My Enchanted Garden Onion
by Chef JeM
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Psyche & Health in the E.G.O.   6 y  
I reckon that the door to psychopathy must have been left open.
January 16, 2024 - On 2024-01-15 17:13, ……… wrote: ”Most work/trades are 25 hrs a week, just for some perspective.” This blog-writer replied: ”Thanks again for your reply here! I accept that this is your perspective. In case it might be of interest to you ...: (here’s) another perspective that is reality-based on ... actual work-trade experiences that had afforded (this writer) a number of tremendously sweeter arrangements than apparently is even possible here at this time. However (this writer) didn’t return here for a sweet arrangement but primarily for ”community” th ...   read more

Feng Shui Inside "The Onion"   6 y  
When the Karma of a Building Needs to Be Swept
December 22, 2023 - When the Karma of a Building Needs to Be Swept - “The relationship between humanity and the environment is reciprocal. Buildings are affected by their inhabitants and the activities that go on inside them. In fengshui, we recognize that each building carries its own karma, which is the effects caused by activity that went on in the building in the past. Even when the inhabitants vacated the house, these effects remain and will affect the fortunes of the new occupants. Buildings that have good karma are those that have been occupied by honest and prosperou ...   read more

Human Design Inside "The Onion"   7 y  
The Daily Transit - Sun transits through the hexagrams according to the Human Design System.
December 19, 2023 - Individuality in Relation to the Tribal/Collective - “... Individuality has both the capacity and the responsibility to be a force for change in the world, to bring mutation to the Tribe and the Collective. The challenge is to do so without being rejected by either group. The Individual Circuit Group is the most complex …, and encompasses the frequencies of all nine (Human Design) centers. It is oriented to the present moment with attention focused on listening to the beat of its own drum, and its determination to follow its own direction. The Individual’s drive ...   read more

The Relationship Bargain   7 y  
My Human Design Gate 40, the love of work
August 17, 2018 - My ”Channel of Community” - The ”Interpersonal” description for this channel says ”A strong, adaptable and clear bargain is needed if the channel of community is to hold ...”. A ”bargain” is an agreement.[1] An agreement is a ”meeting of the minds”[2] and utterly dependent upon clear communication. It’s the clear communication that makes for a ”clear bargain”. The more complete the communication the more likely there can be a strong agreement/bargain. However, changes are inevitable and therefore agreements and their bargains may require periodic reviews and possib ...   read more

You Burn Incense... It’s Good, But It Is Not Enough   7 y  
If you want to attract the angels ... you must learn to exhale the fragrance of purity and holiness.
”...the soul of a virtuous person gives off a scent, and that scent attracts the angels, it attracts the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descends only into a soul in which it can inhale the scent. It is therefore very important for us to manage, through our spiritual work, to improve the quality of our scent, that is to say, our psychic emanations, not so much to attract humans, but to attract friends from the invisible world. Why not offer them this joy?”[1] *** May 10, 2017 - ”Love between human beings can often be compared to an old wood stove whose smoke is constantly blackening th ...   read more

The Necessity for Pausing, Pivoting and Aligning Within   7 y  
Taking responsibility for our own onion layers.
July 1, 2020 - Pausing When Eating - This blog-writer has an acute sensitivity to perceiving the way in which others eat. For instance he feels a compulsion to leave the kitchen asap when others eat while standing at a counter or at the refrigerator while holding the refrigerator door open. It amazes him that people do not sit at a table so they can more fully relax, give their best attention to just the food they are eating rather then have their attention divided while multi-tasking. “… the emotions we feel while eating have an especially profound impact on the subtle body. For exa ...   read more

Seven-Centered Beings Invented Lying   7 y  
Madness that's been inherited psychologically from the seven-centered being.
A couple days ago I had a conversation with a ”fellow gardener” whom we had interviewed several months earlier with questions including health conditions that we should be aware of. It was only the other day when I learned of a health condition that significantly impacts this individual’s life to an extent that it also has some impact of the rest of us or maybe I should just say that it has some impact on me. Within a day I had a kind of epiphany about this - that people who live according to the conditioning of their seven-centered ancestors (seven-centered beings I’m calling SCBs) are l ...   read more

The Karmic Enchanted Onion   7 y  
Numerology reveals the nature of this Garden!
”Every home has a distinct numeric vibration. To calculate your home’s personal number, disregard the street address. Add the house number until you receive a single digit. ... Addresses that add up to 13, 14, 16, and 19 are karmic numbers. ...” The E.G.O. address adds up to one of these ”karmic numbers”! Having this reference now gives objective validation to what I already knew yet had nothing ”to respond” to with this knowingness. Now at least I can note it here and possibly open up to researching the karmic nature of the E,G.O.   visit the page

Garden "Pests"   8 y  
Coming to terms with 3D reality in the midst of all the "enchantment".
June 15, 2018 - There might be only one ”fellow gardener” (LOL) who could possibly appreciate the following quote - but I do not ”hold my breath” about that!: ”... It takes 7 to 10 days for a mosquito to mature from an egg to an adult. So, if you empty and replace the water in your bird bath at least every five days, mosquitoes will not be able to complete their life cycle. Fresh water is also healthier for the birds who visit the bath as well!”[5] A number of days ago this ”one ’fellow gardener’ (LOL)” resounded their concerns about infectious disease arising from parts of natur ...   read more

