). Any of our daily actions could be turned into a worshipping activity if it is done purely for Allah's sake, and vice versa: any worshipping activity could be rejected by Allah if it is done for any other purpose rather than pleasing Him.

Third, the believer should hurry up with giving the charity and should not delay it without a specific reason. It is also much better for the Muslim to give charities during his life when in need of money, than to wait until death comes to him, then he commands his inheritors to give the charity on his behalf. The prophet (PBUH) was once asked about the best of all charities, so he said; 'The best charity is what you give during your life while you are in need of it.'

Fourth, it is more fitting for the Muslim to give the charity from his best possessions that which he loves most. This actually is the opposite of what many people nowadays do, as they only give their old rusty possessions as if they are trying to get rid of them! Allah SWT says in the Holy Book, 'By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely as a charity) from that which you love; and whatever you spend Allah knows it well.' (3: 92). However, this does not mean that one should lessen the value of his charity if he only has little to give. The prophet (PBUH) once said to his companions, 'One Dirhem could be better in reward than one hundred thousand Dirhems!' a man asked, 'And how is that, messenger of Allah?!' He (PBUH) replied, 'a wealthy man takes one hundred thousand Dirhems which is one part of his wealth and gives it as a charity, while a poor man who only has two Dirhems pays one of them as a charity.' And it was reported that A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her) once gave a piece of date as a charity when this was all what she had. Whatever that you do, big or small, will be put in your account, even if it was as tiny as the weight of an atom. Allah SWT says, 'Whoever does an atom weight of good he shall see it (in his book), and whoever does an atom weight of evil he shall see it' (99: 7 & 8).

Fifth: The believer must hide his charity and do his best not to let anyone know about it to avoid falling into Riya'a (i.e. showing up one's good deeds to others and doing the good deeds for other than Allah's Sake). The prophet (PBUH) said: 'Seven (types of) people will be covered with Allah's shade on a day when there is no shade but His Shade, (from among them) a man who gives a charity hiding it, that (even) his left hand does not know what his right hand has spent'. Saying that your left hand does not know what your right hand has spent is a form of expression that indicates how careful you should be when giving a charity not letting anyone notice what you're doing. It would even be better to hide your identity from the one who is receiving the charity, when possible, so as to protect the receiver's dignity and save him from feeling shameful or humiliated. One of the righteous successors used to give a constant charity to the scholars who were known to be poor at his time, and in order to hide his identity and protect them from the embarrassment he used to wait until they enter the mosque for one of the daily prayers, then put the money inside their slippers! The scholars never knew his true identity until only when he died and they found out that the charity they used to receive on a constant basis all of a sudden stopped!!

Sixth: The believer must not follow his charity by harming the one who is receiving it, nor should he keep on reminding him of his generosity. Hurting the one who receives a charity by any mean would only nullify (i.e. cancel) the reward of the charity, as Allah SWT indicated in His Holy Book, 'O you who believe, cancel not your charities by reminders of your generosity, or by harm' (2: 264).

Seventh: When one can not (or do not want to) give a charity to a person who is asking for it, he then should only say a kind word to him, and should not by any mean hurt his feelings. Allah SWT said, 'Kind words and forgiveness are better than a charity followed by injury' (2: 263).

May Allah SWT lighten our way and help us get use of the golden opportunities of this holy month.. ameen.

*****So my friend called me today from the hospital and wanted me to pray for her as she was very sick. I knew something was very wrong so I run to her house and she was very sick. She again ask me to pray for her and hands me some money. I told her, what is this for and she reminded that a sick person must give charity. So I took it and prayed for her. She is one of my closest friends and I hope that all of you would pray for her also. She is Um Mohammad. She was in the hospital for 6 days with pneumonia.

We believe the prayer of the poor and the oppressed and I am definitely oppressed is heard directly without any views between us and our Lord. Usually when you pray there is 1000 veils between Allah and the people. For surely if anyone saw God the mountains would crumble.