My Onion   8 y  
Resending resentment.
December 14, 2023 - Unauthentic ”Community” - Although this blog-writer originally returned over fifteen years ago to live in ”community” at what at that time was publicly known as: ”The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community” (as published in the ”Communities Directory” - last dates to TBD) after several years of the good faith efforts on the parts of shared contributions by himself and his housemates that were noted in several house meetings for the express purpose of forming our shared vision/mission statements - we discovered (much to our rude awakening) that this actually was not a ...   read more

Emotional CPR (eCPR)   8 y  
" assist others through emotional crisis and regain a sense of hope and purpose in their lives."
Just found this and would like to offer it to ”the garden”.   read more

All The Garden Is A Stage   8 y  
Intelligent people can appreciate the fact that Shakespeare represents deeper meaning than what meets the eye on the shakespearean stage and yet these same intelligent people do not appreciate that all the world is indeed a "stage" and that they themselves have their parts in which they act and in fact ware a mask (i.e. a persona) through which they can act and interact with the world!
November 11, 2023 - The Seed - ”No part of a fruit is more important than the seed, thanks to which you can have thousands of acres of fruit trees (if you actually plant the seeds and then care for the new life day by day for several years and beyond). For nature, the essential part of a fruit is the seed; the seed or the pit is all it cares about. If nature has wrapped them in a little flesh, it is simply a way of attracting birds and people so that they will plant those seeds. (LOL) Symbolically speaking, the seed or the pit represents the spirit; the flesh represents the spac ...   read more

"Thought for the day" Posts   8 y  
Teachings (Omraam & others) that may especially relate to this "Onion".
December 27, 2023 - The Creative Word - A word is a vehicle for a force, and the more fully it is impregnated with the creative element of light, the more potent will be its effect.[59] - *** December 7, 2023 - ”...The life of a true educator must exemplify the qualities and virtues they want to teach to others; they must emanate something contagious, stimulating and irresistible! ...”[58] - *** November 28, 2023 - ”... people love someone who, little by little, turns out to be dishonest, unjust and cruel, and then they are faced with a dilemma: must they make the effor ...   read more

Questions of Willingness (Will Be Resolved With Divine Will)   8 y  
I'm already choosing my "Third Agreement" not to make any assumptions about the willingness of others!
I am grateful for the steps that are being taken toward a new vision. I’m also aware that vision alone is not enough. Willingness is required to enact the new. ”...there are countless occupants that humans have to deal with, all the instinctive impulses they have to learn to resist: jealousy, anger, bitterness, greed, gluttony, sensuality, pride, vanity, and so on. But of all the possible occupants, the most dangerous is without doubt laziness. Why? Because it grips the will.”[1] *** I think gratitude can support our willingness to make change. In any case I highly recommend practic ...   read more

One "Gardener's" Hope for New Vision/New Mission   8 y  
Contemplations for our very own "High Ideal Vision".
On or about May 7, 2016 - Yesterday a few of my fellow gardeners and I had conversation on writing a new vision and mission statement. We now have a ”homework assignment” to write our ideas on 3x5 cards to submit the next time we meet. I offered a distinction between Vision and Mission. Vision is who we envision ourselves to be and thereby who we are becoming by way of our new birth! This Vision can be applied both individually and as a ”tribe”. I personally want to express the highest vision of who I am and of who I am becoming. Mission is what we do, what we contribute, the path we ...   read more

The Essential Need For A Spiritual Ideal   8 y  
The New Harmonic Convergence
April 26, 2016 - I’m amazed at the many synchronicities that appear in my life! I’m so grateful for the synchronistic messages that I very often receive from the Omraam community including the following current one. ”People accumulate so much that is useless and even harmful in their head and heart. Why? Because they don’t know how to sort things. They accumulate everything indiscriminately, whether it be good, bad, useful, useless, essential or superfluous. And then they complain, ‘I am trying hard, so why am I not progressing? Why am I not getting anywhere?’ Well, the reason is ver ...   read more

The Ability to Transcend The Conflicts and Pressure   8 y  
I don't lean completely unto my own understanding and especially with a shared "Enchanted Onion". Therefor I deeply appreciate the gift from the higher realms in the form of the Sabian Symbols.
May 6, 2018 - There is at least one ”fellow gardener” who can probably relate to this: Sometimes, you go climbing in the mountains. You must have noticed that it is the rough edges of the rocks that enable you to climb. How could you do so if the rocks were smooth? So, why is it that you fail to apply what you know about rock-climbing to this great journey called life that is much more meaningful? Why do you want your life to be smooth, and free of rough edges? In such conditions, you will never reach the top, and more importantly, you will tumble on your way down! Luckily for you, lif ...   read more

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The journal of Chef Jemichel on his journey of high ideals. This Blog could also be known under the acronym of EGO! In any case it’s a mighty big onion! more...

Last Activity: 5 mon ago
50 Messages   Last message 5 mon ago
3 Comments   Last comment 6 mon ago

viewed 97,306 times
Created: 9 y   Nov 24 2015


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Son of Truth of Self  4 mon  (728)
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  10 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  10 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  66 d  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  21 mon  (65)
Psyche & Health  23 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
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