So in order to get your prayer heard this is what you must do:

Why Our Dua's are not accepted
Hi Everyone
I just wanted to share a couple of notes , in which I took while listening to a lecture. This is based on “Why Our Dua’s Are not Accepted” by “Kamal Al-Makki” . I have the original cd, so if anyone wants to listen to it, I am willing to share. Just message me.

Allah says in the Quran “call on me( dua ) and I will answer you” Allah ( s.w.t) is near to you , in the sense when you call he hears you ( dua ).

Note*Allah ( S.W.T) is the most generous . No one is too young to make a connection and relationship with Allah ( s.w.t)

The Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w) said in a hadith:” Get to know Allah ( s.w.t) in times of ease(when everything is good) and he will get to know you at times of difficulty.”
Always have a connection with Allan (s.w.t) when everything in your life is going great ( ie. Make dua even if you do not need anything, give thanks,etc) and Allan (s.w.t) will surely help you when you’re in difficulty. Do not just call upon Allah ( s.w.t) when you’re just in need.

In a hadith,Prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W) said whenever a Muslim on earth makes duah, then Allah will grant him what he asked for on this world.

Secondly, Allah ( s.w.t) may save you from an evil that was going to happen to you.

The third, is when a Muslim turns his face towards Allah ( s.w.t) and asks him something , Allah ( s.w.t) will either give it to him in this life or the next.

Etiquettes in making a duah
When you call upon Allah (s.w.t):

1.)You should ask Allah ( s.w.t) sincerely and purely ( meaning you call Allah (s.w.t) alone) Do not associate anyone else with in the dua .

2.) You ask Allah ( s.w.t) knowing you will get an answer .Meaning you should be sure that you will get your dua because Allah (s.w.t) is the most generous. Do not put options in your Dua’s.Your heart should be there and you should believe that your dua will be granted.

Better ways on making Dua
1.)One of the better ways of making dua is facing the Qiblah,( its better but not a must)

2.)It is better to have wudu before you make a dua. ( Its better but not a must)

3.)Making sure what you eat is halal and you got it in halal ways ( for example, don’t eat pork, non halal meat, beer, don’t steal food, haram money , etc)Make sure everything is Halal!

Some additional notes include
Before your ready to make your dua, you should start off with praising Allan ( s.w.t)
It’s always good to make dua for another person. Meaning asking for paradise for someone else, etc.

Manners ( reasons why your dua’s are not accepted)
1.)When your impatient while making a dua. Be patient while making dua always.
2.)Becoming too specific while making a dua . Always keep your dua’s general

Etiquettes while making dua
Raising your hands ( it doesn’t have to be your hands)

There are three ways in which Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) used to make dua

1.)Put your hands up, meaning the inside of your palms should be towards your face.
2.) Raise your hands, high meaning the back of your hands should be facing the sky
3.)Raise one finger ( not sure how, in my opinion)

Times dua’s are accepted ( meaning if you make it during these times, your dua might be accepted)

1.)The last quarter of the night
Meaning from maghrib to fajr, the last 3rd of the night ( for example if Maghrib is 6 and Fajr is 6 , than 12 hours are in between, break that into thirds you should make dua at 2 am)
Allah ( s.w.t) in his greatness, asks “ is there anyone asking anything so I can give it to him?” So why not wake up and make dua’s. Ask for the good , for this life and the hereafter. Keep asking Allah (s.w.t), even if it’s something simple in which you can do yourself. Always keep a connection with Allah ( s.w.t).

Other times are good time are the following:
After your salah
After breaking your fast
The last hour of Jummah
During Leyla al-Qadr
When you’re in sujud while praying, make it longer and ask ( meaning your closest to Allah (s.a.w.) then)
When you’re travelling
While you’re in Salah , before the tasleen
After the athan

Hope everyone learns from this inshallah.


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